Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 23: City of Silver (this

Inside a gray tower, there are many corpses in the vast hall.

Igna stood on one side of the hall and looked at the boy in the middle of the hall silently.

There were two coffins in front of the boy's eyes. Judging from the two faces that were similar to the boy's, it should be the boy's parents who were lying in the coffin.

The couple in the coffin hadn't really died. They tried to keep their eyes open, sometimes faintly, sometimes panting violently, but in the eyes of some people, the brilliance of their lives had become irresistibly dim, irreversible dim.

"Derrick, let's do it." An old man wearing a black robe and holding a hard cane said in a deep voice, looking at the young man whose face was almost twisted.

"No, no, no!" The brown-haired Derrick shook his head continuously, taking a step back every time he said a word, and at the end he let out a scream like tearing his heart and splitting his lungs.


The old man's cane was heavily pressed on the floor, and he said, "Do you want the whole city to be buried for your parents?"

"You should know very well that we are the people of darkness that have been abandoned by God and can only live in this cursed place. All the dead will become terrifying evil spirits, which cannot be reversed no matter what method is used. Except, in addition to having the same People of bloodline end their lives with their own hands!"

"Why?" Derrick shook his head in confusion and despair, "Why are the people of our City of Silver destined to kill their fathers and mothers as soon as they were born?"

The old man closed his eyes and seemed to remember what he had experienced in the past. His voice was hoarse: "...that is our destiny, this is the curse we bear, this is God's will..."

"Pulling your sword, Derrick, this is respect for your parents."

Derrick Poco, who was standing in front of the coffin, wanted to speak, but after his chest heaved a few times, he could only squeeze out a **** ho sound from his throat.

Derrick took a hard step.

On the stone slab in front of him was a simple straight silver sword. The sword swayed slightly in the thunder that shook the house from time to time.

Derrick stretched out his right hand tremblingly.

"Woo!" An extremely suppressed, extremely low voice came out of his throat, and his right hand suddenly pulled out the straight sword.

Deng deng pedal!

Derrick buried his head, rushed forward, held his straight sword high, and plunged down heavily.


In a scream of pain, blood splashed out, splashed on Dalek's face, and splashed into his eyes.

The boy's eyes seemed to be bright red, but he still roared, drew his straight sword, and stabbed the coffin next to him.

The sharp metal easily penetrated the flesh.

The young man seemed to have no soul.

He let go of his hand and stood up staggeringly.

His eyes didn't even look at the two coffins, and he stumbled out of the hall as if being chased by evil spirits.

"The City of Silver has existed since the land abandoned by the Omniscient and Almighty God, the creator of everything. However, it existed before that, but it was still called the Country of Silver." Michelle, who was standing beside Ignatius Watkins said.

He is the "tour guide" responsible for leading Igna to "tour" the history of the City of Silver this time. Responsible for taking Igna to "travel" the history of the City of Silver being saved by the Fool.

Igna nodded slightly.

Michelle Watkins has grey curly hair and doesn't look very old. His eyebrows are long and narrow, there is a small scar on the left side of the bridge of his nose, and his beard has been carefully groomed. He was elegant and polite, and he continued in a gentle voice:

"When the sun disappeared from the sky, when the clouds were torn out of the gaps, when lightning and thunder became the masters, monsters hidden in the depths of darkness suddenly appeared. They are terrifying, sinister and unimaginable, making people the city of the country of silver. One after another is destroyed. The 'Dark Ages' come."

"The remnants of the strong gathered in the City of Silver, relying on the strength of unity and two magical items, to resist the attack of the dark things, and gradually clear an area on the road of ordinary human beings one day to establish a blessing of human civilization. The last fiery red City-state." "The remnants of the strong gathered in the city of silver, relying on the strength of unity and two magical items to resist the attack of the dark things, and gradually clear an area on the way of ordinary humans one day to establish a bless human civilization. The city-state of the last fire."

"In the first few decades, plants could not grow, and the City of Silver was severely lacking food. It could only eat by hunting dark monsters with flesh and certain mutant animals. The population began to decline rapidly and uncontrollably. Fortunately, later we Having found the black-faced grass, they can survive tenaciously in this environment and have become a reliable and stable food source for the City of Silver for thousands of years."

"'Black-faced grass' is considered to be the last blessing left by the great gods, allowing the City of Silver to persevere from generation to generation, persisting for 2,582 years in the dark age."

Igna was silent.

Two thousand five hundred and eighty-two years.

According to the knowledge he possesses, this period of time is longer than the time from when Qin Shihuang established the first dynasty in 221 BC to before he crossed over. In China, it took two thousand years from the beginning of the first feudal dynasty to a society with democratic science.

And the City of Silver, in such a disaster, persisted for 2,580 years.

"However, we are also under the curse of fate." Michelle looked at the two coffins in the mortuary hall and asked, "Do you know why Elder Derrick Berg needs to kill his parents?"

Igna was silent and did not speak.

The old man who was on crutches just now revealed something.

is a curse.

It is the person who cursed the City of Silver, who can only kill close relatives.

And the curse of having to let the direct bloodline end the life of a close relative is too cruel and too sad.

"Yes, it's a curse." Michelle said softly.

There was no joy or sorrow in his voice, as if he was just calmly stating a dusty history.

"The City of Silver is under the curse of fate. Whether ordinary people or Extraordinary people, they will become evil spirits after death, but the evil spirits transformed by Extraordinary people are even more bizarre and It is more difficult to deal with. The curse has nearly destroyed the City of Silver several times, and the only solution is to end the life of the deceased by someone of the same bloodline."

"According to the opinion of Elder Derrick Berg, he said that if we want to start from his point of view, we should write about Mr. Fool's redemption of the City of Silver."

"Please start recording from this moment."

Come on, good knife. The story of the City of Silver is really good.

Hold tight to the sun.

Long Tao thanked the group of friends for "the upper and lower parts are not formed, why should there be a test"

The description of the City of Silver comes from the first volume of The Joker, Chapter 137 The City of Silver. In order to conform to Igna's third-person perspective, Derrick's behavior made certain changes and changes.

This chapter is to make the plot complete and restore. Extensive textual descriptions are used. Therefore, there is no charge as usual.

However, the relevant content of the subsequent Silver City depends on subjective processing and the difficulty of sorting out the materials to decide whether to charge. Thanks for understanding.

Finally, I couldn't help but sigh with emotion. When I looked back, I found out that the foreshadowing of Feng Baizhi and the Hanged Man was buried at this time. The squid is really awesome! ! ! This is the true God! !


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