Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 19: Miss Courier (the

the next day. on Monday.

early morning.

After completing the established knight training, Igna came to the basement again.

He was ready for the ritual of summoning spirit creatures, surrounded by the psychedelic scent of herbs and essential oils.

As early as Backlund, Senior Xiao Zhou had already taught him the relevant rituals and summoning runes.

But at the time, Ignat had other things to do, so he put it on hold. Now that there is finally time, Ignatius will of course complete the ritual.

After you have a messenger, you can tell Melissa about the smooth promotion... Igna thought while looking at the unlit candle in front of her.

Looking at the altar, the knowledge taught by Senior Xiao Zhou flowed in Igna's mind.

When summoning a creature in the spiritual world, the first sentence must have the description of "wandering in the illusory" and "travelling in the upper world", only in this way can it point to the spiritual world. The suffix must be clear whether it is a spirit body or a creature with a certain flesh and blood. The second and third sentences are more accurate descriptions of the target, but they cannot be determined in more languages ​​due to the format, so they will eventually be summoned. It is difficult for the ceremonial executor to predict and fortune out what comes over.

Therefore, in this case, using those mantras verified by others, the risk will be relatively small.

After signing the contract, change the description of the third sentence to a messenger that belongs to who and who, and a three-paragraph description of the contract partner, and then the corresponding messenger can be accurately summoned.

Zhou Mingrui also gave more precise suggestions for the incantation summoned by the messenger.

Therefore, after lighting the candle that symbolized himself, Igna took a step back and said devoutly in Hermes:


"I call in my name:

"The spirit wandering in the illusory, the friendly creature that can be driven, is willing to become the unique existence of my messenger!"


Inside the wall of spirituality, the wind was fierce, and Ignatius' half-height silk top hat almost rose into the air.

The candles flickered and swelled to the size of a human head and pale as if they had lost their temperature.

Looking at such a scene, Igna was also a little surprised.

Because from the point of view of mysticism, these three-stage summoning incantations, especially the last sentence, are too broad, and theoretically, the possibility of summoning spiritual creatures is very low.

But it was successful.

Looking at the flickering candlelight in front of him, Igna can still recall the meaningful smile of Senior Xiao Zhou at that time.

He said, "Just try it and see."

The results were really surprising.

A translucent head emerged from the pale candle like a break-through film, and her hair was a beautiful blond, smooth and beautiful. Her eyes were scarlet as blood, and her appearance was bright.

Is it human?

Ignat was a little surprised again. But before his thoughts could take shape, the head was completely drilled out.

However, unlike what Igna expected, what appeared behind her bright face was not the neck, but an illusory palm holding the end of her hair. Behind the palm were cuffs with complex patterns but dark colors, which summoned The speed of the spiritual world being drilled out is getting faster and faster, and soon it is completely displayed in Igna's eyes.

She was wearing a gorgeous and gloomy black dress. She has no head, but there is a neat incision at the neck, and her drooping hands are holding four heads with blond hair and red faces. Also, these heads are exactly the same.

Looking at Igna, the four heads held by the woman blinked together. He looked up and down.

"Yes..." "You..." "Calling..." "Me?"

The headless woman in a gloomy and complicated black dress stood there quietly, and the four drooping heads spoke from this, in ancient Fusac.

Ignatius didn't know why she looked a little dazed.

Why... shouldn't the "applicants" be friendly creatures?

Moreover, you can communicate directly in language... This underworld creature's level is not low...

Igna felt that this lady seemed to be overkill to "apply" for the messenger. Although he has not yet roamed the spiritual world, Abraham's records and knowledge tell him that the lady in front of him is not simple.

However, Igna still looked at the candlelight behind the headless woman, making sure that no other spirits came out.

Senior Xiao Zhou asked him to pay attention when he told the ceremony. When using this three-stage incantation, pay attention to whether there are multiple targets responding.

But Igna noticed that the truth should be that there is only one.

It was this headless lady who seemed a little unfriendly.

But Igna nodded solemnly to her.

Because Senior Xiao Zhou also said that if you meet someone who seems to be a very powerful spirit creature, you must have a good relationship. It may play an unexpected role in the future.

Ignat looked at the headless lady and responded solemnly, "Yes."

"Are you willing to sign a contract and become my messenger?" Igna asked.

The headless woman's skirt moved slightly, and the four heads with blonde hair and red eyes nodded at the same time:

"Yes." "Every time..." "One..." "Flawless gem."


What? ? ?

Send a letter for a flawless fine gem? ? ?

Senior Xiao Zhou seems to have mentioned that some creatures have similar hobbies. For example, sending a letter requires a gold coin, but it is not a flawless high-quality gem, right?

The market value of a flawless fine gemstone is now around £10. It's too expensive!

Although Abraham's family was wealthy and kept a considerable stockpile. But it's really too expensive! !

Surprised, Igna immediately wanted to cancel the summoning.

But he thought of Senior Xiao Zhou's advice again. "If you meet someone who seems to be a very powerful spiritual creature, you must make a good relationship."

"Are you strong?" Igna couldn't help asking.

After speaking, Igna realized that the question was too straightforward. So he quickly added two more questions: "How is your survivability? Can you travel fast in the spiritual world?"

After listening to Igna's question, the headless woman answered in turn with the head in her hand:

"Also..." "Yes." "Survival ability..." "Not bad."

"Can..." "Fast travel." "Would you like to..." "Try it?"

While speaking, the woman's head floated upwards. Eight beautiful scarlet eyes looked at Igna, as if eager to try.

"No need!" Igna replied immediately, he didn't want to try it at all now!

"Let's sign a contract."

Summoning the messenger for a flawless, high-quality gem is a bit expensive. However, the significance of summoning a messenger is not as simple as sending a message alone, and it should be viewed with a long-term perspective.

And I don't have that many people to send letters... Igna groaned silently. A few gems can last a long time.

Seeing that the headless woman had no objection, Igna picked up the pen and yellow-brown parchment that had been prepared, and quickly wrote the contract in Hermes language, which could mobilize the power of nature. The format and terms in it were all taught by Senior Xiao Zhou on Gray Mist.

The content is concise and powerful, including the content that the courier cannot peep at the letter, discard the letter, and endanger the life of the contractor. Of course, if the content of the contractor's letter involves the courier, it must be explained to the other party in advance.

In addition to these, Ignat added the clause of sending a single flawless fine gem. Moreover, with the mentality of not being afraid of ten thousand, it is clearly pointed out that this gem can be borne by the contractor or the other party in the letter.

In order to ensure the validity of the contract, the last part needs to write the honorable name of the **** of the domain.

This is a necromancy contract, and the honorable name of the **** of death can be used. Originally, according to common sense, the **** of death has fallen for a long time and has not responded for a long time.

But Zhou Mingrui also clearly said, "That is in the past. Now you can pray with the honorable name of the God of Death."

The implications of this issue are worth pondering, but Igna did not ask much, just left a description of the name of the **** of death on the parchment.

After dropping the description of the honorable name, on the yellow-brown parchment, Hermeswen ignited one by one, and the strong flames illuminated the surrounding gloomy darkness.

After finishing the text, Igna took out the high-level sealed artifact of the Abraham family prepared in advance, pressed him on the parchment, and dropped his name.

"Igna Abraham".

After Igna finished signing, the parchment floated up and came to the headless woman with the sealed item.

The headless woman held a blond, red-eyed head, bit down on the pen and dropped her name.

"Reinette Tinichole."

The miserable green flames quickly formed a piece, covering the sealed item and the yellow-brown parchment. After a few seconds, the parchment turned to ashes. The sealed item fell into the palm of Igna's outstretched palm without any change.

The headless lady Reinette raised her four heads and blinked at the same time, her figure quickly became illusory and retracted into the pale candlelight.

Finally, there is a messenger, and he is still a big boss. Although the fee is a little expensive, Ignat still feels in a good mood for some reason.

You can find a spiritual creature as a messenger, but I wonder if you can find a contemporary pen of a spiritual creature.

Igna's thoughts began to fly... Even if he couldn't write it, it would be nice to be able to do voice input. There are too many manuscripts recently, and it is impossible not to speed up the writing speed.



Because this chapter uses a lot of the original text, it is free.

Not even adding more.

Note: The ritual of summoning the messenger is from Chapter 79, "The Recruitment Fair", and Ms. Reinette's appearance is from The Traveler, Chapter 65, The Priest.

Mystery: The Star Key https://

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