The thunder between heaven and earth had been bombarding for who knows how long. By the time the black clouds and thunder dissipated, it was already dark.

People who had been anxious all day finally relaxed and walked out of their homes.

In towns and human activity areas on all sides of the Luxi River, countless people looked up at the night in the distance.

Everyone is curious about what happened there.

But no one dared to go and check it out.

Everyone whispered, some said that the military was testing new weapons, while others said that the Longhu Mountain Celestial Master was trying to attract thunder.

Some people say that the God of Thunder is born!

Opinions vary.

It was not until the outgoing convoys returned one after another that people gradually unified their opinions. The outgoing people said:

"The water god of Luxi River is born!"

Along with the comments, there is also a video. The video is exactly the picture of the six-armed Vajra holding up the peerless demon and resisting the thunder of heaven and earth!

Everyone who saw the video was silent because the images in the video were so shocking!

Although everyone is clamoring for the coming of myths, the power that people are exposed to today is far from reaching the power of myths!

At most, he has mastered otherworldly power!

Therefore, more people just think that the myth is just a title and has no practical significance.

But after watching the video.

There is an undoubted thought in everyone's mind, that is, the myth has really come to the world!

In the video, the figure of the six-armed King Kong, who looks like an ancient god, has a strong impact on everyone's mind!

It will be unforgettable for a long time!

The video began to spread on the Internet at an alarming speed!

As for the protagonist in the video, he was silent in the dark and deep abyss.

With the help of the two energies in his body, Pei Jun survived the first thunder disaster in this world without any danger!

Although he survived successfully, Pei Jun's overall condition was not good.

The skin all over his body was already covered in blood and flesh, with terrifying lightning strike marks deep into the bones, and even bones were exposed in many places!

From the wounds, blood exuding golden light is constantly melting into the river water!

Pei Jun sat cross-legged in the deep abyss with his eyes closed.

The three-pointed blade and the two blades are stuck on the side, and the blade exudes a dazzling divine light, and its terrifying power spreads in all directions!

Shock the monsters who want to peer into the abyss!

Although Mr. Pei is in poor condition now, if you look closely, you will find that Mr. Pei's aura is still strong!

Moreover, the flesh and blood that had been baptized by thunder, instead of being dead, was filled with an incomparable surging energy!

Countless energies intertwined and repaired the scars!

All over the body, the skin and flesh damaged by the thunder fell off quickly, and then stronger and tender flesh grew out!

Apparently Pei Jun’s attempt was successful!

He survived the thunder tribulation with the help of the two energies in his body, and also used the power of the thunder tribulation to consume and transform the two energies in his body!

At this time, Pei Jun's aura continued to rise!

Thunder, divine blood, dragon balls!

Each one is an extraordinary thing, and now they are all compressed into flesh and blood by Pei Jun!

From time to time, there would be a sound of shackles breaking in Jun Pei's body, as if an ancient ferocious beast was slowly awakening in Jun Pei's body!

It’s just that it may take some time to completely repair the injuries all over the body!

Without the fighting between Long Salamander and Pei Jun, the Luxi River once again resumed its previous surge, and the river flowed toward the east.



On the day when Pei Jun and Dragon Salamander fought, people in Hangzhou suddenly discovered that rats appeared one after another in Hangzhou!

These mice are as big as cats, and some are even much bigger than cats!

The scarlet eyes were even more emitting a strange twinkling light, as if their spiritual intelligence had been turned on!

When rats were first discovered, people in Hangzhou didn’t pay much attention.

Although these rats can also be called monsters, they are obviously not very powerful, and they have not even dispatched strangers.

He was shot dead directly by the troops stationed in Hangzhou!

People dragged the rat's body away, sent people to clean the ground, and the matter was over.

No one noticed that in the dark corners of Hangzhou, pairs of scarlet eyes were looking at humans.

Wait until it gets dark.

Hangzhou gradually became lively.

Although the world has undergone catastrophic changes, it is still one of the top big cities, and there are still troops and Liuhe Martial Arts School in charge.

Except for the original Liuhe Martial Arts Battle, there have been no casualties in Hangzhou for a long time.

Moreover, there were no casualties in the original Liuhe Martial Arts Battle, but the venue of Liuhe Martial Arts Hall was destroyed!

And after this battle, people's trust in Liuhe Martial Arts School has become stronger!

Because everyone knows that there is an extremely powerful top master behind Liuhe Martial Arts School!

An existence that can be on the list of strangers!

And it is said that this master is Mr. Lin’s apprentice and everyone’s senior brother!

Although there was no chance to see the true face of this senior brother, everyone saw the battle at Liuhe Martial Arts Hall with their own eyes!

Especially the soaring dragon shape stimulates the hearts of countless people!

So after this incident, more and more students joined Liuhe Martial Arts School, and now it even has a vague reputation as the largest sect in the southeast!

As the base of Liuhe Martial Arts School, it can be said that everyone in Hangzhou practices martial arts, and the people in Hangzhou have already passed the stage of fear and confusion.

Gradually adapting to today's mythical world!

So after nightfall, the nights in Hangzhou gradually become lively, and the nightlife before the myth came to the world is returning!

However, tonight, a piercing scream broke through the lively night in Hangzhou!

In a dimly lit bar, a girl dressed in sexy and fashionable clothes crazily held her head and screamed:

"There's a rat!"

Everyone who was drinking and having fun nearby frowned and looked sideways. A young boy saw that the girl was good-looking, so he actively asked:

"Beauty, where is the mouse?"

Then he saw the screaming girl, her face pale, her eyes looking behind him in horror, and her voice trembling as she said:

"Behind...behind you!"

The young boy suddenly felt his breathing stagnant, the blood on his face gradually faded, and he slowly turned his head.

A pair!

Two pairs!

Three pairs!

As soon as the young boy turned his head, he saw countless densely packed scarlet eyes appearing in the darkness!

One after another, hideous and terrifying rats crawled out of the darkness!

The young boy swallowed hard, and just when he was about to turn around and run away, a huge rat suddenly jumped out of the darkness next to him!

The gleaming teeth and scarlet eyes bit the young boy's face fiercely!

The young boy screamed suddenly, and blood flowed across his face. The blood instantly made the eyes of countless mice in the bar even scarlet!

Then he let out a piercing scream and rushed towards the panicked and frightened crowd in the bar!

And the same scene happened in various dark places in Hangzhou. More and more rats crawled out of the darkness and attacked every human they saw crazily!

At this time, people in Hangzhou suddenly remembered a saying from before the revival of the myth:

“If you see one rat out and about, there are countless rats out there in the dark!”

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