Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 84: short success

Rebecca seems to have not eaten well for several days.

What was vomited was a puddle of yellow and white, with a disgusting sour gas and smell. However, it was obvious that Rebecca's expression softened a lot after she vomited.

On the other side, the Nighthawk who had been waiting for the purification ceremony did not dislike Rebecca's vomit, but went straight to collect the vomit with a container.

The environment is also quickly restored to clean and tidy.

"The goddess said 'they had God's help. Because they called out to God in battle, and they depended on God, and God answered them.'" The priest turned to Igna and Melissa and said, "Praise your courage and Visionary."

"Miss Rebecca's body and mind are all right. Please also ask Miss Melissa to bring Miss Rebecca back to comfort her. We will take care of the phenomenon you just told and the 'special item' brass kettle. Research, please rest assured."

"Praise the goddess." Melissa replied with an inverse click on her chest.

The priest nodded, and then said to Igna: "The goddess will thank everyone who thinks about the people. The goddess once said, 'O children of the faith, we are here to help you. May you be safe, and may those who help you also help you. Peace. Because your gods help you.' So thank you for your help too, Sheerin Hill Consulting Detective. May the late night stars keep you safe."

Igna nodded and said in a low voice, "Thank you. Praise Mr. Fool."

After receiving permission from the priest, Igna hugged Rebecca. Together with Melissa, they returned to Backlund University of Technology.

Rebecca slept soundly under Melissa's careful care.

Igna sat in Melissa's lounge and felt that he seemed a little redundant. But he didn't leave either, but waited quietly beside him.

After Melissa arranged the quilt for Rebecca, she walked towards Igna and gently closed the door.

"It should be fine." Melissa whispered, "Thank you, willing to accompany me to rescue Rebecca, and willing to keep a secret for me."

Having said that, Melissa looked up at Igna with a sincere and grateful smile.

Ignatius looked at Melissa's smile, and for a while unconsciously looked away.

"Uh, it's fine." Ignat looked at the corner of Melissa's office desk.

But soon, he also realized that it was impolite, and he quickly turned his eyes back. Back to Melissa's smiling face.

"This is what I should do as a friend." Ignatius said. "I'm also glad that you thought of me when you were in trouble."

"What happened to you today is really... I'm sorry." Melissa said, "I should have thought that Klein's shirt should be a little different. I'm sorry for you to encounter such a thing."

Melissa's individual words made Igna's eyebrows jump. However, instead of asking further, he replied: "It doesn't matter. I didn't say it before, maybe 'Klein's shirt' is the reason - it's a better reason to come to me than to go directly to the Nighthawks."

"Instead of thinking about this, maybe we should think, 'Why does Klein's shirt have such an impact.'" Ignatius said, "This is what we should discuss, isn't it?"

Melissa was stunned, and seemed to realize the problem.

Her face suddenly turned serious.

"I know this has something to do with your secrets. Among the information you can reveal, do you have any clues?" Igna asked.

He had already promised Melissa that he would not explore her secrets, nor would he explore Klein's secrets. Although there have been many speculations before, as long as Melissa does not agree, or does not say, then in principle, Igna will treat those speculations as non-existent.

Melissa didn't answer immediately, but pursed her lips, stretched out her right hand and touched her eyebrows, as if thinking.

After a long while, Melissa replied, "Yes. But I can't say."

"I can only tell you that your previous inference is correct - the evil that people in the East District show is related to the existence of some high-ranking personalities."

"If you didn't bring this up today, maybe in my eyes, what happened to 'me' today is just the same as before." Melissa said, "You're right, maybe , 'Klein's shirt' is the ultimate reason why the divination points to you."

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't take Klein's..." Melissa paused when she said this, coughed lightly, and said, "Although there is no result from the Nighthawks, but thanks to this Shirts, we can now be sure that the Eastside has been contaminated by something."

"Thank you." Melissa said, and after she finished speaking, she smiled, "You are also a hero of Backlund."

Igna was a little embarrassed by what Melissa said. He waved his hand quickly: "It's not a hero. I just did what I could."

While speaking, Igna pointed to the clothes on his body and said, "Accordingly, I should wash the clothes before returning them to you. However, this clothes should be very valuable... I'll wait for it. I'll give it back to you instead."

Melissa was stunned, nodded, and didn't refuse.

Igna also found the opportunity to go to the clothing store in Backlund University of Technology to buy a new shirt. Return the clothes to Melissa.

Then, until Igna left Melissa's office, Rebecca showed no sign of waking up. But both Igna and Melissa knew that Rebecca was fine.

After being purified by the goddess, there will be no more filth left on her body. She might just be too tired.


Because the relevant abnormality has been reported to the Church of the Evernight Goddess, Igna does not worry about it anymore.

After all, the Church of the Evernight Goddess has already taken over. Assuming that what will happen in such a situation, it is not something that a mere Sequence 7 astrologer can handle.

Just when he got home, Igna was questioned by Jennings for a long time about the details of this "Hero Save Beauty".

Of course, most of the details of what happened this time can't be But if the weirdness is taken away and only the content of the fight is discussed, there is no problem.

When Ignatius mentioned that he was one-to-five, Jennings didn't think it was nonsense, but said it was enjoyable.

A peaceful night.

The next day, on the morning of Friday, April 28, Igna received a special letter from another assistant of Melissa.

Melissa said in the letter: Rebecca has regained consciousness and has recovered a lot, so he doesn't need to worry.

And the matter that Rebecca was trapped in the room before was related to a stupid little leader of the Normans party, and this matter can be properly resolved soon.

In the letter, Melissa once again expressed her agreement with Igna.

Seeing this, Igna finally let go of his slightly dangling heart.

However, Igna was not able to rest assured for long.

In the afternoon, after participating in the regular training of Instructor Hugh Dilza on Friday, Igna suddenly received a notification from the Nighthawk.

Or, to be more specific, a notice from Officer Dunn Smith—letting him take another trip to the Eastside with him at night.


Note: In this chapter, the pastor quotes the canon of the Goddess from the Bible Chronicles

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