Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 122: The Battle of Vape (Part 2)

(Which boss still has a monthly pass in his hand, please vote for Xiaoyu, thank you!)

For the next two days, while waiting for the artillery regiment and the heavy artillery battalion, the French army did not stop attacking Vape, but the scope of the attack was limited, mainly attacking the Russian army's strongholds outside. Where French mortars could provide fire support. And once the artillery regiment and heavy artillery battalion arrive, all the artillery of the Russian army can be easily destroyed, and the casualties in the attack will be greatly reduced at that time.

On January 4th, the 5th Army and the 3rd Army took turns to attack the strongholds outside the city of Watt. Under the cover of artillery fire, the strongholds were blown up by bundles of grenades. The artillery also fought back vigorously, but the casualties to the French army were not very great. At the end of the day, 50% of the Russian army's outlying strongholds were killed. The 5th Army and the 3rd Army also paid the price of 300 and 400 people respectively. The 5th Army defeated the 3rd Army by a slight advantage , Lana finally felt elated.

On January 5th, the mopping up continued. On this day, the French army achieved great results again, killing the remaining 35% of the Russian strongholds with less than 400 casualties. The remaining part is directly under the muzzle of the Russian army. If you want to eat all these strongholds, you must pay a big price. As a result, the sweeping operation was temporarily suspended, and everything will be discussed after the artillery regiment and heavy artillery battalion arrive.

Under the penetrating eyes of Xiao Jie and all the French troops, the artillery regiment and the heavy artillery battalion arrived after a long delay, and finally arrived on the evening of January 5. Look at those 75mm field guns pulled by two horses, and the larger 105mm howitzers pulled by four horses. The long barrel, the ferocious muzzle, and the confident smiles of the French soldiers gave them a lot of encouragement. With such a powerful weapon, it is not easy to eliminate those **** Russians. ?

On the morning of January 6, after a night's rest, the Artillery Regiment and Heavy Artillery Battalion of the 88th Army showed their ferocious fangs, and the slender barrels faced the sun and pointed straight to the east.

But at this time, the Russian army on Wape City saw so many big guys with scalp numbness, such a long and thick barrel, how powerful the fired shells should be. Among them, the most feared are the artillery of the Russian army and the soldiers in the outer strongholds. In order to increase the power of the bombardment, Karbayev ordered all the only 70 cannons to be moved to the city wall. This was indeed a serious hindrance to the French army's attack, but now that the artillery of the 88th Army has arrived, their Artillery is not destined to end well, and what is certain is that they will be the main target of French artillery bombardment. Not to mention the soldiers who are still in the outer strongholds, they will directly face the fierce attack of the French army. Under that level of attack, fools know that they are close to death.

Now that Xiao Jie's strength has been greatly strengthened, his appetite is getting bigger and bigger. He transferred the 3rd Army to the north of Vape City, and the 5th Army to the south. At the same time, he also drew two regiments from the Cavalry Army to strengthen the strength in these two directions. The remaining cavalry regiment was transferred to the east of the city of Vape. They will be responsible for monitoring the enemy's movement in Bialystok and preventing the defenders of Vape from breaking through.

As for the 88th Army, it was taken for granted that Xiao Jie arranged it to the west of Wape City, and took it as the main attack direction of this attack, while the 3rd and the enemy army launched a feint attack to contain a part of the lower army. The cavalry corps stood still. If someone could break through from the east, it would be their task. I believe that no one is an opponent of the cavalry on the plain. As for the cavalry in Vape City, it is even less of a concern. They now only have about 1,500 people left, how big a wave can they make?

"It's not good, general, the French reinforcements have arrived." Before Karbayev got up, his trusted assistant, General Roplov, woke him up. As a last resort, Karbayev had to leave the warm bed, put on his clothes and went to his study. "What's the matter? Have the French already entered the city?" Karbayev asked slightly angrily.

"No general, but it's almost the same." Roplov replied sadly.

Hearing that it was so serious, Karbayev quickly asked, "What's the matter? Why are you so negative."

"French reinforcements arrived yesterday evening."

"What?" Just these French troops are no longer what they can handle, and they are coming to reinforce them. Do they still have to live? How many people did they come in total? Karbayev, who had gone through the storm, quickly calmed down and asked.

"According to intelligence, there are about two regiments."

When he heard that there were only two regiments, Karbayev immediately thought that he had been teased. You must know that there are nearly 100,000 French troops outside the city of Vape. How can the mere two regiments have any impact on the battle situation? "General Roplov, aren't you making a fuss? It's just that the two regiments need to be scared like this?"

"General, these two regiments are not ordinary troops. They are the artillery regiment of the 88th Army, the heavy artillery battalion directly under the regiment, and the transport regiment for transporting ammunition. They have at least hundreds of powerful cannons. This will give us serious losses," explained Roplov.

Karbayev also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time. In this case, it is basically impossible to keep Vapena. If you stay here, you will have to wait to die. "Can we all withdraw from Vape now?" Although retreating is a shameful thing, but for the lives of nearly 20,000 soldiers, Karbayev is still ready to flee.

"It's too late now, the French army has surrounded Vape." Roplov said a little decadently.

"It seems that the only way to fight the French is to fight to the death. If you want Vape, you have to pay a heavy price." Karbayev said fiercely with a flash of light in his eyes. "Immediately withdraw all the people in the outer stronghold to the city, and staying outside is basically courting death."

"His Royal Highness, the position of the Russian army on the opposite side has changed. The defenders of their stronghold outside Vape suddenly began to retreat to the city." Early in the morning, Xiao Jie received the news.

"Order the artillery to start shelling immediately, and we can't let the cooked duck just fly away."

Under Xiao Jie's order, the artillerymen began to get busy, taking off the cannon coats, revealing the ferocious muzzle. Then the ammunition was brought over, and the shooting direction was adjusted according to the data obtained by the observers. After everything was ready, under the command of the commander, the cannons began to roar, and the shells were smashed hard at the enemy.

Immediately, the retreating Russian army was thrown off their feet by the bombers. Remnants of limbs and broken arms flew everywhere, and clusters of scarlet blood outlined a strange picture on the snow-white ground. The Russian army at the head of Vape City was deeply stunned. They did not expect the artillery of the French army to be so powerful. Compared with theirs, their own cannons were rubbish.

Ten minutes later, the shelling stopped. Except for the first one or two hundred of the thousands of retreating Russian troops, all the rest went to God.

Five minutes later, the shelling began again. It's just that the target of this bombardment was changed to the city head of Vape, where the Russian artillery was erected. It is also the place that poses the biggest threat to the French army. Xiao Jie's style has always been to nip the threat in the cradle. He was strong for two days because of his methods. Now that he has this strength, of course he must first eliminate these threats. The firing range of the French army's cannons is basically more than twice that of the Russian army's. Therefore, the Russian army has no power to fight back. Under the fierce shelling of the French army, the cannons were either blown up or overturned to the city. . Especially the shells fired by the 105mm howitzer, once a shell hits, a section of the city wall will be smashed, let alone the people and cannons above.

Twenty minutes later, Vape's west wall was blown to pieces. After another half hour, the French began to advance. At the same time, the artillery began to shoot extended shots, smashing shells into the city of Vape. Xiao Jie had already known that there were no Polish civilians in the city of Vape at this time, so Xiao Jie dared to launch the bombardment without any scruples. Anyway, it was not France, and even if the whole city was in ruins, he would feel more distressed.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the shelling was all over. The infantry attack also officially began. The elite 1st Regiment of the 88th Army was in charge of the first wave of attack. 2,500 people lined up in a skirmish line and rushed towards Vape. The surviving part of the Russian army on the head of Vape City also launched a counterattack, but they were quickly suppressed by the heavy machine guns of the 88th Army, and the bullets flew over the heads of the Russian army. In order to survive, they had to bury their heads It's so low that it can't shoot at all.

In this way, the soldiers of the 1st regiment quickly rushed to the city of Vape, then blasted open the city gate, broke into the city, and started a hard street fighting. After entering the city, the attack of the French army was not smooth. Knowing that there was no hope of escape, the Russian army took out the last courage, and with crude weapons, they rushed to the French army one after another, suppressing the French army near the city gate.

The first to attack Vape was the 2nd Battalion where Xiao Jie's good brother Karl the expansion of the Legion, he was also promoted to Major and Deputy Battalion Commander. "Damn it, the 1st company and the 2nd company stand up, and the 3rd company will go back and carry the heavy machine guns and mortars for me." Karl ordered. Because the heavy machine guns and mortars were too heavy, they didn't take these big guys with them when they charged.

After the French army's heavy machine guns and mortars arrived, the Russian army could no longer support them and began to retreat one after another. More and more French troops also took this opportunity to attack the city, and quickly began to expand the scope of control. Immediately afterwards, the 2nd regiment also went into battle. Although the Russian army has a strong will to fight, it competed with the French army for every street, every house, and even no ruins, regardless of casualties. However, if the French army encounters a place that cannot be chewed, it will directly deploy mortars to bombard it. In addition, the weapons are much more advanced than the Russian army, and there are also hand grenades, which are street fighting weapons. Therefore, the resistance of the Russian army is futile in the face of these absolute advantages.

In the end, the 3rd Army and the 5th Army also entered the city of Vape through the opening opened by the 88th Army. In this way, the Russian army was finally powerless. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the battle was over and the Russian army was completely wiped out. or captive. Vape was captured by the French four days after the French attack began.

(To be continued, if ** knows what will happen next, please log in to .F., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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