Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 204: unique fighting style

"We don't need to fight, this kind of fight is pointless." Louise said, even putting her hands behind her back.

It is true that if "Mr. Z" was in good shape, he would choose to believe this sentence, and he would not even meet Louise, let alone conflict with her, but unfortunately, he is in a semi-mad state at this time.

So, he began to laugh wildly: "I want to sacrifice you to my lord..."

Soon, "Mr. Z"'s laughter stopped abruptly, because a black flame suddenly ignited on his shoulder. Although it was quickly wiped out by his flesh and blood, the wound after the burn was dry and shrunken. As a "Rose Bishop" who is good at flesh and blood magic, it cannot be eliminated in a short time.


"Mr. Z" looked at the wound, muttered to himself, and then scolded: "You are cheating!"

Louise couldn't help rolling her eyes. A cult leader actually accused her of cheating, so her brain didn't burn out...

Her suggestion just now was just a pretense, and the purpose was to impose a curse in secret. The medium was naturally a little blood from the opponent's wound just now, but unfortunately the damage was minimal, worthy of being the envoy of the "Aurora Club".

"I want you to die!"

Blasphemy words with an obvious degenerate atmosphere were spit out from "Mr. Z"'s mouth. A strange blood-colored pattern suddenly appeared on his face, and he flew towards Louise like a rampage, but his whole body turned into a mass of "flesh and blood" in mid-air. Bomb", exploded violently all around.

Louise quickly took a few steps back, trying to avoid the erosion of the evil flesh and blood in the sky. She saw some flesh and blood fell on the floor and wall, showing obvious signs of corrosion.

Then, these flesh and blood seemed to be conscious, turned a corner in the air, and continued to fly towards Louise's position.

Louise froze in her heart, and waved her hand to condense a large mass of black flames, forming a dark wall of fire in front of her, flesh and blood rushing on it, making a "Zizi" sound, accompanied by a strong unpleasant burning smell .

He kept tossing and turning in the room until he stopped, there was no good furniture in the room, it was like rolling in a bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid.

There was such a fierce battle, and no one found out?

It should be the effect of this "shady curtain"... Louise guessed that the enemy deliberately set up such a completely dark space to create a battlefield that is beneficial to him.

As for the sequence and means of this "Aurora Society" angel, Louise has basically figured it out. When she was about to use "Zhang Xing" to steal extraordinary abilities, she unexpectedly found that she could not determine the enemy's location.

The reason for this trouble was not that "Mr. Z" was invisible again, on the contrary, he stood there calmly.

Said it was "he", but in fact he couldn't tell his original appearance. It was just a humanoid creature composed of flesh and blood. The height had changed from one meter eight to one meter four, and the skin was missing, leaving the flesh and blood directly exposed. The chest is empty, there is only one vertical eye on the head, and the arm becomes a slender flesh-and-blood knife.

The most bizarre thing is that there are as many as three such terrifying creatures standing in front of Louise!

"What is this, what is it?" She slandered in her heart, and she did not rashly attack the unfamiliar and evil means.

The three flesh-and-blood monsters suddenly remembered a burst of laughter. The ghost knew how he made the sound, and it sounded creepy.

The three guys attacked Louise together, and the six flesh-and-blood knives showed cold light in the darkness, blocking all her retreating routes.

Since you can't retreat, then move forward... Louise, with black flame in one hand and ice in the other, blocked the two flesh-and-blood knives in front of her, preventing them from advancing an inch. Kicked him out easily.

Taking advantage of the situation to avoid the first round of attacks behind her, Louise ignited black flames all over her body, wrapping the monster in front of her and herself into a ball.

Soon, the flesh-and-blood monster made a shrill cry and melted into a mass of blood-colored liquid.

At the same time, Louise turned around and moved her right index finger towards one of the other two monsters, but received no feedback.

The next second, the monster melted by the flame miraculously recovered.

"High attack and low imitation, there is no fatal part, I don't know which one is the main body, things are a little troublesome." Louise thought to herself.

She tried again to trap the monster with frost, but the latter was still able to escape successfully by infiltrating the ice layer. The three monsters were like compatriots, with the same mind, and their attacks were very structured.

Louise has tried to destroy each monster more than once, but the latter can still be resurrected smoothly, and its body seems to switch seamlessly among the three monsters, unless she can destroy all three monsters at the same time.

While the battle was raging, a little light suddenly appeared in the dark room.

That was Miss Alice, the messenger... Louise recognized it immediately.

"How can you break through my barrier?" A hoarse voice came from the three monsters.

Miss Alice was holding the rabbit doll in her arms, silent, and did not directly hand over the note in her right hand, as if she just got lost and came here.

After a short period of suspicion, "Mr. Z" discovered the state of the woman who suddenly appeared, but she was just an ordinary spirit world creature. He was unconscious and ignored Miss and went straight to Lu Yi. Silk continued to attack.

Facing the familiar attack method, Louise seemed to be at ease. She did not take the initiative to engage in combat, but began to swim, always keeping her head in the direction of Miss Alice.

Soon, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, confirming her guess.

She twitched her right index finger again and pointed to the rightmost of the three monsters. This time, she succeeded.

"Flesh regeneration", the only extraordinary ability that Louise has stolen.

It's not that she can't steal other abilities, but she doesn't dare... Who knows what strange things the other party has gotten from the "True Creator", Louise doesn't want to try.

She was able to succeed because she discovered something strange about Miss Alice.

The mysterious messenger's eyes were always wandering between the three monsters, seemingly irregular, but Louise had a guess that she might be able to see which one was the enemy's body.

So, she tried it, and it turned out to be really successful.

"Flesh regeneration", which can heal wounds by manipulating one's own flesh and blood, but that is the most basic way to use it.

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Like "Mr. Z", the ability of "one gas to three cleans" may be self-created, or it may be enlightenment from the "true creator", but now, he has lost his most important support.

Chapter 204 Unique fighting style


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