Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 652 The Fool received an entire Diary of Russell

Hobert continued to read the contents of the note, which roughly described the three factions of the Tamara family.

The first faction is represented by Tamara. They believe in the evil god and are willing to become slaves of the evil god. They hope to regain the extraordinary characteristics of the "Hand of Order" and allow their family to have an archangel again.

Another faction, headed by Peidi, is very opposed to family members' belief in evil gods, believing that it will make extraordinary people cold, especially family members who are demigods or above, and may even become less human due to the influence of evil gods.

The internal conflicts within the Tamara family are mainly between these two factions.

According to the records in the notes, this conflict actually arose very early on. When old Tamara had to contribute her extraordinary characteristics to the Six Gods, Tamara began to use the clues about the evil god obtained by her family to communicate with the evil god. The evil god made a connection.

Gradually, Tamara began forcing family members to convert.

Before this, family members generally believed in the angels in the family, that is, Tamara herself, so at the beginning, she easily changed the beliefs of a group of members.

But there are still a group of members who may not be so devout in their belief in Tamara the Balancer and have been reluctant to convert.

The seeds of internal conflicts within the family were planted at this time.

Later, Peddy Tamara escalated the family conflicts until a civil war broke out.

Pedi has always pretended to support Tamara and be trusted by Tamara, but this is all a facade he showed to get promotion opportunities.

After the Tamara family obtained the extraordinary properties of the "Duke of Entropy", Pedi stood out among several candidates for angel promotion and got the chance to be promoted. Only then did he begin to openly oppose belief in evil gods, and soon became the leader of the opposition. leader.

As a result, a civil war broke out when both sides were equally powerful.

Later, Tamara, who had a certain advantage, compromised and said that family members have the right to choose whether to believe in evil gods, so they formed a family council, which is the highest decision-making body in the family.

The rifts caused by the civil war were barely repaired.

In addition, there is another faction in the Tamara family. At first, they were members of the Abraham family who were married to the Tamara family, and they came to seek refuge with the Tamara family.

Some of them left the Tamara family because they were unwilling to accept the protection of the evil god.

It is said that they later took refuge in the "Original Witch".

The person who wrote this note was also very curious as to why those members switched from one evil god to another.

Hobert smiled and said to himself: The evil god is different from the evil god.

The remaining members of the Abraham family were willing to believe in evil gods, and they formed a relatively loose faction, which was the third faction of the Tamara family.

They once hoped to cultivate an angel with the "apprentice" path, but unfortunately they were unable to complete the corresponding rituals, so all this time, this faction only had two or three demigods, but no angels ever appeared.

In the subsequent marriages, they were almost diluted by the other two factions, but they have always been the mediators between the other two factions.

Based on some of the information he had previously obtained, Hobert basically knew the entire history of the Tamara family.

This family became prosperous in the chaotic decades of the early Fourth Age. Later, they joined the Solomon Empire and gained Solomon's trust. They secretly helped Solomon contact the "Uncertain Mist" and find a way to become the past.

After the fall of the Solomon Empire, the Six Gods took away the extraordinary characteristic of "Hand of Order" from Tamara's family. In order to take revenge and restore her strength, Tamara completely turned to the "Mist of Uncertainty".

In Hobert's view, it is difficult for a family supported by hatred to last long.

The civil war between the Tamara family, apart from their different views on the evil god, the fundamental reason is actually whether to live for hatred?

The family members headed by Pedi resolutely resisted belief in the "Uncertain Mist" precisely because they did not want their lives to become victims of revenge.

Hobert lamented: It's a pity that with the arrival of Eris, the balance between the two factions of the Tamara family may be broken.

He continued to look down. In order to protect some family members, Peidi would help them cover up their tracks and help them break away from the family if they volunteered.

This is how the Gray Lint family came about. That extraordinary family first lay dormant for decades before starting to be active in the outside world again.

At this time, a series of wars occurred in the northern continent. The Kingdom of Loen first broke out the "Twenty Years' War" with the Feysac Empire, and later the "White Rose War" broke out with the Kingdom of Intis.

The Graylingt family took advantage of these two wars to obtain titles that have been passed down to modern times.

Some of the subsequent notes are lackluster, basically recording the lives of generations of viscounts.

On the last page of the note, I wrote a few scrawled words: Remember, do not investigate the cause of my death, as that may lead to revenge from the royal family. Be a viscount and continue the family! As long as there is continuation, there is hope!

Although this sentence is a bit meaningless, based on Gray Lint's previous narration, this should be what his father wrote to him.

Hobert thought of Rex and smiled slightly: For many people, "the truth being revealed to the world" is not the most important thing.

Then he thought: Old Viscount Gray Lint might have been murdered by the royal family because he knew about the royal family's excavation of ancient tombs, but was unwilling to collude with the royal family.

However, unlike Hugh's family, the Graylingt family has not been liquidated. It may be that the old Viscount Graylingt never intended to inform the church about this matter, but was just unwilling to help the royal family.

It may also be the result of Vincent's mediation.

Judging from some of the previous events, Count Vincent did have some help to Gray Lint, and he may have silently helped his good friend's family tide over the difficulties.

If Vincent had been wary of Graylingt, he would not have allowed his youngest son Carl to mix with Graylingt.

Of course, this is just Hobert's guess, and the behavior of these nobles is often difficult to explain.

In addition to the record of the Gray Lint family history, there are two other notebooks, one of which records a lot of extraordinary knowledge and extraordinary theories.

This should be the "standard equipment" of the Extraordinary family. Having such a notebook is enough for the descendants of one's family to understand this extraordinary world well.

The other book records a lot of extraordinary history, especially some families on adjacent paths or on the same path. They have relatively detailed information, and they even took the initiative to do some investigations.

Hobert took a second look and found that the information about the Extraordinary Family was out of date.

The description of Trunsoest still stops at "divided into two, one branch is hiding somewhere in the Honakis Mountains, and the other branch is relatively active and has established a law firm in Backlund. Digestive potion.”

A few decades ago, these descriptions were correct, but now great changes have taken place.

Especially after the "founder" began to systematically recruit members of the Trunsoest family, this information was basically useless.

The other reason is that Gray Lint chose to become a "pharmacist" in order to avoid being continuously monitored. To him, this information is equivalent to information from another source.

However, if Gray Lint has a child in the future and wants to return to the "arbitrator" path, this information will still be of some use. At least he will know which families are on the same path as him or on adjacent paths.

After reading these notes, Hobert sent them to Gray Lint.

In Viscount Graylingt's study, the young Viscount looked at three leather notebooks without saying a word for a long time.

He caressed their skins carefully, as if he was afraid they would break if his movements were too rough.

Hobert knew that these notes had held all the thoughts that Gray Lint had about his father over the years.

After a long time, Viscount Grayling choked up and said, "Sorry, I was distracted just now."

As he spoke, he opened the secret room in the study and took out three sealed items: "According to the previous agreement, you can choose any one of them."

Hobert nodded and took something casually.

They are all Level 2 Sealed Artifacts. He currently has little need for Sealed Artifacts of this level.

However, the help of a demigod was worth more than a level 2 sealed object, so Hobert was not polite to Gray Lint.

"What we have to face is the future, not the past." Hobert smiled: "Looking forward, there is a bright future waiting for us. If we only look back, we can only be buried in helplessness and sadness, because There is nothing we can do to change the past.”

Gray Lint showed a reluctant smile: "Thank you."

Hobert waved to him and used "travel" to return to his study.

At this time, his mind was like a movie, and scenes of his past more than a year flashed through his mind. He thought of the Tamara family, his mother, his father, his adoptive father and mother, and the Buddha. Ersi and Audrey thought of Donna and Tyron, and of Klein and Leonard.

All of this finally turned into a smile: "Time flies so fast!"

That night, Hobert barely rested. He first lamented his life, and then began to make short-term and long-term plans.

Thinking about these things makes me easily excited, so I can't get a good rest.

The next morning, Hobert went to the "Earl's Light" to check out the phone sales.

Preparations for the sale of telephones began very early. When some places were laying electric wires, they also laid out telephone lines.

Even if there is no place to lay telephone lines, it is relatively easy to lay telephone lines as long as there are telephone poles.

However, there are still many places where telephone lines are not covered, so what currently restricts the development of telephones is the insufficient laying of telephone lines.

There is no rush for this, so we can only lay it out slowly.

After having lunch with Audrey, Hobert came to Longtail Island in the afternoon to attend a Tarot session with Forsi.

Before today, Hobert had participated in three Tarot sessions, but those sessions were very brief and nothing new happened.

As usual, Hobert and Forsi lay on the bed a few minutes early. Forsi said, "Teacher Dorian accepted my invitation and plans to come to Longwei Island as a guest tomorrow."

Hobert nodded: "Okay, in that case, I will stay on Longtail Island for the past two days."

Forsi added: "In Tutujia Port, some navies appeared recruiting pirates to participate in naval battles. They promised land, official positions, and even titles."

"Let them recruit." Hobert said: "As long as it does not affect the order of the port, do not interfere."

After all, Changwei Island also belongs to the Loen Kingdom in name.

Forsi nodded: "Okay."

Hobert asked: "I haven't been to Changwei Island for a long time. How is the construction situation on Changwei Island during this time? Are the industrial zones under normal operation?"

"We have repaired the dams in the most dangerous areas and built a large number of canals and ditches, almost eliminating flood disasters." Fors now knows everything about Changwei Island:

"With a large number of skilled workers recruited from the south coast of Jianhai, various factories are basically operational. The only problem is that the goods produced by our heavy industry have not been connected to suitable buyers."

Hobert smiled and said: "That's not yet time. When the factories in the southern continent are also operational, we can absorb part of the production capacity ourselves.

"In addition, as the war develops, maybe next year at most, we will be able to export some industrial products to the Northern Continent. Of course, the premise is that we have enough ourselves."

Just as the discussion reached this point, the two people's vision was suddenly covered by a layer of gray mist. The next second, they appeared in the Giant Hall, on both sides of the long bronze table.

While the two of them were in a daze, "Justice" Audrey raised her skirt and saluted to the top: "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool."

This crisp greeting also heralded the official start of this tarot session.

Audrey said hello to others while making observations out of habit.

First, she discovered that the dense fog around Mr. Fool was thicker and more dynamic.

Audrey felt happy, usually this meant that Mr. Fool's ability had further recovered.

Hobert also noticed this. He was not as polite as Audrey. He looked directly at "The Fool" Klein. As expected, "The Fool" was more profound, as if he was a shadow far away from everyone.

This made Hobert realize: Klein has been promoted to Sequence 3!

Audrey continued to say hello to other members and discovered that Ms. Hermit's mental state and body language showed that she was worried about something.

Audrey curiously thought about the possible reasons: is it related to the "Mysterious Queen"? Or is it about other issues?

As Audrey has been promoted further, she has drawn a "psychological portrait" of Ms. Hermit through observation, believing that this is a rather contradictory extraordinary person. Most of the time she seems experienced, knowledgeable and calm. Capable, but for some reason, she is bold and reckless in some aspects, like a girl who is not yet underage.

Based on the analysis of some basic information, Audrey believed that Ms. Hermit's personality should be related to the "Mysterious Queen".

And "Hermit" Cattleya, who was sitting under "Magician" Forsi, had two questions echoing in her mind: Why did the Queen send so many diaries at once? Is the Queen in some kind of trouble?

Finally, when the party officially started, Cattleya calmed down her worries and said to "The Fool": "Great Mr. Fool, I collected an entire Diary of Russell this time."

A whole book?

Hearing the words of "The Hermit", "The Hanged Man" Alger and several other members were obviously stunned.

Even Derrick the Sun, who was least concerned about this aspect and was the slowest, noticed something unusual.

Other members all know that "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette is the eldest daughter of Emperor Russell. It is completely normal to provide an entire diary. What is abnormal is the behavior of giving an entire diary at once!

Cattleya ignored everyone's gaze and continued: "These diaries are not consecutive, but they all originate from Emperor Russell's later years."

"Very good." Klein nodded gently, indicating that the "Hermit" could begin to manifest.

Page after page of slightly yellowed diary took shape one after another, quickly covering it into one.

Fortunately, Cattleya has been promoted to Demigod, and her path is related to knowledge, otherwise it would be impossible to forcibly memorize so many diaries.

After getting the diary, Klein flipped through it casually without actually reading it, then put the diary down and said to Cattleya: "You can ask questions now.

"Including the ones accumulated from the previous time, there are ten questions in total."

Cattleya suddenly had a headache, because "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette asked him to ask only two questions this time.

She considered it for a moment and said, "Dear Mr. Fool, can I ask in batches?"

"Okay." Klein said with a smile.

This is in line with his thoughts. Answering ten questions in one breath is also a very difficult thing for "Mr. Fool".

Cattleya secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "There are two problems this time.

"One is when George III becomes a god, will Adam himself help George III?"

Alger and others were stunned. According to the clues they had previously received from the emperor, George III's becoming a god was closely related to Adam, and it even seemed to be his single-handed plan.

So when George III's plan was thwarted, wouldn't it be normal for Adam to help George III?

At this time, Klein said in his heart: "The Queen of Mystery came with me. The war has broken out, and Adam should be waiting for the opportunity to become a god.

“Judging from some evidence, the cooperation between Adam and George III may have ended because their respective goals have been basically achieved.

"The beginning of the war is equivalent to Adam having the opportunity to become a god. And George III also got the opportunity to become a god because of Adam's plan.

“Theoretically, there is no need for them to continue to cooperate.

“One of the evidences is that I successfully killed Qonas and found the hidden ruins of the royal family.

"Although the specific conspiracy of the royal family was not discovered in the end because of someone's whistleblower, if Adam was still very concerned about George III becoming a god, I should have lost Qonas due to various coincidences at that time.

"There is a lot of similar evidence. Adam probably has no intention to care about George III's affairs at this time. At most, he will only send his subordinates to help."

Klein believed that the "Queen of Mysteries" should have thought of this based on her own mystical knowledge, so she wanted to ask "The Fool" for confirmation.

Although he was relatively sure of his guess, he still didn't say it too harshly: "Judging from the current situation, Adam probably won't provide much help to George III."

If Adam provided a lot of help, then sorry, the situation has changed, not the "Fool"'s message.

Regarding "The Fool's" answer, everyone except Hobert was a little confused.

Not providing much help?

Alger was the first to react and seemed to understand what the Fool meant.

Others were trying their best to recall the information about Adam, and they also made their own associations.

Cattleya controlled all the chaotic thoughts and spoke again: "The second question is, where is the secret tomb that the Emperor has not discovered yet?"

Forsi suddenly sat upright: Secret mausoleum? Not yet discovered? This is definitely a best-selling theme with popular elements.

Audrey keenly guessed another thing from this question: Russell's eldest daughter may have been following the traces left by Russell, hoping to find clues to the resurrection of the emperor.

Because Hobert had not announced the specific process of the "Black Emperor's" resurrection before, she could only think of this step and did not know the role of those tombs.

"Star" Leonard is more concerned: Russell also left a secret mausoleum? Don't know what's in it?

Klein was already prepared for this. He smiled and said, "Maybe in the foggy sea, on the hidden primitive island that Russell once discovered, or in the abyss."


Alger recalled the information about the abyss that he had previously traded with the "Emperor": Wasn't it affected by unknown influences or pollution? Oh, yes, Emperor Russell was also polluted by outside gods. The emperor built the tomb there, probably because of some kind of influence.

It took Cattleya a few seconds to come to her senses, but she didn't expect that Emperor Russell's secret tomb would actually lead to the abyss.

But after thinking about it carefully, she realized that it was not surprising that a struggle of that level involved anything.

For a moment, she hoped that the queen would stop pursuing this matter, but in the end she suppressed the idea in her heart, because she felt that if she were in her place, she would make a similar choice.

These thoughts flashed by, and Cattleya said: "Thank you for your answer, I have no questions today."

Hobert looked around, smiled and said to himself: You can see from your expressions that you have perfectly avoided the correct answer.

In response to Cattleya's thanks, Klein nodded slightly: "You guys get started."

Hobert immediately said: "I hope to communicate with Mr. World alone."

"The Fool" nodded slightly and created a space for them to communicate alone.

Hobert said to "The World": "Didn't I say before that I hope to get your help when it comes to lifting the family curse?

"The situation has become more complicated than before. I need Mr. Fool's help now."

For a moment, Klein wondered if Hobert had discovered that he was "practicing the trumpet." Otherwise, why didn't Hobert directly ask Mr. Fool for help? But looking for the world?

But thinking that I had made no omissions all along, I asked, "Why don't you just pray to Mr. Fool?"

Hobert was already prepared for this: "I don't know to what extent Mr. Fool's strength has been restored?"

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