Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 14: Unsolved puzzles

The latest website: drink blood...

This is another interesting answer.

There is no doubt that blood is a spiritual material. So why not drink it? What does his blood have to do with this dimension?

There were two more questions in Igna's mind that he wanted to answer.

But, unfortunately, Igna knew that he would have no way to get the answer in a short time.

"Thank you for your answer." Ignat said politely and euphemistically after mulling over his words, "Maybe, next time I will bring a friend here."

"Welcome at any time." Zion nodded and replied, "There really needs to be more popularity here."

Zion's words startled Igna. He didn't expect Zion to be so welcoming to outsiders.

It seems that, from Zion's perspective, he also hopes that more people can come and explore this space.

Why? Isn't he the master here? Is there something here that Zion wants others to see?

The problem has increased again. But still no answer.

"It's good to do more preparations and find more friends." Zion said, "Maybe you can go further next time."

Igna nodded flattered.

This is good news.

Originally, he thought Zion would be opposed to him asking for help to come to this space. But now it seems that is not the case.

This means that if he comes to this space again later, he doesn't have to go it alone. You can seek outside help.

I believe that Miss Fors Wall and the Tarot Club will be happy to help. Igna thought.

"So, after coming here, do you feel tired after seeing so much? Ignatius." Zion asked, leaning back on the high-back chair.

Igna was stunned. Although Zion spoke euphemistically, Igna also heard his overtones.

Zion wants him to leave now.

why? Igna couldn't help but ask this question again.

He's still full of energy now, and he hasn't felt tired yet.

If he hadn't met Zion in this room, Igna felt that he could at least go up to the top floor to find the switch for the stair lift, and maybe even have a chance to open the door before he touched the unique silver-white door on the third floor.

Now, however, Zion has issued an expulsion order.

"Yes, I feel a little tired." Igna could only lower his eyes and replied politely.

Since the master here has requested it, of course he has no right to refuse.

Zion smiled, wondering if he saw Igna's careful thoughts.

"Meeting you makes me happy." Zion still nodded gracefully, "I look forward to seeing you next time."

The next moment, Igna felt that he was hit by a beam of blue light.

Then, Igna felt that he had returned to Aalto.

The choking dust in the air disappeared in an instant, the surrounding was no longer a dimly lit ward, and the feeling of dampness and coldness was replaced by warmth and dryness.

There were some double images in front of his eyes, and the colors of things were a little heavier. But he could still clearly see Fors Wall, Instructor Hugh Dilcha, and Miss Justice standing in front of him.

The eyes of the three young ladies were firmly locked on Igna who opened his eyes.

Miss Justice was the first to speak: "How do you feel?"

Igna made up his mind.

He looked at the three young ladies and said, "I'm fine."

Then, without waiting for the three young ladies to reply, he immediately lowered his head and immediately began to check his pockets.

At this moment, Igna saw that the hands of his pocket watch finally started to move. Fifteen minutes have passed since he drank the potion.

However, the fingers he had previously obtained in the space were missing, and the box containing the playing cards stained with brain fluid was empty. Lemano's notes were missing a page, a playing card was missing, and the paper was missing an equal amount according to the amount used.

Igna wasn't surprised by such a change. It even makes sense.

This all shows that that "space" is real, independent, and capable of affecting the real world. It's just that the contents inside are subject to relevant restrictions and cannot be brought out. This also conforms to the rules that "space" operates.

Gu He is secretive and cannot be known to the outside world.

Therefore, after the inspection, Igna looked up and reported to the three young ladies: "I have been to that space and returned."

"Justice", Fors Wall and Hugh Dilcha all showed unusually serious expressions.

"Excuse me, did I look unusual during this time?" Igna asked.

Justice and Fors both shook their heads.

Hugh Dilcha said: "The heartbeat and breathing are stable, and the phenomenon of spiritual escape is not serious. At the tenth minute, your spirituality will completely converge and you will enter a state of meditation."

"But now it seems that maybe entering the state of meditation is not your subjective consciousness." Hugh Dielcha crossed his arms and made a very calm judgment, "You should have entered 'that space' before completing the promotion and entering the meditation. ."

"Yes, instructor. As you said, although I am consciously restraining my spirituality, the time when I have subjective consciousness, that is, before drinking the potion, and now. In my memory, I have not yet started to meditate. , I should have entered 'that place' immediately after finishing the promotion." Igna said solemnly.

"I've been watching you and paying attention to the 'dream'." Justice also spoke, and she said softly, "What you entered is not a dream."

"I tried it before." Forsi said, "I can't 'locate' your position."

"Through blood, all I can know is that you're 'right here'."

"So, what did you see in the space?" Justice asked, her voice soft and sweet, soothing the remaining tension and fear in Igna's mind, "In this 'journey', you seem to have mastered it Some new knowledge. And some good news."

"Yes, Miss Justice, your eyes are like torches." Igna nodded and replied. As a high-sequence powerhouse in the audience pathway, "Justice" can see much more than others.

So, Igna didn't want to hide. Of course, he didn't want to hide it.

"Can you let Miss Fors and Instructor Hugh Dilcha enter my 'dreamland'?" Igna asked, "I may take you a look at everything I see, which will be more meaningful and research. value."

"Of course." Justice wearing a mask nodded slightly and affirmed.

The next moment, Igna felt that he had returned to the first floor of the cold laboratory building.


Fors Wall and Hugh Dilcha couldn't help frowning when they saw the scene in Igna's dream.

Forsi once collected materials related to the buildings of the Fourth Epoch for writing, but the standard of the building in front of her still puzzled her.

In her memory, a pool is usually built in the hall only in places where research work is done.

And why is the "space" that Igna Abraham went to this time in the research hall?

What secret is Bethel Abraham hiding here that will allow descendants who take his Beyonder characteristics to come here?

Fors Wall calmly exchanged glances with Hugh Dilza. Sure enough, she also saw the same doubts in Xio's eyes, as well as the inescapable solemnity.

This little Abraham, who Mr. Fool asked for "special attention", really had some secrets hidden on him.

"This is the research hall."

Igna couldn't see the meaning in the girls' eyes. After he came here, he could only introduce it to "Justice", "Magician" and "Judgment" according to everything he knew.

He first led the three to the door that could not be opened on the first floor of the experimental floor.

"I can't open the door here. 'Opening' is also banned, so there's no way to go in and see what's going on. However, I've made some attempts. You can look through the window, maybe we can find any clues? "

Hearing Igna's words", "Magic" and "Judgment" glanced at each other.

Then, "Justice" took the lead.

She stretched out her white lace-gloved hand and turned the door switch. Then, Igna heard her "Huh".

"What's the matter, Miss Justice?"

"Can't this door be opened?" "Justice" said, and turned sideways, motioning Igna to look forward.

"Really?" Igna was a little puzzled, but he stepped forward dutifully. And when he really twisted the handle of the door, he found that the door could actually be opened.


The door made a heavy swishing sound. The smell was full of dust inside.


Psychological cues yyds.

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