Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 1: Enron Holiday

"The mercy of the gods brings hope.

"The Angel of Punishment removes the calamity;

"The Angel of Life brings life;

"The witcher keeps his way;

"The people of faith usher in the light;

"This is the epic story;

"Our hero defeated all evil and survived;

"Please pour him a glass of wine." (Note)

The bard fiddled on the lyre and sang the most popular ballads on the Rorsted Islands in a deep, beautiful voice.

It was in this familiar song that Igna saw the first rays of sunlight outside the confinement tower.

Five days ago, in order to trap the ancient alchemist of Sequence 4 in the labyrinth of "Dream Weaving", he almost exhausted his spirituality. Although it won't get out of control, there is an increase in hearing sounds that shouldn't be heard and seeing things that shouldn't be seen.

Fortunately, the City of Silver also sent Igna to the City of Silver Tower for treatment according to the previous preparations.

"What's your plan today?" asked Michelle Watkins, who accompanied Igna from the confinement tower.

The senior psychoanalyst has been conducting psychiatric examinations for Igna recently, and has almost become Igna's exclusive physician.

Igna reached out and touched the sunlight in the air, feeling the hot air outside, looking at Michelle and smiling: "Maybe go around and eat something delicious."

"You know, food is the foundation of human existence." Igna spread his hands.

As a senior foodie in the big foodie empire, Igna inherited the fine tradition of eating wherever he went when he came to this world.

When Backlund and Jennings worked together at the West Vilas Field, he was keen to discover food and wrote many related columns.

Now in the Rhodes Islands, he's been traveling again and eating a lot of Canterbury game.

"It was a good decision," Michelle said with a smile.

"So, do you have time? Maybe we can go to the pub for a drink," Igna asked.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon, although it's still early, it's not bad to have a drink.

"I still have some unfinished business work." Michelle Watkins shook his head, "However, after you feel better, you can also go to Pelitzke to find Canterbury."

"After you were sent back to the City of Silver, she stayed in Perizke to preside over the aftermath. Although she couldn't be there recently, she was very concerned about your situation," Michelle said.

"Okay." Igna nodded and quickly agreed.

In fact, after a short break, that was one of his plans.

There was a lot to do with him after that war in the Peritzk.

For example, learn about the current state of Pelizik.

It's not just about going to Pelizik to help. He also needs to meet with Elder Anthea Mirren and Elder Derrickberg of the Council of Six to learn about the specific situation of the ancient alchemist.

And, for himself, he still needs to find time to find Miss Fors Wall.

I don't know if it was because he used a lot of extraordinary powers in the war in Perizk, and his recorder potion was completely digested when he woke up again.

In theory, this was his third week of taking the Recorder's potion.

Although the digestion time is a bit fast, the promotion of the traveler can also be put on the agenda under the same circumstances.

However, Igna just came out of the confinement tower.

He hadn't planned to get into work so soon.

Perhaps for others, life in confinement is dull and uninteresting. In the "Little Black Tower", you can neither use extraordinary abilities nor communicate with anyone other than doctors.

For Igna, however, "The Little Dark Room" was an excellent place to write.

When people are too bored, they can do everything except math problems.

During the five days he was locked in the confinement tower, Igna had almost sorted out the story of the City of Silver that he had agreed with Miss Fors Wall. Besides, he also took the time to write some ballads related to Mister Fool and the City of Silver.

The experience during the travel made Igna realize that in an area where agriculture and animal husbandry have not yet been fully civilized like the Rorsted Islands, it is a good choice to spread the gospel of Mr. Fool through songs.

Therefore, despite the five-day confinement, Igna did not have much time to rest.

At this time, I finally left the "little dark room" that was so boring and crazy, and Ignat, who had regained his freedom, decided to give himself a vacation.

After saying goodbye to Michelle, Igna walked casually down the street.

At this time, he realized that it was not an accident that he heard someone singing the song he wrote when he just went out.

Wherever he walked in the City of Silver, he could hear someone singing this song, some were professional minstrels, some were naughty and playful children, and there were even people humming this song softly next to the stalls that bought Gwadar.

Ignat didn't really care.

After all, the song itself was written to promote the doctrine of the Fool, and being able to be widely sung shows that his strength has come to the point.

However, when he found out that it was a charming young girl who was humming the song he couldn't help but take a second glance.

The girl's smokey voice reminded him of an acquaintance.

Then Igna saw that the beautiful girl turned back and smiled at him.

"Miss Fors!" Igna blurted out in surprise.

The girl in the national style of the Rorsted Islands turned out to be Miss Forth Wall herself!

She didn't know when she came to the new City of Silver, nor when she learned that simple minor tune.

"This is the epic story;

"Our hero defeated all evil and survived;

"Please pour him a glass of wine."

Fors Wall hummed the last two sentences softly, raised the cup to Igna, and smiled.

"Long time no see. How are you?" she asked with a wink at Igna.

Igna sat next to Fors with his Gwadar.

Before he could speak, he heard Fors Wall continue to say, "You have done a big thing."

Although Fors Wall did not say it explicitly.

However, looking at her expression, Igna believed that Miss Fors should have learned about what happened through some channel.

Igna scratched his face and was a little dumb for a while.

He coughed lightly: "I just did some auxiliary work." Ignatius said, "mainly the elders of Silver City."

"Well. Maybe." Fors Wall bit the straw and smiled.

"Then. Is going back to Aalto also on the agenda?"



Note: The relevant content first appeared in Chapter 70 of Volume III Parody. The lyrics are based on the Witcher's song.

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