Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 30: Survival game

   Chapter 102 Survival Game

   After showing the police certificate and asking the coachman to stop the carriage and do not leave. Ignatius and Jennings approached the carriage slowly.

   "There is no one in the carriage." Jennings affirmed.

   "Okay." Igna nodded, then approached the carriage and put his palm on the carriage of the carriage.

   gave it the idea of ​​"wanting to open the door".

   In his thought, the world seemed to become an oil painting, red is redder, green is greener, and black is blacker. It seems that everything in front of him is invisible in his eyes, everything in the world is no longer an obstacle in front of him, and the "doors" he can pass through are everywhere.

   Therefore, Igna also saw the carriage in front of him, and everything in the carriage.

   "There's a bomb in the mezzanine under the car." Ignatius turned to Jennings and said, "But I can't judge his equivalent. There's a line from the bottom of the car to the driver's seat."

   "Well. Although I don't know how you judged it. But I believe in you." As Jennings said, he took the gun out of the gun belt under his arm, and slammed it into the chamber.

   "This place is relatively remote and the time is too tight. I don't think the inspectors of the special operations team will be able to come over in time after seeing our message."

   "I won't ask you if the inspectors can really find us with a pen of yours. After all, you also found this place with a crystal ball." Jennings said in a low voice to Igna.

   "The victim and the prisoner should be inside now, right? What should we do? Let me tell you first, although I used to be a soldier, I can't disarm bombs." Jennings said solemnly.

  Igna looked at Jennings, in particular, he took a deep look at the guns in his hands but his hands were steady without shaking, nodded, and said briefly: "As planned."


   In people's impressions, the prosperity of Backlund seems to be around the clock. However, this is not the case. The feasting and the lively only belong to a specific area.

   This brightly lit building is the Rockland Charity Education School. The children just finished class at 19:00, and around 20:00, the security guards prepare to clear the field.

  This place is quiet and uninhabited.

  Igna quietly followed the advanced crystal ball to find "the position of the last passenger of the carriage". His steps were light, light. It was almost impossible to hear the existence of this person.

   However, when he was very close to the room where the victim was, Igna heard someone sneer: "Sir. Your tracking skills are too poor."

   "Do you think you can avoid my observation by walking lightly?"

   "I count three, if you don't come out, I'll kill this lady." The voice of the owner of the voice was a little playful, but at the same time it could be heard that he seemed to be quite old and a little old.

   At this age...

"three two……"


   "Don't do it."

  Igna stood up.

   He raised his hand slightly, stood up, and appeared at the door of the target's classroom.

   In front of him was an elderly man in a coachman suit. His clothes looked a little worn, but the gun in his hand was shiny and new.

   His muzzle was pointed at a young lady's temple.

   They sat behind the table.

  The blond lady was sitting, and the coachman was standing.

The clothes on Miss    looked low-key but textured, with Backlund's most avant-garde designs. She sat at the edge of the table, her face was full of tears, and her eyes were filled with fear and despair.

   "Drop your weapons. Let's play a game, Mr. Detective."

   This very ordinary-looking taxi driver stood behind the girl and looked at Igna with a smile, but his eyes seemed to be looking down at all beings.

  Igna looked at the young lady with tears on her face, fell silent for a while, and could only throw the gun in her hand to the ground.


The    pistol landed on the ground and made a crisp sound, making it extremely helpless.

   The coachman showed a satisfied smile after seeing Igna throw away the gun. But his muzzle never left the blond lady's temple.

  The icy barrel of the gun pressed against the temple, and the blond lady was sobbing silently.

   "Mr. Detective, please sit down and join our game." The coachman said with a slight smile.

  Igna didn't answer, but sat down silently and glanced at the table.

  ——There are two small bottles with pills on the table. One in front and one behind.

  Evidently, from the position of the table and stools, the coachman was sitting face to face with the blond lady.

  The small bottle on the table is the "prop" of this "survival game".

  According to the previous events, it is clear that at least one of the two bottles contains poison.

   "Can you explain the rules of the game?" Igna asked after being silent for a while. He put his hands on the table and tapped lightly.

"Yes." The coachman smiled, "It's very simple. As you can see, there are two bottles on the table, one is a good bottle and the other is a bad bottle. You can live after taking the medicine in the good bottle. The medicine in the bad bottle will kill you."

   "The lady just didn't know how to choose. I recommended a bottle, but she hasn't decided whether to follow my advice or not."

"Sir, you are here to save this lady, right? Then why don't you choose a bottle for her?" Please solve it."

   "This sounds like a trap." Igna raised his eyes to look at the driver, also showing a "kind" smile, "What if these two bottles are both 'bad bottles'?"

   "Then, the two of us can also play this game." The driver smiled and spread his hands.

   "You choose a bottle and I eat the rest."

   "If you win, you can save this lady. If I win, I will continue to play games with this lady." The driver said, "How about it, is it fair enough?"

   "You know which one is the good bottle and the bad one," said Ignatius.

  The driver nodded, smiled, and said, "Of course."

   "That's probability, sir. A fifty percent chance of survival is not a game." Ignatius said.

   "No, this is the game." The coachman said, "If it is really a matter of probability, can someone be always favored by the Lord?"

The driver twitched the corners of his and showed a playful and arrogant smile: "This is the game. I won the survival game five times, and I'm going to keep winning. Because I know what people are thinking, I Can predict what they think. And I can predict what they think I'm thinking. So, I always win."

   "Yes." Ignatius replied.

   "What did you say?" The coachman sneered, "Sir, what did you say?"

   "Some people can always be favored by the Lord." Igna said with a smile.

   "Then I hope your Lord can take care of you this time." The coachman snorted, "Make a choice, sir."

  Igna smiled, but did not extend his hand.

   "I want to talk to you, sir."

   "Why did you suddenly start killing people at this age?"

   "And he killed five people in a row, leaving Siviras helpless." Igna said softly.

   "The vengeful spirit wandering in Backlund, you have such ingenious murder techniques and ingenuity. Why are you only a taxi driver?"

   (end of this chapter)

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