Mystic Holy See

Chapter 89: God

Aldrich slowly retreated along the wall. The gate of the Forest Bar was already surrounded by water, and the noise was as unbearable as piercing the eardrums.

Fortunately, the gate of the forest bar is so big, and they are in a mess and have no rules. Although there are enough people, not many people really rushed in.

Aldridge saw that after the mad crowd gathered, some civil servants in black police uniforms followed, but they were obviously frightened by the number of people in the place. They only stood at the street corner, but did not dare to move forward.

"Although the police came early enough, they can't be counted on for this kind of thing."

Aldridge agreed with their decision to stop moving forward. Their number is not even half of this group of lunatics, and most of them only have batons in their hands, not even a few muskets. How can they do it?

It's probably not enough for them to rush up.

Aldridge withdrew completely and thought helplessly:

What about the people in the church? Everyone has hit your territory!


Rolle District, the Church of Life.

Dylan really doesn't know what's going on right now. Today was a good Saturday. Under the orders of his parents, he brought his young sister to the Church of Life to pray to the Mother God. The younger sister left, but was dragged back by the church deacon Lian Da and Xiao Xiao.

There are many people who are treated the same as him, and everyone is puzzled, but the deacon of the church then closed the door of the church, which made him frown directly.

They believed in the Mother Earth, but such behavior undoubtedly restricted the personal freedom of him and his sister.

He and his sister were kidnapped by the church?

There was a buzzing sound in the hall of the chanting, and many impatient people had already approached the church staff, and they were angry and had to ask the reason politely.


The people in the church just persuaded them to calm down in a soft and harmonious voice, telling them that a priest would come out to explain and let them wait for a while.

"Brother, why can't we go home?" The young sister Tina tugged at the corner of Dylan's shirt and looked at him with big eyes like black gems.

"There might be something..."

However, before he came and said the second half of the sentence, the closed door suddenly made a dense muffled sound, as if someone had hit the door from the outside, and someone could still vaguely hear someone roaring!

Citizens near the gate hurried away from this position and looked at the gate in surprise. It trembled amid these muffled noises, giving people a very unsafe feeling.

Dylan hugged his sister tightly by his legs, beating in his heart, how could someone dare to ram the door of the Church of Life?

It's time to meet unbelievable thugs!

Thinking of this, he quite understands the church's behavior of restricting their freedom, and immediately picked up his sister and protected him in his arms.

He turned to look at the church deacons around him. Their faces were calm, as if they were not nervous about these muffled noises.

"What's the matter?" Tina was suddenly picked up and twisted uncomfortably. Finally, she wrapped her arms around her brother's neck and asked in a milky voice.

Dylan lifted Tina up and said softly, "It's alright, the door here is broken. The elder brothers of the church will fix it, and then we can go home."

Fortunately, the windows of the church are located in high places that people can't reach, and they are not transparent. People inside the church can't see the outside scene, otherwise the nightmare of the next six months will be contracted.

The crazy crowd gathered from all directions rushed towards the church. The number was not even comparable to the wave outside the forest bar. Roughly judged that it has entered four digits!

Almost all of them were men. Some of them came from the main entrance and slammed into the door. They went crazy one after another, while those who came from other directions hit the walls around the church, scratching and scratching the walls frantically. It only took a while. The church was surrounded by water.

The sound outside the church is getting louder and louder. Even if the sound insulation of the church is good, people in the hall can hear more and more sounds. This atmosphere makes them uneasy, everyone is whispering, and the anxious mood is like Diseases spread from a few people to more people.

When this emotion reached a critical point, someone finally couldn't help but shouted:

"What happened?"

"We have the right to know the truth!"

"Lord Deacon, please tell us the truth."


Emotions found an outlet, and everyone participated in the complaints.

Dylan's mood was also very anxious, but at this time, instead of shouting around the church deacon like the others around him, he stared at the top of the hall of recitation in a daze, his eyes full of astonishment.

As the most important prayer hall in the Church of Life, the decoration of the Hall of Recitation is undoubtedly sacred and solemn. The ceiling at the top is painted with frescoes. Dylan knows that it is telling people the story of the Mother Earth who sowed hope at the beginning of civilization. .

Everyone knows that God is indescribable.

Therefore, no matter it is the frescoes of the church or the sculptures of the church, there will never be images of gods, they have their own symbols.

In the fresco at the top, the goddess of the earth is a huge tree of life. Dylan has seen him countless times and longed for him. He can always find divine yearning in it, but at this time the fresco has changed. .

He seems to have come to life!

The branches and leaves of life on the murals seem to be blown by the gently swaying in the painting, a little golden light is flying from the leaves, branches, and even the thick trunk like fireflies, they are like fireflies. Elves, like naughty sparks, are playing and chasing.

After a while, they have already revealed the frescoes on the top, and the reality has appeared in the world!

More and more people noticed such a scene, and the noisy and disturbed voice gradually died out. They raised their heads and looked at this miraculous picture and were speechless.

The little golden light gathered more and more, and even before people reacted, it had already converged, and the entire ceiling was dyed golden by them, and it became more and more dense.

At this moment, all the church deacons surrounding the hall of chanting knelt down on one knee at the same time, making a neat and solemn pious sound!

They put one hand on their knees and stroked their hearts with the other, and said at the same time:

"The mother **** is above!"

The believers were awakened. One by one, one by one, they knelt down on the ground anxiously, and shouted piously and excitedly: "The mother **** is above! The mother **** is above!"

The loud sounds they made came one after another, and the light at the top became brighter and brighter in the devout voices of the believers. At the same time, the door of the church opened suddenly, revealing the countless figures that were already sluggish outside. Lost the crazy gesture in the halo.

The entire church was dyed gold, and the light floated on the church square like silk threads that could be grasped in the hand. From a distance, the sky above the church was sprinkled with divine light, covering the entire area.

Countless people hiding in their homes stared blankly at the light that reached the sky, kneeling on the ground and shouting:

"The mother **** is above."

A passionate thought reverberated in everyone's heart—this is the appearance of the Mother Earth in the human world!

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