Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 43: Dean's investigation

The long night will finally pass.

Joyce opened his eyes, his mental state had returned to normal, and the pillow was empty. Emily had already left at some point, leaving only a note.

Outside the door, the lady maid knocked on the door again.

Joyce picked up the note and replied, "I see."

The handwriting on the note is very elegant, and it reads:

After "Assassin", the name of Sequence Eight's potion is "Instigator", which is good at grasping people's hearts and inducing evil desires in everyone's heart.

Main materials: complete snake letter of blue-eyed gray python, three tail feathers of Buck's parrot

Auxiliary materials: 60 ml of pure water, 5 drops of silver mandala juice, 7 grams of powder ground from killer bees, 8 dried legs of one-eyed color spider


The story I heard last night was so unexpected that I ignored such an important thing. Fortunately, Emily kept her promise.

Finally, the main task of advancing to Sequence Eight can be put on the agenda. When all the materials are collected, the remaining "assassin" potion in the body should be completely digested.

There is also the question of the authenticity of the formula, but Emily still needs to use herself as a bait, and will not do such an unwise move...

Fishing has to put bait to make a nest!

After confirming that he had memorized the formula firmly, he started to burn the note, and began to enjoy breakfast after washing.

The crispy white bread on the outside, smeared with high-grade butter, sandwiched with just-heated ham, and paired with a glass of fresh hot milk, Joyce was very satisfied, which was one of the reasons why he was full of anticipation every day.

After the meal, Harry stepped forward to report:

"In the morning, someone has been sent to the Bayam police station to inform Dean. In addition, Carl's body has been buried."

"Well, you did a good job." Joyce wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue.

"Send someone to Rose Manor to call Mr. Hunter back. The security measures at home need to be strengthened."

"Understood." Harry first agreed, then bowed and rebuked himself:

"It was my negligence, Mr. Baron."

Joyce lifted him up and comforted him:

"It's none of your business. There's no need to punish yourself with other people's mistakes. To prepare a new carriage, you may need it."

Harry withdrew in awe, and Joyce led Sophia into the living room.

"What do you think about what happened last night?"

Sophia recalled the details she had observed and concluded:

"Everyone is very angry about your assassination, and they are very saddened by Karl's death, even Kumar, who is usually jealous of Karl."

Joyce nodded with satisfaction, this was the result he expected, and asked curiously, "Kumar?"

Sophia explained: "Kumar once competed with Karl for the position of coachman, but unfortunately it didn't work out."

Well, that's alright...

Joyce was constantly refining the plan in his mind, and Dean rushed over as quickly as possible.

Seeing his panting and flushed face, Joyce smiled and said:

"Don't be too nervous. Sit down for a while, Sophia, and go get a cup of tea."

"Thank you...Thank you, Mr. Baron."

Dean gasped and thanked... Could he not be in a hurry! The person in front of him is his biggest supporter. If something happens to Mr. Baron, he will be beaten back to the starting point immediately, or even worse.

Joyce carefully observed the change of Dean's epaulettes, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a few days. I've been promoted to sheriff."

"The trainee sheriff, it is currently on the inspection period." Dean said modestly, and then complimented: "This is all thanks to your recommendation to the chief."

"I just happened to chat with him for a while, the key lies in your ability." Joyce said casually, seeing Sophia bring in two cups of Earl Grey tea:

"Drink a sip of tea to moisten your throat first, and then talk about business."

Dean took it with great gratitude, took a simple sip, saw Joyce also put down the teacup, and then said:

"Mr. Baron, I've rested."

Joyce cleared his throat and began to tell "his story":

"I left from General Gordon's banquet last night at about half past nine. Because I drank a lot of wine, I took a nap in the carriage."

"In a stupefied state, I was suddenly awakened by shouts and fierce fighting, and then found that the coachman Karl was fighting a man in black and masked."

Joyce paused for a moment, waiting for Dean's record to catch up with his pace.

"At that time, my drunkenness dissipated immediately, and I rushed forward to join the siege. The masked assassin's combat effectiveness was quite strong, and he could not lose against the two of us."

"The sky was dark, and in the chaos, I stabbed the masked assassin with a sword. He probably felt that he couldn't win, so he took the initiative to escape."

"I was about to chase, but found that Carl was already seriously injured. Before I could find a doctor, he died unfortunately."

Dean listened carefully, recorded the whole process like a fly, read it again after finishing it, raised his head and asked:

"Mr. Baron, can you describe the characteristics of the assassin?"

Joyce made a recollection: "He has always covered his face, he is about 1.8 meters tall, his eyes are sharp, his palms are rough, and his fighting ability is very strong."

That's right, he was talking about Diego's image, but in Bayam, such people are not uncommon... But some people who are interested in getting this record will definitely notice it, for example, Major General Bright.

"Where was the incident?" Dean asked again.

"Near Sterling Street, I have already prepared a carriage, and I will take you to the crime scene in a while." Joyce replied.

"You look more professional than me!" Dean praised and asked:

"Where is Carl's body?"

"Carl has no family around, so I've had him buried," Joyce said.

Just finished boasting about his professionalism, why was he buried... Dean was stunned for two seconds. Seeing the pained expression on the baron's face, surprise flashed in his eyes.

He lowered his head and asked a few more questions one after another, Joyce answered them one by one, after which Dean asked to observe the carriage he was in when he was assassinated last and left the living room.

Joyce didn't follow him out immediately. He took a sip of tea to moisten his throat: "What do you see?"

Sophia, who had been standing behind her, replied softly, "His concern and respect for you are sincere and urgent, just like the servants at home."

"Besides, he is very confident. He didn't stop when he took notes, kept a calm thinking state, and seemed to believe that he would definitely find out the truth..."

"When I asked Carl, he showed confusion and doubts, but he quickly returned to normal."

Joyce was silent for a while: "This shows that he is not only a stalker, but has a very strong ability."

"Let's go and see what clues he can find."

Last night's carriage was not cleaned, it still had blood stains, but it had turned dark red.

The door was open. Dean watched carefully in the car. Seeing Joyce coming, he got out of the car and said, "Mr. Baron, did you carry the dead coachman Carl into the car?"

"Yes," Joyce replied.

"Isn't the one you wore last night the one you are wearing now?" Dean continued.

"No, did you wash the clothes from last night?"

Joyce turned his gaze to Sophia, who's eyes narrowed slightly and quickly replied, "It's been washed."

Seeing this, Dean no longer bothered, as if he had never asked the question just now, and instead asked:

"Where is Carl's wound?"

"In the middle of the chest and waist and abdomen." Joyce pointed to his right chest, probably at the lower edge of the liver.

Dean thought for a while, then raised his head and said:

"Mr. Baron, I have no problem. When are we going to the crime scene?"


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