Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 74: idealism

"Mystery: Key of the Star(

Above the gray fog.

"Good noon, Yuanning."

Zhou Mingrui looked at Su Yuanning with tired eyes.

He smiled and nodded to Su Yuanning, snapped his fingers, and Su Yuanning's usual porcelain cup was filled with frozen and cool sweet iced tea.

"How did you feel in the first week of going out for research?"

Zhou Mingrui took a sip of hot tea, looked at Su Yuanning and said, "Is the Rhosid Islands suitable for spreading Mister Fool's teachings?"

Although the time for the party last week was rushed. However, Su Yuanning also simply reported his plans for the next few weeks to Zhou Mingrui.

This is to prevent myself from being late for the "teaching" every Sunday night or the "party" every Monday when I don't have time to be alone during the trip, causing the seniors and teachers I value to do nothing.

Hearing Zhou Mingrui's question, Su Yuanning recalled what he saw and heard in Knight Village last week, and was shocked to realize that the content of life last week was really colorful.

"I met a lot of things last week." Su Yuanning nodded, recalling the contents of his research in the past few days, "Rhoside Islands and Backlund have great differences in folk customs, customs, and religious pursuits."

"However, the 'equality', 'benevolence' and 'hope' preached by the Church of Fools are the most beautiful emotions in the world, so no matter where they are, there is soil for him to grow." Su Yuanning said with a smile.

Hearing Su Yuanning's words, Zhou Mingrui's eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows raised, and he said in a teasing tone, "The tone of your speech sounds like a qualified pastor."

"Haha, is that so?" Su Yuanning took a sip of sweet iced tea and winked at Zhou Mingrui.

"However, although this sounds like preaching doctrine. However, I really agree with the philosophy preached by the Church of The Fool." Su Yuanning said seriously.

"After all, if I don't really agree, how dare I take on the task assigned by Miss Justice."

"I think it is a very meaningful thing to be able to sow these beautiful beliefs into the hearts of believers."

Su Yuanning put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Zhou Mingrui, who seemed to be a little sleepy again.

Zhou Mingrui was noncommittal about what he just said, and just smiled plainly.

"That's fine," he said.

Zhou Mingrui's changes did not escape Su Yuanning's eyes.

Senior Xiao Zhou's spirit seemed to have improved a little before, but now he was covered in sleepiness again.

However, Su Yuanning did not say it directly. By now, he already knew what he should and could do in the face of such a situation.

Su Yuanning cleared his throat and organized the language.

"Even though I'm now working as a pastor, I still know exactly what I'm doing."

"After all, I used to live under the banner of socialism, and it was impossible for me to completely abandon the materialist view of history and wholeheartedly believe in a certain 'God'."

"However, propagating the teachings of Mr. Fool is not out of 'believer logic'."

"I'm willing to find a way to spread the teachings more widely because I think that what the Church of Fools preaches can make people aware of human rights, equality and dignity, and make believers realize that everyone can create their own with their hands. Miracle."

"This is not only the spread of 'belief', but also an important process that can promote the development of civilization." Su Yuanning said, "I think it is very meaningful."

Zhou Mingrui, who was holding his chin, was stunned for a moment, but this remark made him sit up straight. He looked at Su Yuanning, the blanket on his lap was automatic without wind.

He opened his mouth, as if speaking. After a while, Zhou Mingrui said softly.

"Your words sound a little too ideal."

Sitting on the high-back chair, he lowered his eyes and looked at Su Yuanning.

His voice was light. "Perhaps the gods didn't think so much when they wrote their teachings," he said. "Perhaps their holy books had other purposes."

Hearing Zhou Mingrui's words, Su Yuanning raised his eyebrows and said, "Maybe."

"Perhaps the artificial interpretation of the church will be a bit biased." Su Yuanning did not deny this.

But he immediately said firmly: "However, it is impossible for me to be without my own judgment."

"People always interpret what they know from their own perspective, and so do I."

"But the concepts I understand do not come from the Holy Scriptures, let alone the Holy Word." Su Yuanning smiled.

"So far, it's been a luck and a fluke. Under the entrustment of Miss Fors, I have the opportunity to write the story of Mr. Fool's favor. Because of this, I have read almost everything related to Dawn Dantes, Sherlock Moriah. Tee, Merlin Hermes related historical materials."

"So, through these histories, I think I can somewhat understand what Mr. Fool and his followers are advocating, opposing, hoping and pursuing."

"Mr. Fool's oracle is real, the redemption of the City of Silver is real, and the miracle of Constantine is real."

"Perhaps such a statement is too arrogant. However, those miracles that really even if they leave the holy book compiled by the City of Silver...Mr. Fool's kindness, Mr. Fool's choice, Mr. Fool's Can't it be seen from the facts?" Su Yuanning asked.

"I have always believed that hope is the most beautiful thing in the world. It is the most beautiful emotion that exists in everyone's heart, and no yoke can imprison it."

"And the **** I saw who wanted to give people hope was Mr. Fool."

"Although it can't be seen from his honorable name. Haha."

Zhou Mingrui was stunned when he heard Su Yuanning's words. The sleepiness and excessive indifference in his eyes also dissipated.

After a long while, he smiled helplessly and shook his head, and said, "I never knew you were such an idealistic guy."

"Now you know." Su Yuanning smiled, "How about it, Senior Xiao Zhou, from your point of view, do you think I can become a qualified pastor of the Church of Fools?"

"Qualified? Of course not." Zhou Mingrui shook his head.

"Huh?" Su Yuanning was stunned.

"It should be excellent." Zhou Mingrui laughed twice "haha".

"Even I have to be persuaded by you that Mr. Fool's teachings should be spread more widely. Only in this way can it be more beneficial to the progress of civilization, the development of history... and even the salvation of mankind."

"Hehe." Su Yuanning smiled and bowed his hands to Zhou Mingrui, "Brother Mingrui is wrong, I really don't dare to do it."

However, before Su Yuanning's little tail was fully raised, Zhou Mingrui's words made him die.

"Did you 'study' with Gehrman Sparrow yesterday? How are you feeling?"

Zhou Mingrui asked with a smile, the deep tiredness hidden in his eyes had disappeared.

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