Mythological Native Species

Chapter 417: The moon is the hometown

Some things cannot be said.

In short, under Feng Linwan's mobilization, the entire fourth regiment started to operate for the time being.

Although in business, they are all hands-on.

But after this plan spread, it attracted the attention of other regiments.

So they all learned something and pushed the whole trend up.

And each one is more than a propaganda.

The fourth group just said that the shoes were made by girls for their lovers, and they were tucked into their chests.

The fifth regiment dared to directly name the name, saying that the shoes were made by girls from the Zihuang clan. These girls of the Zihuang clan not only have noble purple skin, but before they were recruited, some of the female symbols on their chests would secrete secretions. Transparent special body fluid with some floral scent. After the rendering of this body fluid, not only the shoes are fragrant, but also can effectively prevent foot odor, and can even play the role of aromatherapy on the soles of the feet, strengthening the body, and nourishing yin and yang.

This cowhide is simply getting bigger and bigger, and the more you blow it, the more irresponsible it is.

When the wind was blowing, and even the brigade commander Chu Jianbin was behind the controls, some small craft products from this remote base city really became popular on the Internet.

For the whole big era, it's just a small fire.

But for a mere base city, it is a huge benefit.

At least for a short period of time, the entire base, whether it is stowaways from another world or those soldiers, will be caught in a money carnival.

And when the timing was just right, Feng Linwen set up a table of wine and put this matter on the table.

The heads of the regiments who ate the benefits had no choice but to spit out some benefits with the tacit approval of the brigade commander Chu Jianbin and give it to Feng Linwan.

As a result, Feng Linwen obtained custody of dozens of communities in Jiutiao Street.

This is mutual benefit.

For other regimental leaders, the money earned from crafts is enough to offset the losses.

As for Chu Jianbin, Feng Linwen opened a new fortune for him, and he naturally wanted to reward him, otherwise it would chill the hearts of his subordinates.

It was also Feng Linwen's group of soldiers. Although life was a little better, they were still unhappy. They felt that Feng Linwen, the regiment commander, was too cowardly.

Several brigade commanders, together with the regiment commander Feng Linwan, gathered together, drank two glasses of wine, and spoke openly.

"Captain! We're just not convinced! We clearly thought of this idea first. They didn't say a word, they didn't say hello, they just plagiarized. We didn't have much business before, but now we have less..." Wang Debiao, the brigade commander of the First Brigade of the Fourth Regiment, said angrily.

Several other people also nodded.

Even Liao Qifa also said a few words in response.

Recently, he took home more money, and his wife also gave birth in peace for a few days.

This inevitably seems to give him the illusion that as long as he earns more, his wife will only be his wife, not someone else's.

Feng Linwen smiled, took out a few blueprints, and handed them over to the brigade commanders.

"You greet the brothers, and then choose a good location to build these gardens on the streets under our control." Feng Linwan said.

"Captain! What are you... what are you trying to do?" Wang Debiao asked in confusion.

Feng Linxen didn't answer, however, if he said something, he wouldn't be able to grab an advantage and won't be able to occupy the market.

Afterwards, many people who had been monitoring the movements of the fourth group found that the fourth group had actually driven away some of the popular merchants in the area, and then started construction on their own.

In less than a day, all the renovations were completed.

Then, in the dozens of neighborhoods in Jiutiao Street, there is a special place, with signs hanging in several popular characters in the base city, with the big characters "The moon is the hometown of Ming Dynasty".

Homesickness is a kind of wine, the older it gets, the more memorable it is.

In my hometown, I just feel that everything is not right.

After I left my hometown, I kept thinking about it in my dreams at midnight, and even couldn't help but wet the pillow with tears.

It is not only soldiers and officers who make a fortune in the base city.

Those ordinary citizens also made a little money.

After all, only interests can drive people to work more enthusiastically.

These alien stowaways, although their status is comparable to black slaves, are not black slaves after all. After they work, they will still be paid.

The more you do, the more you get.

And when you are rich and full, you will have all kinds of thoughts.

Homesickness is one of them.

Feng Linxuan originally had a dragon ball, and combined with some specific scene arrangements, it is not difficult to temporarily create a dream of returning home for some foreigners who are in a foreign land.

These people, some of their hometowns are far away from the void, and I am afraid that they will not have the opportunity to go back again in their entire lives.

And some... hometowns have already been destroyed by the war, and they will never go back.

If you can spend some money and return to your hometown in your dreams, that would be great.

It was also when Feng Linxuan's entire plan was made public that those who had been staring at Feng Linxen couldn't help but scold the little fox, but there was nothing they could do.

First of all, the market is limited and they are already a step behind.

Secondly, other people don't have the Mirage Dragon Ball and the ability to dream, so naturally they are not as strong as Feng Linwen.

Without these two items, the 'homesickness' market in the base city can only be given to Feng Linye for exclusive management.

At this point, the fourth regiment had real **** income, and the soldiers under Feng Linwen were all settled down, only Feng Linwen's orders were obeyed.

After gathering the military's heart, Feng Linwen stopped making more troubles and concentrated on his work.

"Captain! You asked me to find the evidence of Liao Qiqi, and I found it." Wang Debiao quietly came to Feng Linwan's office and handed him a transparent jade plate.

Feng Linwen started the jade plate and saw that in the picture, it was Liao Qiqi who took advantage of the opportunity to take care of the warehouse, and sneaked into it, and dropped the Qixiu Soul Killer.

Feng Linwen carefully identified the authenticity of the video, and then forwarded it to Jia Xuanjun.

"Very good! Continue to monitor him and look for his flaws. I want to know who is trading with him." Feng Linwan said to Wang Debiao.

The things on the ground are left to the local snakes. Don't be too superstitious about your own abilities.

Taking the helm, Feng Linwen, as the head of the regiment, did his part.

But for some specific things, Wang Debiao's 'local soldier' ​​is much more suitable than his 'airborne soldier'.

If he came by himself, he would have leaked the rumors when he could not tell.

Wang Debiao stood at attention and saluted, "Yes! Captain!"

After he finished speaking, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "That's right, head! Something strange happened recently. Those outsiders who entered our 'homesickness dream', many of them immersed in their dreams, all mentioned a word, we don't I know the meaning, but the homonym is 'Gado'. I searched for it, but couldn't find the source. I also checked some small languages, but there was no specific actual meaning."

"But so many people mentioned this word when they lost their minds. This word... must be something strange."

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