Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 55: Another Tarot Club

After leaving a start-up fund for Mr. "Basic", Snow left the East District. Professional matters must be handled by professional people. He is not good at running a gang, and it is not convenient for him to do it.

Next, he found a young man in the dock area and the factory area as spokespersons who were not in poor physical condition, and gave them the code names of "victory" and "glory" (after all, they were the working class), and he and Like Mr. Basic, he taught them to complete the ritual of asking for gifts.

However, through the gift ceremony, Snow gave these three not only the basic knowledge of ancient Hermes language, holy silver dagger, sacrifice ceremony, etc., but also some extraordinary powers.

Yes, it is extraordinary power.

According to the words of the squid **** in the previous life, Snow, relying on the ritual knowledge brought by the secret prayer, his exploration of the ability of the white horse and the non-horse, and his own brain hole, came up with a simplified version of the "Giving the casket" ceremony.

That is to say, by responding to the prayers of believers, giving one's own spirituality and a part of extraordinary power to the target, so that the other party can use extraordinary powers like extraordinary people.

Of course, Snow, a brain-smashing thing, obviously cannot be as complete as the system that has developed for countless years in the Western Continent. He just imitated the method of making and charging the spell, and used his spirituality to temporarily stored in the body of the prayer.

A believer is equivalent to using his spirituality to fight, and he has to pray again when it is used up, and because the human body has a limited effect of storing spirituality, it will start to drain after two days, so basically every day through prayer to re-request for gifts, there is a kind of dnd spell bit feeling.

And as their spiritual bodies continue to be swept away by spirituality, more and more spirituality can be accommodated, and the types of extraordinary abilities that can be obtained will also increase.

As Snow said, this system has almost no risk of losing control, nor will it fall into madness, let alone worry about extraordinary materials and potion formulas, the only two things that need to be done are meditation and prayer.

Prayer is to obtain the power endowed by "God", while meditation is to expand one's own capacity so that one can accommodate more "divine power".

Although it is not like the way of God, you can ascend to the person of God, but for these people who are still at the bottom of the society, it is better to talk to them about eating if you talk to them as a god.

As for whether these people at the bottom will start to act recklessly after gaining power, this Snow is not worried at all. He has not only given them extraordinary abilities and his spirituality, but also accompanied by the preaching of the [Whisper] skill. Under the indoctrination of the concept of "not plucking a hair, not taking a single cent", they will only get closer and closer to the neutral camp.

It can be said responsibly that as long as Snow does not go crazy for a day, there will never be any anti-social elements in the entire organization who destroy the world for their own selfish desires.

On the other side, Klein, who had been wandering outside Daffodil Street for a long time, did not walk into this familiar street after all. He glanced at No. 2 Daffodil Street, which was still lit, with some nostalgia. Klein turned and walked towards Tingen City Railway Station. .

Fortunately, both the compensation from Miss Justice and the gold pounds left after purchasing the potion materials were all deposited into Beckland's bank. I sold it in formal clothes in exchange for a ticket to Backlund.

"It's too dangerous to enter the Tarot Club in the car, let's buy a ticket for the evening." When he came to the Tingen City Railway Station and looked at the huge clock, Klein still did not lose today's Tarot Club. After all, The current Tarot Club is his only extraordinary channel. He ordered a 13p lunch at the cafe next to the station, then found a cheap convenience hotel and waited for 3pm.

"Good afternoon~ Mr. Fool! Good afternoon~ Mr. Devil! Good afternoon~ Mr. Hanged Man! Good afternoon~ Mr. Sun!"

The cheerful voice as always rang in his ears, and Snow, who had been busy all morning, suddenly felt a lot better.

He smiled lightly and nodded to Justice, and then greeted each other with the preset addresses.

After everyone chatted, Mr. Fool noticed that Miss Justice seemed to have something to say, and immediately nodded to indicate that she could start.

"Respected Mr. Fool, do you know that your favored person has received the compensation of the three hundred and fifty gold pounds?" Miss Justice resisted the idea of ​​telling Qilingus immediately, and cared about her leader's favored person. .

Mister Fool heard the words and said with a low smile:

"I didn't pay attention to this matter, but since my Blessed One didn't ask for additional help, it should have already been received."

Although he said so, Snow suspects that Mr. Fool would like to go to the bank to check his deposits every day?

By the way, Mr. A is back, and I don't know if Ince Zangwill succeeded?

"I don't know if Mr. Fool didn't die, the goddess would find an excuse to transfer him to Backlund." Snow pondered in his heart, thinking that it would be better for him not to interfere in this matter. Speaking of the Lord of Mysteries , I believe that the goddess is more anxious than himself, so he still thinks about how to make his whole nature bigger and stronger, so as to provide himself with enough anchors.

"That's really great!" Miss Justice obviously didn't understand how many times her head turned those cute little coins over and over, she turned her head and looked at the opposite side, "Mr. Hanged Man, Things are going on with Qilingers."

Hearing the news, The Hanged Man immediately stood up, leaving his usual steady posture behind, and asked with joy and tension:

"where is he?"

"It's really like a love brain!" Snow spit silently in his heart, listening to Miss Justice slowly telling the news that Fors passed to her, until Mr. Fool allowed everyone to recite his honorable name at a critical moment Afterwards, Mr. Hanged Man stubbornly announced the news that he was about to start a batch of Roselle's diaries.

Seeing that everyone couldn't take out the diary, Snow opened his mouth and said:

"Dear Mr. Fool, I also remembered a page of Roselle's diary this time."

"Mr. Demon can provide a diary page every time, and the handwriting looks similar. Does he really collect a lot? But he can only remember one page at a time. Does his potion not improve memory?" Audrey Watching Mr. Devil manifest the contents of the notes, there is no lack of black-bellied conjectures, thinking of Mr. Devil's admiration for her audience approach, she can't help but want to snicker.

However, Klein, who can understand Chinese, did not doubt Snow's memory, because he knew very well that Snow's submission should be the original manuscript of a real transmigrator, so the number of words was more and the content was more complicated. It's obviously more difficult for people from to memorize the densely packed square characters than to memorize those flamboyant things that incorporate Loen's writing habits.

However, when you read it, it is still more comfortable to read like this!

Klein picked up the parchment handed over by Mr. Demon, and the trace of intimacy instantly disappeared—

"After working as a mason all night, I feel like my waist is about to break! How can the physique of the magician be so strong?"

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