Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 37: after the secret


Not only Igna, but all the Silver City squads present fell silent.

It took a long time for Heinem to speak in a slightly hoarse voice:

"This is the palace of dusk, these are the king of angels and the gods of the second era?

"They conspired everything to cause a huge disaster to make the Lord abandon this land?"

Hearing this, the corners of Ignat's brows jumped again.

He didn't know much about the history of the Second Epoch, and even if he followed along, he didn't know much about the history of the City of Silver.

He only knew that the City of Silver once believed in the God of "the creator of all, omniscient and omnipotent", but for some unknown reason, the creator of the City of Silver abandoned this great emperor.

But according to the expressions of Haiyinmu and other Silver City squads, in their perception, it was "Rose of Redemption" that caused the downfall of that Silver City Creator?

With respect for objective history, Igna asked Michelle by the side.

"Yes, the Lord we once believed in, the All-Knowing and Almighty God, died after being assassinated by 'Rose of Redemption' and abandoned this great emperor."

As Michelle spoke, she drew a prayer gesture from the Church of the Fools on her chest.

"But Mr. Fool once came to the oracle and told us that this is not the whole picture of history. The fall of our creator and the establishment of the rose of redemption were all acquiesced by him."

"So don't hate. Don't be sad."

"God once abandoned us, but we also ushered in the light again." Michelle said, "Praise Mr. Fool."

Igna nodded thoughtfully, and again drew the prayer gesture of the Church of Fools in his heart.

"Praise Mr. Fool."


Colin Iliad drew the two swords in front of him, turned his body halfway, and responded calmly, "It's very possible."

"If we can figure out what happened in the first place, do we have a chance to please the Lord and let Him look at this land again?" Hearing the chief's answer, Antirna asked eagerly.

At this moment, Derrick seemed to see a trace of pity and sadness in the Chief's eyes, and heard him say "um": "Maybe."

"Then let's continue to explore!" The rest of the team members requested with burning eyes.

This is the closest time the City of Silver has been to hope in the two or three thousand years of suffering. No one of them is willing to let it go, even if they sacrifice their lives for it.

Colin Iliad looked around slowly and said, "Don't forget to explore the rules, don't be impulsive at any time.

"It is determined that this is related to redemption. We can come a second time, a third time, or even more. There is no need to be so anxious."

After he said this, the rest of the exploration team calmed down a lot, and responded one after another:

"Yes, Your Excellency."

Under the arrangement of Colin the Demon Hunter, the remaining team members were divided into groups and searched the hall carefully, but found nothing of value other than the murals.

Of course, it's not really there. After all, this is the kingdom of the ancient gods. The seemingly ordinary long tables, chairs, stone pillars and torches, as long as they can be taken outside, will have some peculiar effects, and they can last for a long time. But for the Silver City Exploration Team, these are things that are inconvenient to carry and lack practical value.

As for the other frescoes, they are all profiles of the main fresco from different angles, and they are combined to form a three-dimensional scene.

After completing the search, Derrick and others gathered again, followed the chief, and came to the exit at the rear of the hall.

There was a gray-blue, non-splitting door.

Colin Iliad watched carefully for a while across the gate more than ten meters high, and finally said:

"There are strong guards outside the door."

Hearing the chief's words, Lovia the Shepherd immediately asked her own question: "Like the two 'Silver Knights' at the main entrance of the Royal Court, won't they take the initiative to attack targets outside the range?"

Colin Iliad nodded lightly: "At least that's what it's showing so far."

They were all close to the exit, and the guard outside the door was unresponsive.

This means that the other party does not have real wisdom and spirituality, and is likely to be just something activated.

Without waiting for the other team members to speak, Colin the Demon Hunter continued: "Huge, heavy..."

After obtaining the corresponding information, the people in Silver City formed a tacit understanding. One team kept a distance from the exit, but was facing the gate. It was protected by the "shepherd" elder Lovia, as a bait to attract the guards. He took the corresponding holy oil and smeared it on the ground at the exit. Heim, who was holding the "No Dark Cross", and Colin the "Demon Hunter" each stood on the side of the gate and covered themselves with stone pillars.

Then Colin Iliad put a straight sword back behind his back, took out a metal vial, and Gollum drank the liquid inside.

His breath quickly faded, and it was no longer obvious.

This is another arrangement. Heim is in the light and the Demon Hunter is in the dark.

After waiting for another ten seconds, Lovia the Shepherd stretched out her right hand and grabbed it out of thin air.

Her silver-gray hair was dyed dark blue at this moment.

The roar of the wind roared, and the gray-blue door opened with a clang.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of pedaling footsteps sounded, causing the entire hall to shake heavily.

A "giant" with a halberd and covered with iron armor rushed to the hall.

Its exposed part has no flesh and blood, it seems to be made of metal, and behind the black mask is a crimson light.

If it doesn't move and stands there, it won't be any different from the statue.

pedal! pedal! pedal!

The shaking of the hall became more and more obvious, and the giant statue suddenly threw the halberd in its hand, causing it to set off a hurricane, and ran towards Derrick and the others who were facing the door.


The halberd hit an invisible barrier, and the illusory ripples quickly swayed.

In front of Lovia the Shepherd, I don't know when there was an illusory figure in silver full-body armor, which inserted the giant sword in his hand into the gap on the floor.

pedal! pedal! pedal!

The giant statue did not stop and ran into the hall.

At this moment, there was a stinging sound under its feet, and its huge body suddenly fell back.

It stepped on the place where the holy oil was applied.

When the giant statue slipped, the crimson light in his eyes suddenly flourished, and an invisible force emerged to hold it up.

Suddenly, a blazing hot light burst out from the "No Dark Cross", hitting exactly the one-eyed position of the giant statue.

The crimson color faded.

"Demon Hunter" Colin jumped up, holding the same straight sword in both hands, and stabbed down like an eagle swooping down on its prey.

Pieces of morning light stood out, meeting on the straight sword, making it extremely huge, even surpassing the height of Colin Iliad.

With a puff, the clear straight sword pierced into the gap of the giant statue's visor and into its eyes.

The turbulent morning light rushed in.

Colin Iliad pressed down with his hands holding the hilt of the sword again, and when the giant statue slammed to the ground, he drew his straight sword and jumped to the side.

The giant statue lay in the doorway, and the body kept making cracking sounds, and finally lost all movement.

"Demon Hunter" Colin didn't look at it anymore, turned to look outside the gate, and said after a few seconds:

"There are no other guards for now, you can deal with this statue."

Derrick and others quickly surrounded them, skillfully searching for materials on the giant statue.

After taking away the most valuable things on the giant statue, the Silver City exploration team continued to move forward, along the outside corridor, and entered another hall.

In this way, they shuttled back and forth between the palaces, towers and different corridors and stairs, trying to find more clues and the entrance to the "sea" described by the outsider Jack.

——Whether they believed the little boy’s words or not, they had unconsciously looked forward to the deep blue sea behind the “Royal Court of Giants”, and on the other side of the sea, there was a country where human beings thrived. There are monsters hidden, the sun rises and sets normally, lightning only appears before the rain, and people harvest all kinds of food.

During this process, the City of Silver exploration team encountered not many enemies, most of them were activated statues, and a small amount belonged to the evil spirits created by the combination of leftover emotions and the power of dusk. The latter had little resistance in the face of the "No Dark Cross". Power.

When the "No Dark Cross" returned to Derrick's hands, the City of Silver exploration team was very close to the tallest building in the "Royal Court of Giants".

The twilight here is very strong, and it seems to come from that palace.

"Out of this hall, you should be at the side of the giant king's residence." Colin the "Demon Hunter" identified the location and direction, and pointed to the front.

"Shepherd" elder Lovia nodded, her expression finally filled with uncontrollable hope.

Derrick's heart beat faster, and he could no longer control his excitement. Then, he was "pacified" by Antirna.

After adjusting their emotions, the people in Silver City entered the front hall and saw something similar to an oil painting hanging on both sides.

These "oil paintings" depict different giants, some with bone flutes, some with wind chimes, and some with lyres that match their height.

With the arrival of the Silver City exploration team, the giants on the oil painting suddenly came to life. They played bone flutes, wind chimes, or strings, and played a wonderful piece of music.

The dusk light in the hall became a little brighter, and food after food appeared on the long table around them.

Roasted chicken...roasted smeared with honey...

"This, is this normal food?" Heimm, who was holding the "Roar of Thor", stared straight at one of the long tables, his Adam's apple wriggling up and down.

"Maybe." Derrick sniffed and couldn't help swallowing.

Except for the black-faced grass, they have never seen normal food. The meat of those monsters is roasted in different colors but the same unpalatable, and even lead to poisoning.

"Demon Hunter" Colin stared for a few seconds and sighed:

"It's all fake, don't touch, otherwise there may be unnecessary accidents."

The people in Silver City other than Lovia withdrew their gazes with difficulty and followed the chief all the way to the exit of this hall.

After some scrutiny, Colin Iliad inserted the two swords into the ground, reached out and pushed open the heavy door.

A gap appeared, and a more intense orange-red light reflected in it.

As the gap got bigger and bigger, a towering palace gradually became clear.

Then, everyone in the City of Silver heard the sound of clattering.

At this time Colin pulled out a straight sword, suppressing the restlessness in the hearts of the players.

He immediately drew out another straight sword and walked out of the hall slowly, Derrick and the others followed cautiously and carefully.

After thoroughly bathing in the twilight, they simultaneously turned their eyes to the left, where there was a handrail made of a row of stone pillars.

Outside the handrail is a pervasive orange-red cloud, and in the distance of the cloud is a gently surging dark blue with no end in sight, a dark blue with a squeaking sound.

No need for anyone to explain, the members of the Silver City Exploration Team remembered the records in the books and Jack's description at the same time, and a term flashed in their minds:

"The Sea".


Note: The main content of this volume is Volume 5, Red Priest, Chapter 172 Klein's Fear, Chapter 173 Tacit Cooperation.

Certain changes have been made to match the knowledge available to document the third-person perspective and the protagonist of this article.

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