Mythological Native Species

Chapter 533: she gave birth to all things

Shi Zhenghong said: "You finally understand!"

Of course Feng Linye understood.

What he didn't understand was why Shi Zhenghong would give up the opportunity to dig a hole before.

"Is it possible, do you really want to complete the task?" This thought only passed through Feng Linxun's mind for a moment, and then quickly pulled away.

Not only that, but Feng Linxun's fear of Shi Zhenghong suddenly doubled.

"Don't you have more questions? Ask them all. I'm in a good mood today, so I can answer you." Shi Zhenghong spread his hands generously, as if he and Feng Linye were old friends for many years, not The enemy of life and death.

Feng Linye was not polite, and asked directly, "What would have happened tonight without our intervention?"

Shi Zhenghong calmed down slightly, and then said in an indescribable tone: "Everything will be destroyed in the conflict. And she will eat the golden apple and incarnate everything."

The princess is the end and the beginning of everything.

"Then we prevented such an ending, did we interrupt the process?" Feng Linxun would never forget that the four stories are a world, but in fact a complete cycle.

Now that the end has not come, there is no natural starting point.

"Do you think that everything is still the same? You don't know about some changes, but that doesn't mean they don't exist." Shi Zhenghong sneered.

Then he said: "Actually, I originally wanted to trick you. But the story changed, that old witch... She actually fell in love with the king, and the king's queen died for more than ten years. "

"You mean that the story you originally told was true, but for some reason, the original context was changed?" Feng Linxen asked.

Shi Zhenghong said: "Yes! The old witch was also young... Think about it again, who was it when it was young?"

"Princess of the forest?" Feng Linye said in surprise.

"Yes! It's the princess of the forest. The seeds of the apple tree were originally hers, and she was the only one who could plant the apple tree. In theory, the golden apple should also belong to her. It was just accidentally lost... ."

"So it's natural for her to do some things in order to find her things," Shi Zhenghong said.

"Will the princess turn into everything after taking a bite of an apple?" Feng Linwan's thinking jumped, not stepping on the rhythm that Shi Zhenghong deliberately guided.

There are four story lines, which influence each other but are independent of each other.

If you insist on analysis when the clues are unclear, you will only detour the whole person's thinking and gradually walk into a dead end.

In the face of an opponent like Shi Zhenghong, rigid thinking is a very dangerous thing.

Therefore, what Feng Linxuan needs now is not the comprehensive truth, but a single clue.

Knowing too much, or... unilaterally absorbing too much so-called information from the teacher competition is not a good thing.

"I don't know this, what I know is only part of the original story, not the result after the change. You are also an old traveler, you should know that the world itself is active, no matter what kind of world, it is impossible to have only a single A line. Time has inertia, and it will habitually attribute certain things to a habitual conclusion, but if the entire line has changed, then the conclusion will be unknown." Shi Zhenghong randomly piled up a lot of theories, It sounds like it makes sense, but it's actually a perfunctory.

"Then let me repeat, if the Christmas ball is the beginning or the end, then it should be the forest princess, and then the pony's tears or magic music."

"And you said that the old witch fake queen is the forest princess... How was she born?" Feng Linwan asked again.

"Didn't I say so? The princess ate the golden apple and turned it into all things." Shi Zhenghong seemed a little impatient.

Feng Linwan said in surprise: "So, the old witch is essentially the current princess, maybe even a large part of her... Wait, so, the relationship between the king and the princess...?"

"Shimmer! shudder!"

Feng Linwan's inference made Shi Zhenghong's entire face darken.

Even so, it seems to be correct.

But this concept is as disgusting as using rice fields to water vegetables together, and then eating vegetables is equivalent to eating shit.

Did things change like this?

He suddenly thought about how he had lost to such a guy in the first place.

Extraordinarily embarrassed.

Seeing the disdain and resentment in Shi Zhenghong's eyes, Feng Lin's mood was even better.

Don't have enough chips to lose? Being led by the nose?

how is this possible!

There are ways to play with capital, and there are ways to play without capital. People are alive and thinking is alive. As long as the thinking does not slip, there are always more ways than difficulties.

Early the next morning, Feng Linwen heard the noise of the guards and maids outside.

Open the window and take a look.

All of a sudden he was stunned by what he saw.

The entire castle was actually shrouded in a dense virgin forest.

The ancient vines are entrenched on the mottled city gate, as if they have experienced thousands of years of vicissitudes.

Huge ancient trees, obscuring the sky.

"The most important thing is that with such a big change, I didn't even feel at all last night. It's not cultivating at all." Feng Linxen felt very bad. This seemed to be a precursor to losing control completely. Made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Sky! Look at the sky." The noise outside was even worse.

Feng Linxen looked up at the sky, and the first thing he saw was that the huge scorching sun seemed to have been bitten off by something.

Then the side of the earth seemed to fall into the eternal night.

Don't talk about science, and don't talk about rotation and revolution.

Now is by no means the time for science to flourish.

Vaguely, Feng Linwen also heard the angry roar of the Sun God, as well as the suppressed wailing of pain.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of the starry sky became particularly as if all the stars had been wiped away.

In some places that are temporarily invisible to the naked eye, more incomplete changes also appear.

"The princess ate a bite of the apple, and all the rules of the world were missing a corner."

"So...the golden apple is the whole world, the supreme treasure born from burning up all the energy, rules and potential of the self. No wonder it can be used to save that..."

"That makes sense."

"No! The apple is missing a mouthful, that is to say, our mission cannot be completed. If the golden apple is the whole essence of a world, if it is missing a mouthful, it will not be complete, and it may not achieve the original effect."

"Shi Zhenghong knows more than I do, so he doesn't know the reason."

"He did it on purpose, he was delaying time." Feng Linxen suddenly jumped out of the line and thought about more. Suddenly, he felt a huge darkness coming towards him, engulfing him.

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