Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 18: Mr. Fool wants to cry without tears

"The son of the evil god, the envoy who is about to arrive, and the audience hidden in the dark..." Klein listened to Mr. Demon's broken thoughts, and his expression became more and more solemn.

Tingen City is only a small third-rate city. Before crossing the border, it may not even be considered a third-tier city. The only advantage is that there are a large number of colleges and universities. It is a place like a university town.

Naturally, such a city does not receive much official attention. The strength of the entire Church of the Evernight Goddess in this city is no more than the nightmare of Captain Dunn, a Sequence Seven.

For this city, whether it is the audience who secretly manipulates fate, or the upcoming Aurora Messenger, or the descendant of the fallen creator, it is absolutely unbearable.

But what should I do?

report? Can such unexplained news be recognized? You can't say what you saw when you were divination, right?

Klein paced above the gray fog, thought for a while, and finally spread his spirituality, pulling the demon into the gray fog...

Feeling the crimson light that suddenly spread like a tide in front of him, Snow was slightly startled, and then his spiritual body came to the gray fog.

"You actually chose to pull me up directly? It seems that Klein is still very immature at this point in time!" Snow murmured inwardly, but on the surface he put on a respectful attitude. In the tone of a devout believer:

"Dear Mr. Fool, what is your order?"

"Just ask the instructions? It seems that the demon classmates are very enlightened!" Klein complained bitterly in his heart, and then pretended to be a happy high-ranking person:

"I'm very interested in your previous prayer, would you mind telling me a little bit about it?"

"Follow your wishes." Snow saluted again, and then said:

"You should remember that I once said that two secret prayers once planted a seed in Tingen City. After investigation, I found that this pointed to a fraudster named Lanervus. After a simple After investigation, I decided to disclose his existence to the outer members of the Secret Order. Although the Secret Order and the Aurora Order have no direct hostile relationship, considering their possible layout in Tingen, they would definitely not hope for a evil god. It's here, and the Secret Order itself is really good at finding people."

"But the question is, you're not looking for a member of the Secret Order!" Klein complained frantically, but on the surface he pretended to be listening to a deduction story. He tapped the table with his index finger, and said with interest:

"Nice idea, then what?"

"After I ended the commission, I originally planned to monitor the outer members of the esoteric order to get in touch with the higher-ups of the esoteric order in Tingen, but I accidentally saw a woman who was carrying the true child of the creator. You know, as a Secret Prayer, I am very sensitive to the divinity of the true creator, and I can almost confirm at a glance that he is definitely the descendant of the evil god."

"Heir of the Creator... Female... Lanvus... Wait!" Klein's pupils shrank suddenly, but fortunately, his face was covered by the gray fog, so there was no flaw.

At this moment, he thought of that Ms. Megose again, and one thing became clear—

Why did he "forget" to use Spirit Vision?

It was not forgetting, but his spirituality was warning him!

Warn him not to look directly at God!

"It's so close!" Klein was afraid, but Snow continued:

"I was worried that my existence would be perceived by the descendants of the evil god, so I left there immediately, and then wrote a letter to notify the divine envoy of the Aurora Society. If there is no accident, he should come to Tingen within two to three days, and then take the A lady and the child of the evil **** in her womb, but I don't think it will go so well."

"Oh? Can you tell me why you chose to notify the Aurora Society?" Klein asked in a testy tone. Judging from Mr. Demon's performance these days, he should have no loyalty to the Aurora Society. On the contrary, he can say that he has a very bottom line. He really can't figure out why such a person would choose to report to the Aurora Society in the first place.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Klein said these words, Mr. Snow suddenly gave a big salute in fear, and then said in a nervous tone:

"Respected Mr. Fool, I'm not unfaithful to you, it's just that you don't seem to want us to spread your name, so I don't dare to bother the angel you sit down. In this case, let the angel of the Aurora Society take it away. Heir of the Heretic God is undoubtedly the best choice."

Speaking of which, Snow paused slightly, as if he was observing Mr. Fool's mood. Seeing that the Fool was not angry because of his impiety, he continued:

"There is no powerful official Beyonder in Tingen City, no matter whether the Punisher, the Heart of Machinery or the Night Watcher, the strongest person is only Sequence Seven. Even if he is in charge of a high-level sealed artifact, he can at most suppress Beyonders below Sequence Five. The news that UU reading detonated in Tingen is likely to be the son of a demigod will undoubtedly cause great casualties.

But Backlund is different. Even if the royal family is not counted, there are at least three angels and a large number of demigods. The birth of the descendant of the evil **** in Backlund will not cause much impact. With a high degree of attention, he left Backlund and arrived in Tingen, which is likely to attract official attention, thereby attracting official Beyonders with a higher sequence. "

"Don't you dare bother my angels? You really value me." Klein muttered in his heart, but he also gave considerable affirmation to Snow's actions.

Just as he was about to find an excuse to end this questioning, Klein suddenly thought of the "audience" again. Snow was so vigilant about this sequence, he always felt that there was some mystery in it.

But if he asks directly, if he doesn't, then his arrogance will fall. After thinking about it for a while, he said in a tone that I have seen through everything:

"anything else?"

"..." Snow laughed in his heart. He wanted to take a step, but he didn't expect Mr. Fool to cooperate so much, so he nodded immediately and said:

"Mr. Fool's insight, in fact, I found that everything that happened in Tingen City was premeditated. A high-sequence audience pathway, or a Beyonder who mastered the audience pathway's high-sequence Beyonder items, planned all this. The so-called The son of the evil **** is just a chess piece he 'made' to achieve his goals. The reason why I try to drag the esoteric order into the water is also to muddy the water. After all, you know, the fortune-teller is the easiest to attract the audience. A group of people who pay attention."

"The mastermind behind Tingen City is an audience? Diviners are the easiest to attract the audience's attention? But Mr. Devil, the fortune-teller you pull into the water is your respected Mr. Fool!"

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