Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 148: Check again

After chatting with Glacis, Klein learned about 'Rosen's Folk Herb Shop'.

And Glacis also asked Klein to help with divination once again.

The two came to the Citrine Room and locked the wooden door. After Klein sat down at the long table, he asked in a deep voice:

"Mr. Glacis, what do you want to fortune?"

"I have a chance with a grapefruit, but the amount involved is too much. If it fails, my family and I will be hit hard. I want to foretell whether it will go well."

Then Glacis took the initiative to mention: "I used tarot cards for divination once, um, it was a divination after purifying my mind, and the results were not bad, yes, it was my own interpretation, but I did not violate those Symbolic principle."

Klein thought for a while, and said curiously:

"Then you describe the matter in detail, and then give specific information about yourself. It would be better if you can have the other party's information. We will do astrological divination."

"Okay." Glacis sorted out the language and said:

"Mr. Lanervus found a place when he was investigating the Hornages Mountains..."

After listening to Glacis' description, Klein thoughtfully said:

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong with this matter? Lanvus is trustworthy?"

Glacis nodded and said with certainty: "Yes, I have seen various documents of his company, as well as a group photo with Sir Deville and Mr. Mayor in his office."

Group photo... Klein's mouth twitched. Born in the era of information explosion, he knew too much about this kind of scam, so he wasn't convinced.

So he made a divination for Glacis, and the result was obvious that the investment was very risky.

After Glacis left, another acquaintance came to ask Klein for divination.

Anna's fiancé, Joyce Meyer, Klein met him when he was divination for Anna.

He came to Klein to interpret his dreams because he often had nightmares about the Clover.

When Klein helped him interpret his dream, he learned about the Clover incident, and a man named Tris might be a big suspect.

Watching Joyce Meier leave, Klein whispered to himself:

"Something extraordinary seems to have happened on the Clover... If only the captain was here, he could figure it all out from Joyce Meyer's dream..."


After coming out of the divination club, Klein was not in a hurry to go home. He glanced at the time, "Melissa has already left school. She can cook. Although there is no food at home, she also knows where the money is."

He got into the stagecoach and went to Zoetland Street.

Yes, he still has to go to the captain and them to make sure that the holy water given by the favored ones of 'God' really has no other negative effects.

An ordinary person, Angelica, must be unable to know too many secrets.

Therefore, her words can be used for reference, but not completely.

The factory area is in the west area and falls under the jurisdiction of the 'Night Watchers'. There are too many people involved, and they must be handled by them.

"So, it was the captain and the others who drove away the favored ones of the 'God'!"

Klein was a little tangled again for a while, just hoping it wouldn't be the worst case.

"Well, go to the captain to confirm." Klein was a little uneasy.

Soon, he arrived at Zoetland Street and entered the Blackthorn Security Company.

Feeling that someone was coming, Roshan hurriedly put away the newspaper with a serious face. When she found out that it was Klein, she was surprised:

"Klein, aren't you on vacation today? Why are you free to come here?"

Seeing Roshan's reaction, Klein knew that she thought she was the captain again, but he also confirmed one thing, but he still asked, "Is the captain not in the office?"

"No, the captain was invited by the 'Heart of Machinery' team to help." Roshan took out the hidden newspaper again, looked at Klein curiously and asked:

"What do you have to do with the captain, maybe you can tell me, maybe I know too."

Sure enough... Klein knew that the captain saw that he was not in the office. Hearing Roshan's words, Klein thought for a while, and was about to speak when he heard a voice coming from behind.

"What do you want to know, maybe I can answer it for you."

Leonard, with green eyes and black hair, appeared in front of the two of them, and then said hello to them, "Good evening, Ms. Roseanne, good evening, our Mr. Diviner."

Klein and Roshan also said hello to Leonard.

Glancing at Leonard, Klein felt that it was just time to ask him. After all, Leonard was an official team member, and he might have been involved in the matter of the 'God's favored one.

So Klein considered his sentence and said:

"Today at the divination club, I heard that there was a hidden Blessed One in the factory area last month, who gave the female employees holy water and cured their lead poisoning. I want to know if the female employees drank the holy water. What is the negative effect."

After a pause, Klein seemed to explain: "Leonard, you know, my family used to live in the West End, and now it's not far from there. I want to determine if there are any security risks."

Leonard looked at Klein with a smile at the corner of his mouth, obviously disbelieving what Klein said about the potential safety hazards.

Immediately, he restrained his smile, because he still had some lingering fears about that incident. If it wasn't for the old man's reminder, he and the captain would probably have died a few nights that night, and they still couldn't catch the favored one.

Seeing Leonard, who has always been reckless, suddenly became so serious, and let Klein know that this matter might not be as simple as he thought.

"Since you want to know, you can go to the captain's office with me. I will show you the file. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I will participate in the whole process."

Leonard said, and without waiting for Klein to react, he walked towards the secret passage.

"Oh, why don't you talk about it here, Leonard, you're biased!" Roshan said angrily, trying to sort out her curiosity, but she didn't talk about it here.


It took Klein 20 minutes to read the whole story of the preaching of the "God" favored one. He didn't expect that this incident would actually alarm the church and send a "senior deacon" here.

However, the favored ones of God seem to have a Since then, they have not appeared again.

From the dossier, Klein also knew that the 'holy water' had no negative effect, and there was no need to worry about being taken away by some evil sacrificial ceremony in the future.

This was personally confirmed by the High Deacon, His Excellency Thesima.

After letting Klein digest it for a while, Leonard said:

"If you have any questions, you can ask me."

At this time, he returned to his previous leisurely appearance.

After reading the dossier, Klein felt that 'God' should be a **** who loves the world.

This is very consistent with the Catholic faith of Jehovah in his memory from his previous life.

But the evil gods are good at disguise, otherwise how can they absorb believers.

He looked at Leonard and asked the question in his heart:

"A hidden existence like 'God', how can you be sure if he is an evil god? If it is not an evil god, they are not allowed to preach?"

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