Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 179: This mask is not bad!

Dock area, an open space surrounded by abandoned warehouses.

The 'Heart of Machinery' has come and gone since last night. The person in charge of this incident has changed from the team captain to a deacon-level powerhouse.

Iconser Bernard's brown hair was always messy, as if it had been blown up by lightning.

At this moment, the deacon with a hard and clear face was holding a silver mirror with ancient patterns.

There is an eye-like decoration on each side of the mirror. They are based on black gemstones and look dark and charming.

Ikanser looked around and said:

"Although the rats in the sewers are experts in interfering with divination and psychics, they have effectively dealt with the scene, but this is a mysterious and extraordinary world, and there is no way to guarantee 100% success."

While speaking, he looked at the silver mirror in his hand and stroked the surface three times with his hand.

After a two-second pause, Ikanser took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Dear Arrodes, my question is: Who were involved in what happened last night in this place?"

The surrounding darkness suddenly became dense, and streaks of water light swayed on the surface of the silver mirror.

Soon, a picture appeared in the silver mirror:

A vague ten-winged angel exuding holy brilliance appeared in front of a man who could not see clearly, and bowed to him.

With the flash of water, the picture changed, three men were chasing each other, all kinds of living corpses and ghosts appeared.

Scene after scene alternated, Ikanser and others saw a woman in a complicated black court dress and a small soft hat, but her face was completely transparent, as if it did not exist.

There was also a headless man in a dark red cloak lying on the ground. The corpse had been cut into several pieces, and there were two more separated corpses on the ground.

Finally, the blurred man from the beginning reappeared. He stood in front of a ritual altar. Suddenly, a large area of ​​pure light appeared above his head, and he could only vaguely see countless angel wings inside.

At this moment, the mirror suddenly trembled, and all the pictures disappeared.

Ikanser's face was shocked for a while, and he was about to say something to the teammates around him, when a few lines of ancient Fosac language suddenly appeared on the silver mirror:

"According to the principle of reciprocity, it is my turn to ask questions."

"If you answer wrong or lie, you will be punished."

The word 'punishment' was red as blood, as if it was still dripping with liquid.

Ikanser's facial expression was distorted at first, and then it became very solemn.

Immediately afterwards, water light flashed on the silver mirror, and a new line of words appeared:

"What is your sexual orientation?"

Ikanser was stunned for a while, only to feel that the eyes of the surrounding players were all turned over.

Ikanser gritted his teeth, "I choose and accept the punishment!"

"Crack!" A thunderbolt struck Ikanser's head, causing him to tremble a few times. The hair on top of him was emitting blue smoke, and at the same time, it was more like being blown up by lightning.

After a while, he turned around and said to the players next to him:

"In this incident, it is suspected that the favored of the Heretic God participated... I do not rule out the favored ones of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun. Now go and inform the church of the situation."


Hidal spent 5,000 pounds to buy the 'changeable mask', which was a pure white mask that just covered his entire face.

So after Hiddell bought it, he put it on directly without changing his body shape, so he simply covered his face.

After the party was over, after leaving the house and walking, his appearance had changed into another appearance, the mask seemed to melt into his flesh and blood and disappeared.

Taking the carriage, I went to the store to buy several sets of black trench coats, formal suits, shirts, etc. of different heights, and spent nearly a hundred pounds. Hidal asked the store people to help hold them and went to the hotel with him.

In the room, Sidor kept changing his appearance, sometimes changing into Dunn and Klein.

It felt so fun.

Suddenly he thought of something, and his chest suddenly became bulging.

Because after he became a Paladin, his body became stronger and more fleshy, which was not difficult.

"Then make it more difficult?"

Half a minute later, Hydall looked at Sharon in the mirror with a strange look.

Apart from being a little taller than Sharon, there is basically no difference.

Sidor coughed twice and changed back to his own appearance. The mask also appeared on his face, and he took it off.

"Yes, this mask is very good, no loss." Hidell gave a pertinent evaluation.


On Saturday, Xiu was taken out of prison in Fors with a mental abnormality certificate issued by a psychiatrist.

Xio suddenly hugged Fors, "Fors, I love you so much." But I love God more, praise God...

Forsi took Huo's hand away, "Hmph, do you know how much I sacrificed to save you!"

"I shortened my sleep by three hours, just to attend those salons and get to know those noble boys and girls, where I still can't smoke my favorite cigarette!"

"Fors, I'm doing it for your own good..." Xio believed in God's words, thinking that Fors would be favored by another **** because of this.

Just don't know how that **** compares to God... Surely no God is better.

"If it's for my own good, don't do this kind of thing again next time... Walk around, go back quickly, I want to make up for sleep." Forsi pulled Xio home quickly.

After Fors rested, Xio immediately informed God of the news of his release from prison.


As soon as Hidal woke up from the bed, he heard a sense of induction from heaven, and bursts of illusory voices came.

He found that after being promoted to a paladin, it might be due to the improvement of his spirituality. At this time, he could listen to the content of his prayers without going to heaven.

"Well, it's Hugh, seems to be out of prison?"

So he came to heaven, and sure enough, Hugh was released from prison.

After thinking about it, I was waiting for news from Sharon recently, and I couldn't go back to Tingen for the time being, so I said gently:

"I already know my other favored person has arrived in Backlund. In a few days, he will come to you and help you."

Put your voice into Hugh's dream bubble.

Then he pinched his eyebrows, "Now we have to wait for news from Sharon's side. We can't go back to Tingen for the time being. We can only delay the investigation of the house."

Sidor can only wait to go back next week, get two more weeks of house information at one time, and then give it to Azik to check.

In fact, Hydall didn't have much hope for finding Ince Zangwill. If it was best to interfere with the other party, but if he couldn't, then he could only try from other places.

"And you can't directly ask Dunn's potion's digestion, alas."

Now Hydall didn't know how the digestion of Dunn's potion was going.

"If Dunn hadn't been contaminated by Antigonus' notes a few days ago, then the most important thing now is the Mrs. Sharon incident, which led to Kernli's death, and Dunn spit out Beyonder characteristics, resulting in an unstable mental state."

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