Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 95: life in desperation

"Transmission is prohibited here."

As soon as the other party's voice fell, the intense color in front of Igna's eyes suddenly faded like a tide.

The spiritual world that he had gone to originally closed the door to him under the law.

However, at this moment, the speed at which he fell from under the sky had reached an extremely terrifying level due to the acceleration of gravity. Not to mention the terrifying wind blade that slashed behind him.

And the bad situation doesn't stop there.

After Igna regained his vision, he saw that there were countless giant plants standing 50 meters away from where he fell.

But Igna knew it wasn't a "needle."

It was a "spike" with a radius of at least the mouth of a bowl and a length of at least three meters.

If it falls on it, with his physical quality and ability, it is almost certain to die!

Now that the "traveler" has been sealed with its teleportation ability, this time is really unavoidable!

A dead end lies ahead.

Even if he has Lemano's travel notes in his hand now, in Igna's memory, this magic book belonging to Miss Forth Wall does not record any extraordinary ability that can help him avoid falling into the net. .


Igna still calmly stuffed the Lemano notebook in his hand back to his chest.

Then, his body shook suddenly.

In an instant, his body was covered with silver-white armor like the dawn.

There was also a little light around his body, and in an instant, the "storm of light" condensed by the morning light swept around him!

The storm of light formed a huge vortex around him.

The pressure changes created by the terrifying wind and speed pulled the two men dressed in noble services who were about to attack Igna in the air ten meters away, and were instantly pulled into the hurricane.

And the spikes under him, which were made of countless condensed vines, were torn to shreds by the storm of light.

Igna also hit the ground like a golden meteorite!


He smashed dust on the ground.

The quake was even felt in Peritzk, a kilometer away.

Igna, who was wrapped in the Dawn Armor, was not injured.

Wearing the armor of dawn, he stood up in the small crater.

However, he didn't think that this time the incident would end like this.

Not to mention that the two noble men have been completely resolved.

Why did the Ocean Singer, who he just ended, reappear on the battlefield, and when did the other Disciplinary Knight that appeared behind him.

How do they do it?

The answer to all this is not difficult to speculate.

Ancient Alchemist.

That ancient alchemist is nearby!

Ignat saw the remains of the vines that were almost crushed into powder, and began to wriggle again as if they had vitality.

They are connected to each other, as if to form a fine and dense web.

In the blink of an eye, several vines spread towards him under Igna's feet.

Not only that, but Igna also saw the two corpses that seemed to be run over by wheels in the small crater.

A few vines quietly grew under their corpses.

The shuttle ability of the spirit world is still not available.

"Teleportation is prohibited here." That decree still works!

However, Igna was relieved to see this.

Suddenly, an endless milky white mist filled his body.

At the same time, he also took out a golden charm from the sleeve of the armor.

He took a deep breath and solemnly declared in Hermes language:


The golden charm became hot in his hands.

between moments.

Using those two corpses and the surrounding vines as "contacts", a huge and huge dream landed on the things that had a strong connection with them.

At this moment, a huge and delicate dream landed.

It was a maze full of mist.



The female ancient alchemist looked at everything in front of her with seriousness.

Under the protection of her mother, she could clearly feel that she was in a dream.

However, the strange thing is that she was not able to leave this place with the help of her mother's power.

She raised her eyes and looked around. There was a lot of mist here, and there were cement walls and floors all around. She could sense that her two creations were also pulled into this dream. She could feel their place.

So she directly broke the cement wall with the pea seeds she carried with her, went to their side, and used her extraordinary ability to restore them to their original state.

But after that, she had no choice.

She knew very well that she had fallen into that sly guy's trap.

That guy had been waiting for this opportunity to pull her into a dream from the beginning.

Not only did she want him, but he was also seeking her life.

He knows that he is his mother's favored one and has strong resistance to dreams. Therefore, he was opportunistic.

He took out a spell made by at least a Sequence 3 saint.

It also weakened the existence of the dream, made it into a labyrinth, and set a "condition to leave" for it.

The dream is not big, it is probably the size of a Perizke town. There are no decorations, no living creatures, and the floors and walls are the most common and least spiritual products that can be made.

But the labyrinth is incomparably intricate and intricate. Depending on how restrictive it is to leave, the puzzles must not be too difficult, or involve too complex content.

Because the "limitation" itself consumes most of the power of the spell.

However, she has no way to solve the content of the maze now.

Because she doesn't understand at all.

When she woke up, the hint to answer the maze was slapped on her face, but she still had no clue!

There are only two ways she can get out of the maze now.

First, find out the answer to the puzzle set by the Fool's Blessed One. Second, destroy the labyrinth so that he can't maintain it.

And which one to choose, it was not difficult for ancient alchemists to make a decision.



Anthea Mirren and Derrick Berg rushed out of the city of Pelizke.

Came to Lawrence Kyle, the place that Ignatius Abraham had said before.

Sure enough, they found Igna Abraham standing in the middle of a small "crater" there.

He seemed to be bound by something.

But he looked pretty good, but his lips were a little whitish. Not far from him, there were two unconscious corpses sewn together like rag dolls, and some tiny vines wriggling slightly.

Igna Abraham smiled at Anthea Mirren and Derrick Berg, but seemed unable to do anything else.

Anthea Mirren nodded solemnly, two complicated occult symbols immediately condensed in her eyes, and she and Derrick Berg carefully walked to Abraham's side.

They stuck their straight swords beside him, and laid a wall of iron around him.

Then the whole body of the one without darkness suddenly lit up with a blazing light like the sun. Igna was so provoked that he could only close his eyes.

The warm brilliance instantly enveloped his body, and the warmth filled his limbs that were almost dry.


Igna, who closed his eyes, suddenly heard a loud noise.

Beside him, he could feel a huge storm swept over immediately!

The bright and pure brilliance like direct sunlight lasted for 60 seconds before gradually weakening.

Igna opened his eyes slowly.

He could sense that the man in his labyrinth who was wreaking havoc, trying to get out of the labyrinth by draining his spirituality, was gone.

Silver Knight Anthea Mirren was no longer by his side either.

She was twenty meters away, and at her feet lay a female corpse in a noble knight costume. Beyonder characteristics emitting a faint red light condensed beside her.

"It's over, isn't it?" Ignatius asked softly.

His footsteps swayed, and in order to maintain the effect of the spell given by Miss Justice, he almost took time out of his spirituality.

That ancient alchemist actually made the most correct decision for her right away.

But Igna held on, but he couldn't hold on anymore.

Derrick Berg immediately stepped forward and supported his shoulders.

"Yes." Derrick Berg said.

There was a scorching warm light in the palm of his hand holding Igna. That won't bring healing, but it can soothe his feelings.

He gently poured the potion that Igna Abraham had requested to relieve the symptoms of spiritual dryness into his mouth.

"Where's Peritzk?" Igna asked, swallowing the potion with difficulty.

"Hold on," Anthea said.

"That's good." Ignatius sighed.

"Are you going to take a look?" Derrick Berg asked, and, while talking, he carried Igna on his The civilians gathered in the square, you and us beforehand All the arrangements mentioned have worked, and not many people were injured. "

Igna felt a little tired, so he didn't answer, but Derrick's shoulders were as smooth and broad as the ground.

Igna blinked, trying not to let himself fall asleep.

Derrick's pace was great, and they were getting closer and closer to Pelitzk.

When approaching the square, Ignatius could clearly hear Canterbury chanting the Holy Code of Fools in a low voice for the people on the square. Her voice was not loud, but the square was extremely quiet.

"Look, the tent of God is on earth," Canterbury said.

"God will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more mourning, crying, pain, because the former things are gone.

"Behold, I have updated everything.

"There is no need for the sun and the moon to illuminate the city. For the glory of God illuminates it. And the people are the lamps of the city.

"The nations shall walk in the light of the city. The kings of the earth shall bring their glory to that city. (Note

They walk in the crowd.

Igna saw that although most of the people were unkempt, there was still panic in their eyes. There is also a lot of rubble and masonry on the ground.

However, they were all healthy in the square.

Igna smiled.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the night sky where countless stars were gradually shining.

——“If the slaughter caused by leaving directly is an inevitable result, then I must choose the option where there may be hope.”

- "And I think your divination gives me hope."


Note: Adapted from the Book of Revelation

(End of Volume 3)

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