Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 89: Infiltrate the Captain's Room

Igna watched in silence the first and second mates of the Black Flag and Liberty.

In the ten minutes of observation time, Igna couldn't see anything special about them.

The only thing that made him feel a little concerned was that the hands of the two pirates were tied with a black wristband that could not be seen, but vaguely revealed a high-quality texture.

Generally speaking, "wristband" and "pirate" are not completely unrelated.

Just as some sailors will tattoo anchors, seabirds, sailboats on their arms to show respect for the Lord of the Storm or the ocean. In some areas, there is a custom of praying to the **** of the sea with a tie in the hand.

It's not that the information given by Arrodes was as detailed as the decorative level of the "wristband", or that Igna's knowledge of the two pirates has reached the level of household registration such as the customs of the birthplace.

Rather, Ignatius could intuitively see the dissonance from his observation of them.

From their personal behavior and habits, as well as the details revealed by the sunburn marks on their clothes, movements, and wrists, it can be clearly seen that these two pirates did not have the habit of wearing jewelry before. And this wristband has not been in their hands for a long time.

This makes some people can't take a second look.

For example, while Igna watched Unger drinking, the "savage raging people" more than once wiped his mouth with his wrist-worn arm, wiping the Beer foam on mustache.

And the number of times the beer has rubbed or splattered onto the wristband is countless.

Let me ask, if a wristband with a special texture is obtained by one's own efforts, as a trophy or as a sign to declare a declaration, would it be so cherished?

Looking at this little black thing, Igna felt the urge to continue exploring.

But he finally held back.

He didn't want to startle the snake.

He can now stand beside the two to observe, relying on the "psychological invisibility" of "recording", and if there is an interaction, he will still be discovered.

Although Ignatius was confident that he could win in a short time, whether it was "Savage Anglo" or "Turnbull the Corpse Collector", he still decided to keep a low profile.

This is the advice of divination.

Yes, before this action, Ignatius still performed divination.

The divination question is:

The "advice to get into a pirate ship" suggestion is to "dive in low profile".

"The ultimate decision maker on the pirate ship" is "the owner of the pirate ship - 'Speek the Talker'."

According to Igna's previous speculation, as long as certain conditions are met during the divination, the results of the divination will have a certain degree of credibility.

For example, the "unknown" information about the origin of the red wolf is related to "ancient alchemists", while the "known" information is related to indelible objective things, such as the materials that make up the red wolf's body.

Corpses do not disappear out of thin air, and bodies do not arise out of thin air. This is something that cannot be denied.

Therefore, this time in the divination, Igna deliberately paid attention to the method of raising the divination problem. The answers to the questions are all objective facts that exist forever, or will exist forever.

Regardless of whether there is an arrangement of ancient alchemists, the final decision maker of "Black Flag and Liberty" is only one person.

Then if there is "any arrangement", the objective and factual final decision maker must be the one who makes the final decision and can master the final information.

If both the first mate and the second mate had a "discord" wristband, wouldn't the pirate ship's owner "Speaker Spike" not know about it?

Not to mention the suggestion of getting into a pirate ship, "sneaking in" was the best approach for Igna, whether or not there was an arrangement.

He is a commoner mage, not a butcher.

What he needs is information, not blood.

If it can be solved in a more civilized way, it doesn't have to be bloodshed, right?


"Tuk, tuk, tuk."

The fingertips clasped on the door, making a rather special knock on the door.

Spiek in the captain's room was studying something with his head down, but when he heard a knock on the door, he immediately hid the thing in his hand.

His movements are very fast, almost magical. If no one had been watching him carefully before, he probably wouldn't have known what was on the table before.

Spike, the eloquent speaker, looked like a Loen gentleman. In the captain's room of the pirate ship, he was actually dressed in a neat three-piece gentleman's three-piece suit, and there was a civilization stick in the cabinet on the wall of the room.

However, the scar on his face that ran across half of his cheek was a little out of tune with his dress. His hair was black and messy like a chow chow, but the beard on his lips was neatly trimmed. On the whole, the speaker Spike looks and dresses very special and unforgettable.

Hearing this special knock on the door, Spiek adjusted his clothes, cleared his throat, and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me." A slightly hoarse voice came from outside the door.

The sound was as if a broken sword had been scraped on the sand, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Spiek gave an "um" as usual, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

In fact, Spiek had long recognized the person outside the door when Turnbull knocked on it. However, as a fraudster, prudence and distrust are the foundations of his path as a pirate.

No one outside the door answered his question.

Spiek shrugged helplessly, the second mate on this ship had such a broken habit.

Therefore, he raised his hand to toggle a certain organ. At this time, the complicated lock on the door was opened under the operation of the organ. People from outside pushed in.

Turnbull, the tall corpse collector, stood outside the door.

Spiek looked at Turnbull and listened. The corpse collector's heavy military boots made some noise when he stepped on the ground, and the habit of landing his heels first was the same as before. As he walks, his eyes are lowered and he looks at the ground, his gaze resting ten centimeters outside his toes.

The corpse collector closed the door slowly, just like his steps, a little stiff, like a corpse.

Spiek did not speak, nor did the corpse collector. Instead, he raised his eyes to look at Spike.

The ice blue eyes of this corpse collector were also filled with death and gloom. He was clearly a pirate but wore a hood, and his skin was whiter like a corpse that had just crawled out of a Coupled with his thin cheeks, if someone who is not familiar with him might easily confuse him with a corpse.

After a hoarse light cough, Turnbull broke the silence. He spoke in a hoarse voice. He still said in his voice as if a sharp object was scraping on the sand.

"I have something important to say."

"Yeah." Spiek lowered his head and took a worn pipe, put it on the tip of his nose, and took a hard sniff.

Turnbull was a trusted second mate, so he said casually: "You say it. It's just you and me."

As soon as Spiek's voice fell, he suddenly felt that the room suddenly became extremely quiet and empty.

The alert Spiek took out the short knife from the drawer for the first time.

But when he raised his head, Turnbull's body had been distorted and transformed into the appearance of a Loen gentleman. The muzzle in his hand was pointing at Spiek's head.

"Bang-" The gunshot sounded.

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