Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 883: unbelievable

McCann, Western Desert State, in an underground base.

In a large conference room, the audience was full, and the stage was deserted.

On the big screen on the wall, scenes are being played.

In the scene, classrooms pass by, and through the glass, one can see young oriental faces, all of them listening to the class attentively.

There was no sound on the big screen, but the participants were watching carefully.

Then the scene changed, the wooden house burned, the people screamed, and a scene of hell.

All kinds of monsters, haunting, hunting civilians.

The red sun hangs high, and the ground is stained with blood.

"Look at it, look at it, it's just 200 and 50 years since McCann's founding, and it's breaking my heart that we've made it like this."

"East Continent has been established for five thousand years. Instead of being corrupt, it is prosperous. We have concentrated the essence and civilization of the entire world. Why did we get to where we are today?"

A voice suddenly sounded from below the big screen.

Everyone looked up, and the speaker was an old man with messy hair and a white coat.

That was Dr. Stein who had been silent for a long time.

Ever since Eagle Castle decided to compromise on the disaster and surrendered to the Colossus State, he took people away from there.

He also knew that the technical achievements of intubation at the back of his head were used by those people as a bargaining chip and given to the calamities.

But he didn't stay down, and now he's in one place again, gathering supporters and finding more allies.

"I haven't slept well for three months in a row. Every time I open my eyes, I can hear the cries of children and the screams of adults."

"I could have closed my eyes, plugged my ears, and been just a research tool. But I can't, because I still want to save humanity!"

"I thought and thought, what can save us, what can save the world, there are only four words in the end... Thought branding!"

"Before I was only addicted to technology, but ignored people's hearts. That's why I failed in the past."

"In the future, the technology to be announced by my team and I can only be learned by passing the ideological appraisal and branding the ideology to save mankind."

If Wen Rensheng heard about Dr. Stein's words, he would definitely burst into laughter.

The way of thinking of human beings is really easy to be the same. Even though the two worlds are completely different, in the face of an equally powerful and invincible enemy, they have also developed technologies such as thought stamps...

In a corner of the large conference room, a group of special audiences gathered here, including old and young, men and women, and the common ground was that they were all ordinary people.

"He's a lunatic..." a young woman whispered. "He actually wants to control people's minds? This is something the most vicious and brutal tyrant can't do."

"Birch, you have to remember that at the most dangerous juncture, only the most radical, resolute, and sharp faith can overcome the crisis." An old man's eyes flashed, revealing his thoughts of approval.

"However, Father Maple, that would bring a lot of hidden dangers. Using this technique, he could transform into a being more terrifying than a demon at any time." The young woman retorted.

"Yes, there will definitely be hidden dangers, but we are not gods!" Father Maple said through gritted teeth, "It is impossible for us to predict in advance how much force we should use to overcome the crisis. We can only make up for it after the fact. The damage caused by overexertion. If we hesitate beforehand, there will only be one result in the end, and that is failure due to underexertion."

By the way, the reading app I've been using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] has many sources of books, all books, and updates quickly!

It turned out that this group of people were the people of the Destiny Society. They were the same people that Wen Rensheng heard about before. They were going to carry out a common action in McCann.

After brewing for so long, it is finally time to enter the implementation stage.

Now they are looking for allies, and Dr. Stein, who broke with the top of Eagle Fort, and the other team's team, are one of the best allies.

Because the latter has technology, and it is the top technology.

And for some very secret reasons, the top management of Eagle Castle did not kill Dr. Stein completely, although they could easily do it, they instead adopted a laissez-faire approach.

Or that sentence, if everyone is obedient, where is the meaning of the existence of spies and compradors?

"Okay, but I'm still very suspicious of this dirty old man. He said it nicely, but he was only branded with the idea of ​​saving mankind. If he did anything in it, how would we find out?" Birch retorted.

"So we can only use some peripheral personnel to deal with him first, but his technology is very useful. The alien species we cultivated has some signs of being uncontrollable now, and this technology is just needed." Father Maple said seriously.

This is one of the reasons why he has to cooperate with each other.

They got the knowledge of cultivating aliens from Dongzhou, and they worked hard to find a alien and began to cultivate their own aliens.

However, although there is flesh and blood kinship, blood ties, and beliefs, but these can resist the temptation of various interests... lifespan, beauty, money, status, glory, etc.?

He finds it difficult, after all, people's thoughts are determined by material things. Many people did not fall under the cruel punishment of the enemy, but fell into money and wealth, because the latter is a more powerful material force.

"Yeah, people are unpredictable. Although I think he is very reliable, I can't guarantee that he will always be reliable. After all, his power comes from the entire McCann and the Western world, and it grows too fast. After all, there are so many people together. anger and appeal." Birch sighed.

At this time, a thin girl was a little dissatisfied: "But, he has already done a lot of things for us, and he is still our relative. Can't we trust him completely? Should we use such despicable methods?"

"Okay, Bracken, I know you like him, but you have to know that he is not an ordinary person after all, he is an alien, and he has a natural sense of belonging to the group of aliens. If you don't use special means, he will always be Go back to his world instead of fighting for us ordinary people." Birch patted the **** the head and comforted.

"This is really a cruel world. There is no trust between people at all. In an indifferent world and a world of materialistic desires, it is no wonder that so many monsters appear." Bracken lowered her head and said.

"Yeah, this world has long been rotten and rotten. Since the emergence of the class of aliens, people have been naturally divided into two One type oppresses the other type, even if it is done The best Dongzhou is only equal on the surface, but in fact it maintains the unique status of aliens." Father Maple shook his head.

"This problem cannot be solved unless everyone has a share."

"No, it can be solved." At this time, Dr. Stein's words rang in the ears of the people of the Destiny Society.

Without waiting for these people to ask questions, he said to himself:

"The biggest advantage of aliens is actually lifespan and body, but these things can be solved by technological development. As long as ordinary people have the same lifespan as aliens, and the same strength of body and brain, then there is no inequality. , and no one will be overly envious of aliens."

"That's right. In fact, many aliens are also actively promoting the development of science and technology, because they also know that it is too dangerous to rely entirely on mysterious power. After all, people can control and master technology, but they cannot control mysterious power." Dad agreed, then stretched out his hand and shook hands with the other party.

"Yes, that's why we will work together today. I believe that everyone wants to save the world and save the most people, not just for personal honor and wealth." Dr. Stein said seriously.

When Bracken heard this, her mouth twitched, revealing a bit of disdain.

Because she just knew that this doctor who saves mankind one by one, has been married three times, two sons and one daughter are left to the care of his ex-wives, but he doesn't care about it.

Oh, it may be that he paid a lot of child support. Anyway, this doctor is not short of money.

But she really couldn't believe that a person who didn't even care about his own children, how could he be ashamed and save mankind one by one?

Maybe it's because she really doesn't have enough power to understand the thoughts of such a person...

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