Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 5: pray

Accompanied by a black light entering the room, Snow, who was lying on the bed, immediately bounced up, closed the gap in the window, and stretched out his hand to scratch the little guy's chin lightly.

As the little guy hummed "Mi~", the original agility in his eyes gradually faded away, leaving only a little bit of shrewdness, proving that this kitten is not ordinary.

Snow rubbed the little guy's head with a smile, replenished the cat's energy, and then took out a bag of cat food from the suitcase. After the little guy started eating, Snow began to wander again.

Although the plan has already been made, when it is actually implemented, he is still a little hesitant.

I have to admit that this is a dangerous move. Compared with letting Triss go to grab the Antigonus family’s notes, it is better than killing Heinathan Fancent and Sirius Arepis in time. It would be dangerous to face Dunn Smith in a dream.

If you don't pay attention, the next thing waiting for you will be the basement of the Church of the Evernight Goddess.


"There is no other choice."

Snow opened his arms and fell backwards, lying on the bed in a big shape. In all, it has been a month since he crossed.

In other words, it has been a month since he drank the secret prayer potion.

A month is not too long for most Beyonders, but for the secret prayers of the Aurora Society, it is a very dangerous period.

And the reason lies in acting.

For the vast majority of Beyonders, the acting method is a precious treasure. With this skill, they can safely avoid the risk of losing control, but for the Secret Prayer, the acting method is a big pit.

Because secret prayer rules are too straightforward—

Just like its name, as long as you are devout, you just need to pray to the hidden existence.

As a member of the extreme cult organization, the Aurora Society, it is self-evident who to pray to.

But the problem is precisely here.

As a true **** of sequence zero, the real creator belongs to the top group among the hidden existences that can be prayed for. Because of this, the performance feedback obtained by praying to him is simply perfect, even if it is No matter how stupid the secret prayer person is, as long as he prays to him sincerely, within two months, he will be able to completely digest the potion.

But on the other hand, if there is a secret prayer person who has not finished digesting after two months...

That means that he is not religious enough.

As for the extreme cult group like the Aurora Society, if it is labeled as impious, the consequences can be imagined.

During this month, Feng Xuexi also tried to imitate Mr. Ke and prayed to himself, trying to respond to himself through the personality of a white horse instead of a horse, so as to get feedback, but I don’t know because his path does not belong to this The world, or he knew in his heart that he was not a high-ranking existence, or for some other reason, in short, although Snow could use the power of a white horse and not a horse to make a spell, the feedback he received was minimal.

Later, he also thought about whether he could find other acting rules, such as preaching. Although it cannot be said that it is useless, it is better than nothing. Today, the digestion progress of Snow's potion is even less than one-tenth. .

Even the three-year-old, five-year-old protagonist, Mr. Ke, spent a month and a half in the role of Sequence Nine. The month that has passed is already the deadline Snow set for him.

Now, everything has not yet ushered in a turning point, and he has finally arrived, the time to make a choice.

He sealed the room with silver coins infused with spirituality, and Snow took out the three-hundred-year-old silver knife and inserted it on the table. Then, he took the initiative to turn on the white horse and not the horse, and activated the ability to steal the concept of exchange.

Feeling that the spirituality in his body began to pulsate, Snow began to meditate in his heart—

"Derrick was able to directly pray to Mr. Fool by relying on the antiquities in his hand. The knife in my hand is also an antiquity, so I can also directly pray to Mr. Fool through this knife."

Repeated silently several times, this sentence began to turn into layers of whispers that echoed in Snow's ears, accompanied by a tingling pain in his brain, and a trace of connection began to meet somewhere above the dagger and the spiritual world. , and Snow, also began to recite the lines he had already prepared—

"Great being, I ask for your response, I ask for your attention."

"Is it another prayer?" Klein, who was still feeling helpless about "can't understand foreign languages", was about to leave the gray fog, but found that another crimson star began to shrink and expand.

"Isn't there another one who uses the ancient dragon language this time?"

Klein secretly murmured in his heart, but he chose to extend his spirituality and touched the crimson star. Then, a blurred and distorted picture appeared in his field of vision—

It was a young man who could vaguely see broken black hair, and in front of him should be a sterling silver dagger.

Above his head, a white cloud that looks like a horse is looming. I don't know if it is because of the relationship of the sequence or the influence of some extraordinary item.

The young man was wearing relatively homely clothes, and the surrounding environment was simple and tidy, but judging from the furnishings in the house, it should be a guest room of a hotel.

Klein had planned to observe again, but as the voice of the young man entered his ears, he immediately lost interest in watching, because he heard a few words heavily knocked in his heart - "The evil **** is about to come to Tingen."

However, when he was about to listen carefully, he suddenly found that the young man had stood up and said in a dejected tone:

"Failed again, is this ritual really effective? Do I have to report it to the Church of the Righteous God? But I have already... Or, UU Kanshu gave up the glory of the Pandre Dax family and joined the evil god... No, no! It doesn't matter! No way to pray to the true creator..."

Seeing that the young man's words became more and more hysterical, and even the language he used changed from ancient Hermes to Ruen's common language, Klein's brows were furrowed, and he couldn't think of the slightly familiar surname Panredax. He got up, but he understood the words "Righteous God Church", "Report", "True Creator", etc., and then contacted the previous sentence that the evil **** will come to Tingen, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly surfaced in his heart.

It's just that this young man has already left the state of prayer. It doesn't take long before this link will be broken. It seems impossible to rely on secret observation to obtain information.

Taking a deep breath, Klein tapped the edge of the long bronze table, already making up his mind—

Although it was a bit reckless, it was about Tingen, and he had to figure it out.

"Did you fail? It's impossible to succeed all at once. Do you want to do something big tonight, and then use this as an opportunity to sell it to Mr. Fool tomorrow?" It was a bit frustrating, but failure was already in his calculations. With the mentality of making a show and doing a full set, he returned to the table and was about to pull out the dagger when he suddenly saw an explosion in the dagger. Crimson light.

This light was like flowing water, instantly drowning Snow's figure. When he regained his ability to think, he found himself in the midst of the towering power supply supported by huge stone pillars, an ancient and mottled bronze The long table stretched out in front of him. On the opposite side of the long table, a figure shrouded in gray fog was looking at him with an indistinct line of sight.

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