Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 198: high-end transaction

With a flick of Hidal's light, the 'Exorcist' talisman flew into the real field of vision, and flew into the passage connecting the altar and heaven.

I saw that in the real world, the ritual altar lit up with holy light, and everyone only vaguely saw a talisman in the light, and it flashed in an instant.

Under the stunned and respectful eyes of Hugh, Josh Hess and others, Fu Lu flew into Karin's body.

Karin's body trembled slightly, and soon returned to calm, but she did not open her eyes, as if she was digesting the abilities she gained after becoming an 'exorcist'.

As for Hidal in reality at this time, his eyes were still tightly closed, and this state, coupled with the appearance of Talisman just now, made everyone think that he was communicating with the 'God'.

Witnessing the miraculous scene at the altar just now made everyone more firm in their belief in 'God', and their hearts were no longer shaken.

And they didn't know that the 'Earth Walker' in front of them was the 'God' himself.

Xio was also even more determined that Hidal was communicating with the 'God' at this time. As the favored person of the 'God', she had just heard Hidal reciting the full name of God, and she took it for granted that Hidal had obtained God's name. 's response.

After doing this, Hidal wrapped himself in spirituality, returned to the real world, and slowly opened his eyes.

He smiled slightly and said:

"Okay, the ceremony is over, Karin will officially become a 'sacrifice' from now on."

"Praise God." Everyone sat in prayer gestures and said extremely devoutly.


Tingen, Klein didn't get up from the bed until 12 noon, yawning.

When he came to the bathroom, he rubbed his loose eyes and looked at himself in the mirror like a panda's eyes. The corners of Klein's mouth twitched a few times.

"Damn 'power', you have to pick that time every time!"

"Fortunately, today is Tuesday. Melissa and Benson are not on vacation. Otherwise, if they see me, they will laugh at me to death."


Hearing the unsatisfactory voice coming from his stomach, Klein could only wash his hands hastily, then came to the kitchen, took out white bread, butter, and had some food first.

Since the move, they haven't eaten brown bread since it doesn't fit their identity.

"What kind of salary should have what kind of dignity." After Klein applied the cream, he took a big bite.

After the meal was over, Klein rubbed his temples and said helplessly:

"Okay, it's time to go up and give the bag of 'power' gems to Miss Justice."

The thought of such a bag of gems, that he couldn't get any of them, made Klein feel uncomfortable.

"It's said that the platform is the most profitable! As a result, I didn't even have a penny in handling fees!"

But in order to maintain his composure, he had to do this again, how could a **** ask for money from others.

Klein returned to his room. Although he was the only one at home at this time, Klein still set up a spiritual wall for safety.

Then he took four steps backwards, chanting a mantra silently at each step.

After four steps, the frantic shouting and tempting whispers echoed in his ears, but soon he passed through the area and came to the Origin Castle.

The eternal gray fog, the magnificent palace, the mottled bronze long table.

Klein glanced at the leather bag lying quietly on the constantly flowing gray mist. It was so ordinary.

But the temptation is so great.

With astonishing perseverance, Klein finally looked away from the leather bag and looked at the crimson 'star' representing Miss Justice.

Klein stretched out his spirituality and transmitted his thoughts to the crimson star.


Audrey was staying in her bedroom at this time, waiting for Mr. Fool to remind her to arrange the gifting ceremony.

In fact, after the Tarot Club ended yesterday, she immediately found the materials needed to arrange the 'sacrifice' ceremony and 'gift' in the warehouse at home.

Then he kept waiting for Mr. Fool's call, but he never did.

As for the 1,000 gold pounds of Mr. Hanged Man, she will have to wait two days until next month before she can have new pocket money.

It's just that the waiting time was too long, and Audrey could no longer sit by the window. She sometimes flipped through the books beside her pillow, and sometimes her eyes were not focused enough to examine herself in the glasses.

Emperor Roselle said that when something important happens, you must calm down... Audrey. Come on, take a deep breath...or go teasing the dog?

But thinking that Susie is becoming more and more human, Audrey dismissed the idea.

After an unknown amount of time, a thick gray fog suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and in the depths of the gray fog there was a high chair.

The Fool sat there and smiled:

"Miss Justice, have you prepared any spiritual materials?"

Great! Audrey suppressed her excitement and said:

"Yes, I've always had similar material around me."

In fact, even before joining the Tarot Club, Audrey was like this, but at that time, she didn't know which materials were considered spiritual, and she just kept moving from the family treasure house according to the various incense essential oil formulas she collected.

Klein nodded lightly and said:

"When do you want the ceremony to take place?"

"The premise is to confirm that there are no Beyonders around."

Does an extraordinary dog ​​count... Audrey looked at the closed door with a guilty conscience, when Susie was outside.

"I can do it now."

Klein said "um":

"Then you can follow the ritual process I told you before and start preparing for the ceremony."

Audrey began to arrange the ceremony, which was soon completed, and then chanted the incantation silently.

When the illusory door seemed to open in front of her, and she felt that an invisible channel was formed, Audrey was almost drunk.

This is the mysterious world she has been searching for, and this is the feeling she has always wanted.

I couldn't help but praise in my heart; Mr. Fool said a word.

Faith in the 'Goddess' and worship towards Mr. Fool... Audrey silently defended herself in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, she was stunned to see one more thing on the "altar", it was an ordinary, unremarkable sack.

The contents are half full of the Could it be all the gems in the mouth of Mr. Power? "Audrey looked stunned and couldn't believe it, this is too casual!

Although she was tempted to rush to open the leather bag to see if it was really a gem, her manners quickly took hold of her. Audrey once again sincerely praised Mr. Fool.

"This kind of transaction method is too high-end." Audrey couldn't help thinking after ending the ceremony.

Immediately, he stepped forward and pulled open the mouth of the leather bag.

When seeing the colorful and full of gems inside, even Audrey couldn't help but be shocked.

"This... Although there are a lot of gems, you don't take these gems seriously, Mr. Power."

Then, Audrey began to think about how she could sell these gems without making her father suspect.

"Well, I just said that I invested in a batch of gems. Presumably my father knows and will be happy to help his beloved daughter."

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