Mystic Dominator

Chapter 702: thorns

Except for its own core.

Il easily abandoned everything here.

Whether it is a built underground nest, a plant system used to collect nutrients from the earth, or materials stored deeper in the ground.

These are very valuable things to many people.

Ill leave them all here.

According to her, everything except oneself is a stepping stone in the process of evolutionary growth. Now that he has decided to follow Ronald, these things that are not suitable for carrying around can naturally be abandoned here.


With this newly accepted... pet behind you?

On the way back to the ground, Ronald couldn't help but scatter his thoughts.

This nest is hidden deep in the Yoiz Forest, and the whole is left intact and abandoned underground. One day in the future, it may become a place to start an adventure story.

They didn't care much about what Il left here.

But it's different for ordinary people.

A well-built underground base capable of internally circulating energy storage.

The nutrient essence that is collected by the plant system and can be directly used by human beings.

And the materials that Il collected in the past few months.

Taking any part out, for ordinary people or practitioners, it will definitely be a good thing.

Does this mean that he left a relic with buried treasure to the latecomers?

Like the ones Ronald had seen.

Does the protagonist basically have the experience of getting the news of the treasure and then going on an adventure?

Thinking and rushing.

The re-formed team of four returned to the ground.

In just half a day, the ruins of Camp Benica were completely different from when they came down.

In Ronald's field of vision.

There are no more casters nearby.

When the camp was destroyed and the previous leader tragically perished, all the spellcasters in Benica chose to leave.

Only those newly mutated plants covered the ground.

Let the depths of the Yoiz Forest, which has just suffered a fire, become a beautiful environment composed of plants again.

Facing everything in front of him, Il said in a timely manner:

"I can feel the vibrations here even underground."

"This level of attack... Although it is not purely based on one's own strength, as a pioneer on the road of evolution, human beings really still have a lot to learn."

Ronald looked at Il.

"You are quite..."

Feelings are the beginning.

Ronald suddenly stopped his movements.

It is night now.

All of Ronald's body-strengthening spells are working, so he maintains the strongest level of physical fitness. Thanks to this great power, Ronald sensed something.

- The ground under my feet was shaking.

- The frequency is not neat, and the vibration is very slight.

This kind of feeling is like pressing your hand on the beach when the tide is fading, and there are just sea creatures left on the shore by the tide on the gravel below.

Ronald's eyes narrowed, and he was already aware of everything.

There is something more underground in the Yoiz Forest.

And it is lurking towards their location!


"Il, you just said it."

"Your sister tried to devour you more than once, didn't she?"

Hearing Ronald's question, the girl who was still observing the surroundings nodded immediately:

"That's right. Sister, she seems to have got some kind of gene related to us in the "Organic Complete Canon", so she always hopes to swallow me up to reach a new level."

"It's a pity that I haven't found such a genetic sequence yet."

"So until today, I didn't specifically plan to attack my sister."

A complicated smile appeared on Ronald's face:

"Today, the matter between you and your sister should come to an end."



The moment the voice fell.

As if reflecting Ronald's judgment.

About 100 meters in front of the four sides, a gap suddenly opened on the ground, and then a huge arm entangled with thorns and vines broke out of the ground, and then pulled the body behind and climbed out of it.

- This is a giant composed purely of plants.

——On its surface, there are still a lot of soil and rocks from underground contamination.

Il looked at the giant in front of him with a little doubt.

But soon he spoke with relief:

"Sister, today's attack is very interesting. It seems that you have also learned a lot from the human side."


The air was quiet for a few seconds.

Then the giant of thorns said:

"Since you came out of your lair, it means that you are ready to be swallowed by me."

Although it looks wild.

But when talking to Il, the thorn giant's voice was still a pleasant female voice.

The sisters who are developing in different directions here start a dialogue.

On the sidelines, Costat also suggested to Ronald with a flat expression:

"Sir, very obvious signs of spell transformation."

"And given its size, I don't recommend you bring it back to Kurpis as well."

Ronald looked closely at Il's sister.

Just like what Costat said, this thorn giant has very obvious signs of magic transformation, and its size is not the same as a smaller human-level body like Il.

The sisters who originally came from the same source—the current appearance cannot be said to be completely different, at least they are very different.

From Ronald's more subjective aesthetic point of view.

If he defeated these two guys separately, then Il begged him for mercy with such a beautiful appearance, Ronald would at least think about it.

But her sister...

This kind of thing can give people the most intuitive impression that it is a monster.

Not to mention listening to the other party's begging for mercy, direct beheading is the only thing that can happen.


Ronald and Costarte looked recklessly and discussed what they thought of the sister in front of them.

Il, who was already his own, didn't say anything.

But her sister apparently didn't think so.

Bearing this kind of gaze, the thorn giant quickly turned his upper body and looked over:


"Do not accept the favor of the power of life is just something destined to be eliminated. You may be willing to surrender to my sister, but unfortunately, this is essentially..."

"You probably misunderstood the situation." Ronald interrupted the other party's 'flavorful' remarks, and said in a clear tone, "Just like Il, I will give you a chance."

"Now hand over the power of origin in your hands, and then go back to the forest and stay honest - in this case, I can consider letting you live."


The action of the huge thorn tree man stagnated in the air.

Il's sister is completely different from her.

After realizing the meaning of Ronald's words, she simply waved her right hand and smashed it directly at Ronald's side.

"Arrogant human beings!"


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