Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 51: Tuition time

The training that followed was simply unbearable.

Even if his state is limited to Sequence 6, Gehrman Sparrow's attack methods are endless.

Judging from the abilities that Igna has seen so far, it has included but not limited to the sun, storms, apprentices, demons, living corpses, bishops of roses... There was even one time when Igna was too late to see him. He took out Lemano's travel notes and sent him a few bolts of lightning.

Every time Igna felt that he had understood all of Gehrman Sparrow's attack methods, he could always refresh Igna's cognition next time.

So far, according to incomplete statistics, Igna has at least encountered the effects of extraordinary abilities or extraordinary items in more than ten pathways or more.

There are so many that it almost makes Ignatius wonder who the record keeper is.

Moreover, when Gehrman Sparrow realized that Igna seemed to have the intention of using "death" in exchange for "further information", the way he "warned" Igna was even more unforgettable.

With consciousness and not completely "dead", Igna really didn't want to recall the feeling of being devoured by flesh and blood magic inch by inch.

"The battle of Beyonders does not give you time to 'exchange information'."

Even if the pain had filled his mind, Gehrman Sparrow's words were engraved in Igna's mind as if they had been drilled into his brain.

"Don't waste my kindness," said Gehrman Sparrow.

Since then, Igna has been more cautious with each attack.

The training went on for two hours, and Gehrman Sparrow stopped practicing until Igner's mental concentration began to decline.

Fortunately, the training of the devil did not let Ignat lose his fighting spirit.

Because he knows very well that although Gehrman Sparrow's words are very poignant, he has always been right and wrong, and his statements are all facts.

And Gehrman Sparrow's teaching method also made Igna realize that he lacks too much in extraordinary combat.

First of all, when facing evil spirits, resentful souls, and creatures with dark attributes, he still lacks effective means of defeating the enemy.

Second, the range-based control skills have certain overlap and repetition. In addition to the "spiritual piercing" and "longwei" attacks against the spiritual body, he needs other "physical" attack skills.

Again, he lacks long-range lethal weapons. Although there are revolvers, the effect of pistols is limited when facing Beyonders with body strengthening ability.

Finally, he lacks the means to save his life in a critical moment.

But what is worth affirming is that when facing Gehrman Sparrow, the strongest hunter above the five seas with rich fighting experience, Igna also successfully sent bullets and military thorns into his chest.

However, in those attacks, he was dodged twice by the paper avatar, and only once, with Igna's efforts, actually hit Gehrman's right chest, causing him to bleed a lot. Although that injury was transferred to the left arm, Ignatius had the first-ever advantage because Gehrman was missing a left hand.

Of course, that attack ended in Igna's defeat.

Even when he was fully prepared, he was unexpectedly flooded with vile and filthy ravings, and then fell into a state of chaos and almost out of control, and was killed by Gehrman, who had broken free beforehand.

Later, Gehrman Sparrow taught him a hard lesson, verbally.

"Too simple."

Igna couldn't refute.

His past experience of fighting Beyonders came from Instructor Hugh Dilcha and Deacon Jules Tian. These two instructors are both Beyonders of the trial sequence, and they don't have so many ways to fight.

And, perhaps because of the repulsion with their own sequences, neither of the two instructors had ever carried or used any spells or abilities with an "evil" connotation.

A spell containing at least "True Creator's ravings" is absolutely impossible.

But Igna wasn't upset about it either, and was quick to pick up the slack.

this is normal.

After all, there must be a difference between an adventurer at sea and an instructor who upholds the spirit of chivalry. And his enemies are now more from the sea.

Gu Yu needs to have such combat experience and combat readiness.

This training above the gray fog, the real combat training includes a total of five "breaks".

After training, Gehrman Sparrow also took on the task of demonstrating extraordinary abilities for Igna.

After making up for the "ability" consumed by Igna, Gehrman Sparrow additionally showed his divine ability to "learn" by Igna.

That is the ability that Zhou Mingrui once used in front of Igna, belonging to ancient scholars, the ability to summon the projection of historical pores!

"It can be used to save lives at a critical time." Gehrman Sparrow said.

"But when you ask for reinforcements, you can't summon me, and you can't summon any person or thing you've seen on the gray fog."

Igna's eyes widened.

"Any questions?" Gehrman Sparrow said coldly.

"Why?" Igna asked directly.

After these few battles, Igna was completely afraid of Gehrman Sparrow.

Although this angel of punishment, the thunder of the Lord, the wrath of the Lord, the palm of the Lord, the fighting experience and ability are so rich that they are terrifying.

However, he is also a believer who acts 100% following the will of the Fool.

Gehrman Sparrow has spent his precious time and energy teaching a Sequence 6 "Recorder", would he still refuse to answer a simple question?

"It's just a piece of advice."

Gehrman Sparrow pushed up his glasses and raised the corners of his mouth.

"You can try to summon it."

"But don't guess why."


Igna's expression suddenly His just excited logical thinking just raised his head.

But this familiar advice... reminded him of countless previous experiences.

Sure enough, Gehrman Sparrow said with a stern smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If you think too much, you will die."

In the end, Igna stopped thinking very timely, and turned to "record" the ability that belonged to ancient scholars to summon historical projections.

On the one hand, it can help the digestion of the recorder's potion.

On the other hand, even if you can't summon Gehrman Sparrow and Sherlock Moriarty, you can summon Miss Messenger and Mr. Azik.

In this way, there is a life-saving trump card!

Igna knew that in a short period of time, the shortcomings he had realized before could not be fully filled so quickly.

Now, if you can make up a piece, it's a piece.

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