Mystery: The Star Key

: Volume 2 Summary and Leave of Absence

This summary was written in Chapter 99. It's not over yet, but I can probably see the end of this volume. So let's start by writing a summary of this volume.

The second volume was written on May 18, and it has been six months since it was full.

When I actually wrote it, I realized that it has been half a year. Before I opened the book, I never imagined that this volume would take so much, so long.

In the middle, I also experienced a series of things such as being hit by the post-booking and not wanting to write, indulging in running groups, traveling, new jobs, preparing for exams, etc. It is really gratifying to be able to get to the end generally as expected.

I met a lot of new friends in this volume, but there are still many old friends.

Thank you all for staying with me for half a year and accompany this volume to the end (bow).


Backlund's story already had a rough outline at the beginning of the fancier's creation of "The Key of the Star".

Because this is the main stage of the Lord of Mysteries, the place of hope, and the place where Klein's soul haunts his dreams. in various senses.

Therefore, when I started writing this book, I had already made a plan for "Becklund".

In this volume, the plan is to take revenge on Wen Xiuli as the open line to lead the plot, but in fact it uses Klein's relatives and friends Tuanji as the dark line, supplemented by the deciphering of the Victorian case that fascinates me the most.

I have to let Igna meet everyone in Backlund.

Because I want to see the world guarded by Klein through Igna's vision, and I want to let Klein know through Igna's words that everyone is working hard and full of hope.

Driven by such a goal, I tried my best to let Igna, without knowing it, talk to everyone who might appear in Backlund, talk to Forsi, talk to Hugh, talk to everyone who might appear in Backlund Based on Susie, Audrey, Will, the old man Ian, Viscount Grelint, Melissa, Benson, and even willfully wrote Dunn, Daly, Frye... Still in the future of Xiao Zhou Brother-in-law's position worked hard.

The process was fun, and I had fun writing it.

Then, since "London" is written, shouldn't it be written about the complicated cases that happened in the foggy London? So I also started writing, integrating the story of the detective Sherlock's "pink research" and Sherlock's unspoken chapters into the mysterious worldview.

I am very happy to write, although people do not like to read.

Finally, the Backlund chapter gathers the intentions expressed in all the stories through a "big event" and leads to the theme "Even if it's dark in the dark, remember that you always hold the key to hope in your hands."

Well, this is my interpretation of the "Star Key".

The original meaning of "Key of the Star" in the original work should be the key to open the starry sky.

But in a way, I think, the stars represent hope and light in the dark

The "Key of the Star" can be extended to the person who discovers hope, protects the hope, and further extends to the guardian and guardian of "Hope".

And this is exactly what Mr. Door has been doing. That's why I have a soft spot for Abraham, the gate pathway, and the 1-star key of this pathway sequence.

——Hope, and guarding hope, are the most shining rays of light in the long history of mankind.

"Keepers and Keepers of Hope" is a difficult subject to represent, though.

Although there is a general concept, it is not easy to write well.

If you want to write well, you have to make some sacrifices, or you can't reflect the night. If you want to write well, the events you write must also be grand, otherwise the importance of "hope" will not be reflected.

This is a great test of a writer's ability.

Although I have been writing a book for a long time, this is the first time I have expressed such a theme. Although I have a general design idea, I still feel a little bald when I write it.

When I first got to the chapter on the eve of the climax, I really didn't know what to do with it.

On the one hand, I hope to reflect the theme through Igna's performance, on the other hand, I feel that Ignat's approach cannot express the theme.

Later, I consulted many friends, asked them for help, listened to their opinions, and gradually found the backbone.

——No matter whether the theme can be expressed or not, when Igna encounters this matter, it should be the way.

Although readers all hope that the protagonist is a hero, they all hope that the protagonist can be heroic, resolute, and "righteous to kill relatives".

I may hope so too.

However, Ignatius is just an ordinary person.

Although his overall performance is more rational and his emotions appear dull due to his careful thinking, he is still an ordinary person. He panics, hesitates, contradicts, and gets overwhelmed in situations where a loved one might be in danger because of him.

His long-term sense of responsibility will make him analyze from his own point of view, and will not shirk responsibility, but because of this, he will go to the horns and berate himself. He also clearly understands that doing good is the right thing to do, even if he pays the price. But he also knows that this injury affects himself, and he can accept it, but if it is relatives and friends, he can't accept it.

So he will push others away, he will find ways to protect others and let the punishment fall on himself (basically Yangzhi's original words, Yangzhi is an angel).

This is not going to be something that readers will love. Readers like to see heroes, they like to see lunatics, but they don't like to see an ordinary person. (Original words from classmate Chris)

But that's what Ignatius would do.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally chose the choice Igna would make in this situation.

Because this is his story.

This story is also written from beginning to end, an ordinary person, the story of guarding hope.

I don't judge myself as to how the story turns out. Because this summary has not been completed yet, no one knows what the result is, but according to the bleak follow-up, it should still be relatively miserable. (Please be sure to praise me if you feel ok!!)

However, as a writer of Sequence 9, it is still difficult to keep up with the Sequence 0 squid.

The plan for this volume is—plan to meet some old and familiar friends, introduce some new ones, and formally step into the main thread and express themes of the book.

Writing here is complete.

Just like the conclusion of the first volume, "Every attempt is to become better, and a little improvement is a success. If every attempt can achieve the expected effect, of course everyone is happy, if the attempt fails, it doesn't matter, we You can learn from the experience and come back next time. You can only keep moving forward if you keep trying.”

take it easy.


The above is the testimonials at the end of the volume.

The following is an academic summary


However, although.

In fact, there is no academic summary in this volume, because I am really busy in the later stage, and I have to squeeze out time every Monday.

Therefore, there is basically no design in the plot design. Basically, according to the predetermined rhythm, the main line outline in the mind is completed step by step to the established goal.

Thanks to my old friends for accommodating me, even if Zhou Geng never leaves me. thank you very much!

Therefore, if this volume insists on what academic summary is, it is the following aspects.


First, when opening a book, you must think about the “theme” you want to write about.

This is what the squid said when sharing. (I also paid attention to the "theme" of the story after the squid said it)

Determining the theme before starting a work can set the tone of the whole story, and when the plot development has multiple possibilities and is not under control, it can bring the plot development back on the right track to ensure the emotional and emotional integrity of the story. sex.

The theme of the book "The Key of the Star" has always been the guardian and keeper of "hope".

So the tone was set from the very beginning, this volume was like that in Backlund, and it was in other places later, and it was the same when entering other plots.

(Of course, the darkest time has passed, and the next thing I will describe is the light in the dark night. Don't be afraid of the knife. This time I gave myself to the knife _(:з)∠)_)

Determining the theme of the article not only helped me anchor the overall emotion in this novel, but also helped me a lot in the creation of other novels. Praise the squid! Thank you squid for sharing!

Second, the intersection with the original characters. This is another point to be aware of as a fan.

Most people still like to watch and interact with the original characters. The original characters are somewhat unpopular. Therefore, this book can be loved by so many people today, and it still borrows the east wind of the original work. When I write other originals in the future, I must do more research. Create some lovable characters.

In fact, I personally like Jennings Wenzel quite a bit, but the writing is still a bit lacking in the later stages. His character as "Watson" didn't quite stand up either, as did Joshua as "Lestrade". This feels a little unfortunate. This will not be the case when writing other novels in the future.

Third, the balance between the reader's taste and original intention.

Today, some readers leave messages, and I can only realize why the follow-up of the paragraphs on solving the case is particularly poor. The main reason is that most of the fans of Lord of Mysteries are not so interested in solving cases. Most of them still like to watch the fights in the extraordinary world and the disputes in the extraordinary world.

Unfortunately, this runs counter to the question I was primarily trying to answer when I wrote this volume.

When I planned to write about Backlund, I wanted to expand the world beyond the world that Klein saw.

What I want to write about Backlund is to discover:

What is the life of ordinary people like under the confrontation of the surging Beyonders? Will it be affected? In the eyes of ordinary people, what do those extraordinary cases look like? In such a world of extraordinary prevalence, how do the police view case after case?

Even in Backlund, Beyonders are still in the minority. Although they monopolize the upper echelons, there are still so many people living in this world. Backlund is not just a Backlund of Beyonders. Even extraordinary people, their lives are intertwined with ordinary people most of the time.

Isn't the struggle of the Extraordinary also to protect the majority of ordinary people?

Because the world view built by the squid is very complete, the clues to these worlds are also hidden under the original description. We can see the world in the eyes of most people through some clues - a world that Sherlock Moriarty, "the troublemaker", can't see. (Although Xiao Yi is also in trouble, it is still far inferior to Klein's cough)

I talked about one of the purposes of this book before, that is, with the help of Ignatius' eyes, to take Klein to see those worlds that he has not had time to touch.

This is my original intention.

It's a pity, the readers don't like it very much. (Maybe there is also a reason for my bad writing (if it is, don't tell me) So during that period of time, subscriptions fell off a cliff, and even my enthusiasm for writing fell off a cliff.

I was really skeptical at that time. In addition, real life is also relatively busy, so it takes a while for weekly updates. Thanks again for the persistence of my old friends (bow).

However, the idea of ​​restoring the "extraordinary cases in the eyes of ordinary people" through the article, and writing a Sherlock Holmes-style Backlund, was my original intention.

So even if the subscription is poor and not popular in the market, I insist on writing down what I want to write.

Probably because I always insist on such a strange place, I will be so fluttering (smile).

If you want to be popular, don't follow me.

Being sought after by the market and adhering to the original intention, only the lucky ones can take care of it. Most people probably don't have both. Therefore, when opening a book, please be sure to be mentally prepared.

Also, thanks again to my friends who tolerated my willfulness. It is because of your presence that I have the strength to persevere.


The title of this volume is "The Astrologers".

There are two levels of intent.

The first layer, the name of the sequence and the main line digestion The second layer, the beginning of the theme "Key of the Star".

The name of the next volume is also easy to guess.

Sequence 6, "The Recorder", stay tuned. (Hopefully someone is looking forward to it!)


P.S I met a lot of new friends writing this volume. Praise Yangzhi, Praise Ameng, Praise Agui, and I can move again in the later period. It is the same person who saved me.

I also thank Yu Ji, book friend Gao Shaohan, book friend who is ignorant of the people, and book friend whose default name I can't remember the serial number, thank you for supporting me during my weekly update.

It was a real joy to remember this book knowing that someone other than me liked it. (excited)

P.P.S, this time, the rest between rolls is not on par with squid. Because I haven't determined exactly how to write it.

It is tentatively scheduled to take a five-day break, and the slowest will come back on the seventh day to maintain the investment. If it is soon, it will be notified in the group. (though not theoretically faster).

The expectation for the third volume is that I hope the original intention of the third volume is somewhat in line with the market. Although the money belongs to Xiao Zhou and the children, I will be very happy when I see the data rising (laughs)

Again P.S The last event in this volume comes from the "Great Stink" in the midsummer of London in 1898. Those who are interested can learn about it. Although it has been modified by me, it has nothing in common with the original.

There was a period of time before p.s. I didn't report the number because I was busy. Now let me report to you that Xiaozhou Road Donation Fund has 1235.48 yuan! congratulations!

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