Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 28: Diary of Pandre Dax

"This is not Roselle's diary!" Klein was shocked, but his eyes continued to sweep down along the text—

"On February 5th, the process of collecting the materials for the fortune-tellers went smoothly. Most of the materials can be bought at ordinary occult fans' gatherings, but this ability... is a bit ordinary. I won't be pitted by Roselle. Right? Or is he referring to better, not pure ability?"

Seeing this, Klein moved his eyes up again and looked again at the date in the first row that he ignored—

"February 2nd."

"Three days? That's right, the blood and star crystals of the Lava octopus are not rare materials, but is there no year in this diary? Is it because there is a year in front of it, or is it not written in the year itself?" Klein shook his head lightly, and then Continue to look down-

"On February 6th, the ability of the Diviner's potion needs to be matched with a considerable knowledge of the occult to function. For this reason, I had to start learning those god-like things. Maybe I should have chosen the thief."

"February 7th, the fortune-teller's ability is really useful."

"Hey, this gentleman, you have lost your integrity!" Klein looked at the last sentence, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He really wanted to immediately ask Mr. Devil about the origin of this diary, but he rejected it the next moment.

Once asked, no matter what form it takes, the demon and other members will realize the special nature of this diary.

Suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Klein waved away the notes in his hand, and said in a gentle tone:

"Very good, what do you want in compensation?"

"Just treat it as a 'sacrifice' to repay Mr. Fool for allowing me to pray." Snow said respectfully, which immediately aroused the surprise of Justice and The Hanged Man.

"Sacrificial offerings? Pray? Has Mr. Devil also prayed to Mr. Fool?" Miss Justice still has a limited understanding of the Beyonder circle, and she doesn't quite understand the profound meaning of this. After all, not long ago, she also had I prayed to Mr. Fool for a good dream.

But as an old fritter in the Beyonder circle, the Hanged Man was keenly aware of the key information—

The devil's statement is "allowed", that is to say, is the devil's initiative to believe in the Fool?

Although he has only participated in two Tarot Clubs together, from the knowledge and intelligence network shown in the previous conversation with the devil, the Hanged Man can be sure that even if he is not a member of an ancient family, he must belong to a mysterious organization. Possibly even middle-level.

How could such a person not understand the risks of praying to an unknown existence?

Or, did he decide that praying to the Fool would yield greater rewards than risk?

"In this way, my previous guess is correct, the Fool is indeed an ancient existence, and the family where the devil belongs may well know the information of this existence, and even - originally an organization that believed in this existence! "

Seeing that the etheric body of the Hanged Man began to enter the thinking mode, Klein didn't wait any longer, but said slowly:


Then, he swept his eyes across the justice, the hanged and the devil, and continued:

"You can communicate freely."

Hearing Mr. Fool's words, Audrey, who could not find Roselle's diary, immediately said:

"Mr. Demon, I have already found the tail feathers of the agate peacock and the fangs of the black scale snake that you are looking for. How can I give them to you?"

Of course, I prayed to Mr. Fool!

Snow originally wanted to say this, but he suddenly remembered that Little Sun had not yet joined the society, and Klein had not even digested the diviner's potion. I can't use it now, it's better to let justice keep it...

Just when Snow wanted to say this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and then Mr. Demon had an interesting idea.

Miss Justice in the audience state noticed that Mr. Devil seemed to show a, um, a bit wicked smile, and then said:

"You can find someone to bury them in the woods in Queens of Backlund, and I will pick them up. By the way, the package should be as small as possible."

"He knows my identity?" Miss Justice almost failed to maintain the audience's state, but the next moment, she shook her head—

"Mr. Hanged Man easily judged that I am a Loen nobleman, and Mr. Devil should not be difficult to notice, and now it happens to be the Backlund social season, most of the nobles will be in Backlund, so I choose the queen There seems to be no problem in the district with the most aristocrats. But you still need to pay attention... By the way, you can ask Susie to do it, and you can also observe the other party's appearance by the way."

Although Audrey told herself that it was wrong to secretly investigate the identities of members of the Tarot Club, her curiosity still made her unable to restrain her thoughts. What's more, her identity seemed to be exposed, so it was better to investigate. It's better!

Thinking of this, Audrey finally made up her mind, she nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll let someone do it, but there are five or six woods in Queens, which one are you talking about?"

"You can choose what is convenient for you, but it's better to make an appointment, otherwise it will be bad if you are poached by others."

Snow's tone was very relaxed, UU reading www. Miss Justice of hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said:

"I'll have someone bury the material in the woods on the west side of Queens. You can find it after five o'clock tonight."

Justice and the Devil quickly finalized the details of the deal, and everyone began to share intelligence again. The Hanged Man said a few things at sea at will, but the Devil and Justice were obviously not too interested.

Seeing that the exchange was coming to an end, Klein immediately ended the Tarot Club, but when he returned to reality, he involuntarily recalled the diary.

There is no doubt that this diary came from another traveler. It was only because he also wrote the diary in Chinese characters that Mr. Demon turned it in as Roselle's diary. Judging from the neat notes, I'm afraid it should be the original.

Although it is not impossible for the manuscript to be lost, Klein still feels that this manuscript may have some connection with Mr. Devil.

In mysticism, intuition means that spirituality is giving hints. After Klein realized this, he immediately took out a pen and paper, and wrote down a divination sentence—

"The reason why I think this diary is related to Mr. Demon, I think this diary..."

Repeatedly reciting the divination sentence, Klein activated the dream divination method. The moment his body leaned back, his soul seemed to float out of his body. Then, he saw—or heard a sentence—

"Well, yes, Pan... Well, this was mentioned in a note left by an elder in my family, but that elder didn't leave a corresponding interpretation method, so that's all I know. ."

"The note left by the elder mentioned Roselle's diary... Could it be that this so-called elder is the one who crossed over after Roselle?"

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