Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 49: About tuition

Igna was stunned.

This...isn't it unreasonable. Although the Fourth Epoch is known as the Era of the Gods, angels and gods still walk on the ground. However, an "angel" is unknown, and it seems that it is not too scientific... nor too mysterious.

Unless the authority of that one angel is secret. But Zion doesn't seem to have a similar path in his hands.

No... not necessarily. As Igna recalls now, it seems that this one exists and has never demonstrated his relevant abilities.

While thinking, Azik Eggers suddenly asked, "Can you embody his portrait?"

Igna was stunned, and nodded somewhat uncertainly.

"I'll try it," he said.

In fact, he had made a similar attempt, wanting to make Zion appear in the dream and reproduce the dialogue between them. But couldn't do it.

Even Miss Justice of the audience pathway Sequence 3 personally used the ability of "Dreamland Roaming", and did not let them see Zion.

But... if it's a portrait, they really haven't tried this before.

So, Igna once again used the ability of the remaining dream walkers to bring Azik Eggers into the dream.

But this time, not much has changed around them. Because Igna didn't want to bring Zion directly to Azik, he took a trick.

In the dream, he stretched out his hand and fished to his side, and then he picked up a framed picture frame.

The frame exists so naturally, as if he was there in the first place.

Igna picked up the frame and wanted to show the portrait of "Zion" on the screen to Mr. Azik Eggers, but found that there was nothing on the canvas, only a deep black.

Igna was stunned.

And Azik had already seen the situation on the portrait. After he pondered for a while, he nodded lightly.

"I see," he said.

"What do you understand?"

Azik Eggers raised his eyes and said his answer gently: "He has blocked information about himself. If you want to see him, you must get his permission."

"Without his permission, neither his portrait nor his figure can be seen by others." Azik Eggers said.

Igna's eyes widened. This, this... can this be done?

This may sound bizarre. However, it seems reasonable. Anyone in the world who can do this, with his current knowledge, already knows that there is such a person.

Goddess of the Night.

He is the Lord of Crimson, the Mother of Secrets, the Queen of Distress and Fear, the Lord of Sleep and Silence.

In Derrick Berg's memory, Igna once faced the power of the goddess. He knew that everything about him was a secret, and even uttering his name could be wiped out.

So, is Zion also a high-level Beyonder of the Night Path?

This seems to contradict the previous conclusion.

However, the dreams and secrets related to Zion do seem to be the abilities of the "Dark Night" related pathways.

So, from this perspective, that piece of space is indeed a dream.

And it is a dream dominated by Zion, not a space related to Bethel?

Thinking of this, Igna felt a little confused.

These are two complete but completely different conclusions from two logical chains.

What went wrong?

"So, Mr. Azik, is it..." Faced with this question, Igna did not think by himself, but stated his guess.

"There is such a possibility." Azik said after listening to Igna's words.

"There are many hidden secrets in that dream, which can only be explored slowly." Azik Eggers said, "and the prerequisite for exploration is your growth."

"There's no point in speculating right now."

"Do you have any problems with digestion?" Azik Eggers said, "You don't have a mythical creature form yet... Is it Sequence 6? Or Sequence 5?"

"It's the Sequence 6 recorder, Mr. Azik." Igna said, "The digestion is good now. The recorder I was promoted three days ago."

"That's it." Azik raised his eyebrows in surprise, then nodded, and said, "As expected of the person he chose."

Ignat coughed a little embarrassedly after being praised.

"Thank you for your love." Ignatius said, "But you reminded me, I still have a question..."

Azik Eggers seemed to be in a good mood. He nodded slightly and said, "I would like to hear more about it."

"How did you know that I was the favored one of Mister Fool?" Ignatius Abraham said.

This is a very important question.

When we first met, Mr. Azik said "he is special".

So, is this particularity visible to the naked eye? If Mr. Ards Eggers can easily know about this, will there be other beings on the Rorsted Islands that can also "see" this?

This is no joke.

This involves personal safety.

Azik Eggers was slightly stunned, and smiled: "I've seen it."


Igna took a lot of effort to keep himself from showing a terrified expression. Even with mental preparation, it was a shock to hear the exact news.

"I said it, Klein Moretti, Gehrman Sparrow, Sherlock Moriarty are all my students." Azik Eggers said with a smile, "They have a A special scent."

"The same," Azik Eggers lit Igna with the cigar in his hand, "you have it too."

"This breath is easy to detect for existences above Sequence 2. For Beyonders of the Destiny Path, it is even more obvious from Sequence 9."

"However, you don't have to worry. This breath belongs to fools, and it's something that big men know. Ordinary angels won't do anything to you and touch him."

"Our Mr. Fool has more allies than you think." Azik Eggers laughed.

"It can be said that with this breath, you are safer than ever." Azik Eggers said, "At the same time, it is also more dangerous."

"Because his enemy will also be your enemy."

Igna held his breath.

Azik nodded and said, "Be careful of the moon."


At one o'clock in the afternoon, Ignat left the Marigold Hotel with the parchment and a cuff pin given by Mr. Azik.

They chatted a lot, so the time passed in almost a blink of an eye.

Mr. Azik Eggers was too gentle to be an angel.

After learning about Igna's upcoming trip and mission, Mr. Azik Eggers told him how to summon his messenger.

He also kindly and softly instructed that if you still have any questions you want to ask, you can write a letter or "travel" to come to him. He's been traveling around the Rhodes Islands lately.

Ignatius was of course moved to tears.

With such a erudite and talented person who can interrupt from time to time, and a very high-ranking boss who can ask for advice, Ignat simply didn't know what to say to express his gratitude.

Facing Igna's eloquent gratitude, Ards just smiled gently.

"I'm very happy to meet his beloved." Azik smiled, "I also believe that our encounter must be valuable."


Saying goodbye to Azik Eggers, Igna did not stay outside, but returned to the central tower of Silver City to fill his stomach, and then returned to his room to write.

The production of the voice pen still takes a certain amount of time, but it does not mean that he can produce zero output during this time.

While combing the outline in the room, Igna ensured that the sun-loving people would not starve in the sun, and could get enough sunshine for eight hours.

He knows where everything he has today comes from, and the only thing he can do now is to live up to his love.

After all the hard work, the night finally came.

After Igna repeatedly instructed the guards at the door not to disturb him if there was nothing else, he took four steps backward and came to the small study above the gray fog.

Sure enough, as expected, Gehrman Sparrow was already sitting at the desk.

He was flipping through the half-read books Igna had read, and when he heard Igna's footsteps, he raised his chin towards him and said, "Come on."

Seeing this stern-faced adventurer, Igna was about to say hello with a when he suddenly had an illusion.

It seems that the person in front of him is not the favored one of the friendly Mr. Fool, but has transformed into an indescribable, hungry monster. Is coveting his soul and flesh and blood.

His inspiration clearly told him that he was facing an abyss full of madness and bloodlust!

Igna's hair stood on end, his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, and his body and legs didn't listen to his commands, as if he had fallen into endless stiffness, tensed to the point of trembling slightly.

In this state, Igna felt that the speed of his brain's thinking had also slowed down. There seemed to be some disconnect between his body and his mind.

At this time, Igna saw Gehrman Sparrow draw a revolver from his arms.

The black muzzle was pointed at him.


A paper figure fell quietly, and a big hole was opened in his heart.


The strongest hunter above the five seas, the most handsome cub, and the wildest rose. Crazy adventurer, fanatic of fools. Enter Gehrman Sparrow!

Note: For the first description, see Chapter 17 Recruitment of the Faceless Man in Volume II.

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