Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 5: Tsundere patient

Although I don't know why Mr. Xingxing suddenly attacked, Igna did not feel panic.

Even though he was extremely manic and wanted to destroy, he still did not attack Mr. Xingxing.

This must be Mr. Xing's temptation. Igna knew this.

Therefore, when the opponent's scythe slashed at him, Igna directly used the "teleportation" recorded in the glove to avoid Mr. Xingxing's attack.

However, when Igna arrived at the "flash" location, Mr. Star's scythe was still close at hand!

Mr. Xingxing seemed to expect that Igna would use Blink and determine where he would appear. The trajectory of the scythe waving did not stop at all.

In the face of Mr. Xingxing's attack, Ignat wants to use "Flash" again to avoid the battle.

However, this time, his "flash" failed.

I don't know why, just after "flash" just once, Ignatius' body suddenly became extremely heavy, and his body became extremely cold in an instant. Not only the body, but also the mind seems to be stagnant.

In his field of vision, in the "spirit world" around him, there seemed to be a huge chain that stretched endlessly, completely sealing off the environment he was in.

At this moment, Igna immediately reacted, it was driven by Mr. Xingxing, a powerful spirit!


The black scythe slashed towards Igna with the gust of wind.

Looking at the huge sickle in front of him, Igna was sure that if Mr. Xingxing succeeded this time, it would be able to divide his beautiful and complete body in two.


However, it was a small paper figure that was divided into two.

Ignatius appeared behind Mr. Xingxing.

However, he did not retreat, nor attack. It's just that a silver-white long spear appeared in his hand at an unknown time, in a defensive posture.

The figure of Mr. Xingxing also disappeared in front of Ignatius in an instant.

Then disappeared at the same time, and there was the last ray of light in the entire space.

Igna's body seemed to fall into complete darkness, without any light. Except for the sound of his own heartbeat, there was only a dead silence.

Igna couldn't see anything.

But there was a page flipping in his eyes again.

However, in the space, there is still no trace of light. Even Igna's extraordinary ability can't bring any light.

At this moment, Igna seemed to have become a ghost, trapped in the boundless night.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After Ignar's heart beat for the thirteenth hundredth time, he finally heard the voice.

In the endless darkness, he saw Mr. Xingxing appear in front of him again.

"Your heart rate hasn't changed." The masked star stood in front of Igna, and he stated without emotion.

"After the first two attempts, you just started waiting." Mr. Xingxing twitched the corners of his mouth, and spoke with a somewhat mocking smile.

"What makes you so confident," Xingxing asked, "makes you think I won't kill you."

Looking at Xingxing's lazy standing posture, Ignat couldn't help but fall into silence for a while after listening to his somewhat ambiguous words.

What is Mister Star doing?

In the initial test, Igna was understandable, but Mr. Xingxing's words later, combined with the content of the previous investigation that had some unclear meanings, really made Igna feel puzzling.

What's the point of this extra test later?

Does Mr. Star have an opinion on me?

But why should he have an opinion on me?

Igna slandered a few words, and finally chose a panacea-style answer.

"I believe in Mr. Fool's choice." Igna replied, drawing a prayer gesture from the Church of the Fool in his heart.

He did not express his doubts.

Because, his spiritual intuition reminded him that if he asked the sentence just now, I am afraid that Mr. Xingxing would probably silence him.

Sure enough, Mr. Star snorted indiscriminately after hearing Igna's golden answer, which sounded a little displeased.

But it was different from what his voice showed.

After Mr. Xingxing's voice fell, Igna's body lit up after this answer.

It's just that the light came from nothing in an instant, which made Igna's eyes a little uncomfortable.

Wait until Igna has mastered his vision again. He really saw that their positions were no different from before. It was as if he had just entered a layer of dreams that only he and Mr. Xingxing knew.

Of course, this is not possible.

Igna looked at Miss Justice, and Justice nodded slightly. Obviously, he was watching the test that Mr. Xingxing gave him just now, but he was tacitly aware of it.

"His potion is digested without problems," said Mr. Xingxing.

"Judgement", "Justice", and "Magician" all nodded.

"That's good." The magician took out a suitcase from the pocket of the space and handed it to Igna. "You can start mixing potions now."

Igna solemnly took the box handed by Miss Magician.

After opening it, Igna was not surprised to find that Miss Fors brought him potion materials, not Beyonder characteristics.

In this regard, Igna has no opinion. Anyway, it didn't make any difference to him.

Whether it is Bethel Abraham's Extraordinary characteristics or not, he will eventually go to that place.

He prepared the potion precisely and meticulously.

The color of this potion is white but transparent, like half-melted snow water. From time to time there will be light green bubbles. (Note 1)

Igna put the potion aside, took out a small silver dagger, and cut his palm. Drip your own blood into the test tube designated by Miss Fors.

This is the basis for waiting a while for "The Stars", "Justice" and "Magician" to go to that space. Miss Judgment will keep them safe.

"see you later."

After praying to Mr. Fool, Igna Abraham smiled to the four Tarot Club executives with very serious expressions.

The expressions of "Judgment", "Star", "Justice" and "Magician" are hidden behind masks, and Ignatius has no way of judging their expressions.

Igna sighed silently, raised his head, and drank the potion.

In an instant, Igna felt that there was a ray of light in his body and in front of his eyes, and they went on a rampage, opening one illusory door after another. (Note 1)

Ignatius' consciousness entered one of them uncontrollably. His body also became illusory.

He went into a state of mind-floating chaos, and he thought of many things.

Tarot Club, The Fool, Senior Xiao Zhou.

City of Silver, Canterbury, Recorder.

The original job, the promise of the Spring Festival, and the half-played game.

Igna almost couldn't find himself.

But fortunately, Igna's will is very and while floating, he can feel the four special coordinates in the spiritual world. With the help of the connection between four special coordinates.

Finally, Igna woke up a little bit.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he did not know when he came to the depths of the spiritual world.

In front of him, there is a beautiful and gorgeous baroque-like building standing.

This large building is very strange, it looks like a temple, but also like a residence. Its doors are incomparably huge, delicate, and gorgeous. It is clearly located in the depths of the spiritual world, but it seems to be in the clouds, surrounded by countless white clouds.

This church seems to have a very fatal attraction to Igna.

He almost subconsciously wanted to get closer.

"Don't go there." A voice suddenly appeared in Igna's ear. Ignat was woken up like a thunderstorm.

The voice was unfamiliar and familiar, as if it was above the spiritual world.

At this time, Igna barely pulled back his thoughts. Force yourself out of this place.

After getting away from the building, Igna slowly determined his position with the help of the four special coordinates previously marked.

And, gradually getting rid of the thick and superimposed color blocks and the thin diffused fog, Igna passed through the spiritual world.

But he did not return to reality, but came to another familiar place.

He could clearly feel the air around him becoming damp and cold.

In front of him was still the orange lantern in memory, and the "star", "justice" and "magician" that were supposed to be in Abraham's basement.


Note 1: For the description of the promotion of the traveler's potion, the main reference, see the sixth volume of the light chaser, chapter 39 of the winter ceremony.

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