Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 141: Seduction

(Today's exam is finally over. Huh! But starting from this week, there will be one or two exams every week in the future. Depressed!)

She made up her mind to bribe Xiao Jie with beauty, but Luisa had a headache about what kind of beauty to send to Xiao Jie. If the person who sent it was not what the other party wanted, it would be self-defeating, which was the last thing she wanted to see. In addition, through the investigation of Xiao Jie, she knew that Xiao Jie had a flamboyant lover in Paris, and he also got a charming woman like Mary in Warsaw. Although she also has a few maids who are very good, but they are still in Prussia, and it must be too late. This made Louisa very upset.

On May 24, negotiations continued. Prior to this, Makovsky and Claude had exhausted their efforts and failed to find out what the final bottom line of France was. They also wanted to find out directly from Talleyrand, but when they arrived at the residence of the French delegation, they were not forbidden to enter. This made it impossible for them to start. People have speculated whether France is going to get serious this time.

With various moods, the second negotiation began. At the beginning of the negotiation, Xiao Jie was still sitting on a chair with his eyes closed, just like yesterday, without giving anyone face. Maybe it’s because I’m used to Xiao Jie’s appearance, so Alexander and Friedrich William III didn’t get angry like yesterday, but I don’t know if it’s the same in their hearts, and these are not in the scope of Xiao Jie’s consideration. within.

"His Majesty Alexander, His Majesty Friedrich William III, I don't know how you think about our proposal yesterday. If there is no objection, we can sign the contract." Talleyrand said with a smile.

Neither Alexander nor Friedrich William III answered. Makovsky stood up and said: "Well, I'm sorry, because the matter is too important, we still need to discuss it with the domestic ministers. One day is really not enough. I don't know if your country can be more lenient. God, let us think about it." Claude also nodded repeatedly.

Before Talleyrand said anything, Xiao Jie, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly gave Makovsky and Claude a hard look: "Did I not make it clear yesterday? It seems that you want war Let's continue. Well, since this is the case, we have nothing to talk about." After speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

This action scared the Russian and Prussian people enough, they didn't expect Xiao Jie to be so tough. Especially Makovsky and Claude, who are sweating profusely now, stammered and said: "This is not what we mean, the time is too short, just give us another two days. "

"I'm sorry, my time is precious, and there are still a lot of battle plans waiting for my approval." Xiao Jie said without giving any face.

This time even Alexander and Friedrich William III couldn't sit still. Approval of the battle plan? At this time, there is no war in France other than theirs. Are they really going to continue to attack us at all costs? The two frequently winked at Makovsky and Claude, asking them to find a way to stop this. Fortunately, Russia has been preparing for war for more than a month. Even if it is not an opponent of France, with its vast land, it can persist for a long time. But Prussia can't do it. If France is really going to take them under the knife, I'm afraid they will have nothing but subjugation.

All this fell into Xiao Jie's eyes, seeing their flustered appearance, Xiao Jie burst into laughter in his heart. He was just scaring them just now, and he didn't want to continue the war. Everything was just to make them submit obediently.

And at this time, according to what his Talleyrand had discussed in advance, one person sang the good face and the other sang the bad face. The black face was naturally sung by Xiao Jie. Talleyrand said: "Your Highness, one day's time is indeed a bit tight, or give them two more days. If there is a real war again, I don't know how many people will be lost in the war." Make a pitiful expression. Seeing him like that, Xiao Jie thought to himself that he was definitely a piece of acting material, if he was born a hundred or two hundred years later, he would not be very popular.

When Talleyrand said this, Alexander and the others looked at him gratefully.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Jie said in a "difficult way": "Okay then, I will give you two more days to think about it carefully." After speaking, he left. At this time Makovsky just walked up to Talleyrand and said a few words to him. Although Xiao Jie didn't know what he said, he could guess that they wanted to find out from Talleyrand what the final bottom line of France was. For this, Xiao Jie also pretended not to see anything. He just laughed in his heart and said, "It seems that the fish has already taken the bait."

Sure enough, that afternoon, Makovsky and Claude visited Talleyrand together. The three chatted all afternoon before leaving. From the joy on the faces of Makovsky and Claude when they left, it was obvious that they had got what they wanted.

After they left, Talleyrand immediately went to Xiao Jie's place: "Your Highness, according to our previous arrangement, I have revealed our "bottom line" to them."

The so-called "bottom line" was discussed in advance by Xiao Jie and Talleyrand: in it, the indemnity paid by Price was 100 million francs less than before, and the number of divided cities was also reduced by 3. The Russian indemnity and ransom were each reduced by 100 million. Xiao Jie believes that this result is easily acceptable to Russia, but there may be some problems with Prussia. Although it has been reduced a lot, the price Prussia has to pay is still very high.

Others took this as Napoleon's intention, but in fact, this was designed by Xiao Jie according to his own intention. In his opinion, as long as he can complete Napoleon's mission to save the people, and in addition, he can knock a little more, Napoleon will definitely not think that he is "extorting" too much. What Napoleon really wanted was to "extort" 300 million francs and the industrial zone from Prussia. As for Russia, Napoleon was actually unwilling to be an enemy of it, as long as Russia was willing to withdraw from the war, sign a peace treaty with France, and join the continental blockade system. He will not pursue it. But what he didn't expect was that Xiao Jie used his power to blackmail both countries severely.

Sure enough, although Alexander was very reluctant after getting this result, he agreed under the persuasion of others. If France's final request is like this, then Russia will agree to sign a peace treaty with France. Although 200 million francs is a lot of money. However, it is still very easy to pay this amount of money for years of excessive expropriation by the Romanov dynasty. Although a little reconciled, Alexander still chose to wait for the chance of revenge after the national strength recovered.

But Prussia is different. The William family has no money like the Tsar at all, and after several generations of accumulation, it is just enough to pay France's 500 million indemnities. But Prussia still has to spend money now. The money in their treasury was intercepted by the French army before it could be transferred when Berlin fell. Nearly 200 million francs became Napoleon's unexpected spoils of war. It made Napoleon happy for a long time.

"Honey, haven't things turned around?" Luisa asked Friedrich William III looking at the sad face.

"The French can probably reduce their compensation by 100 million francs, but even 500 million francs is not something we can afford. The most difficult thing is that the Russians' compensation has been greatly reduced. In addition to the ransom, they only need to pay 200 million. It’s just francs. I’m afraid that Russia will leave us alone and sign a peace treaty with France, and we will be on our own.” Friedrich William III sighed. He believes that Russia will definitely be tempted by the conditions offered by France, and the alliance between Prussia and Russia will not have any effect at that time. Without the support of Russia, it would not be easy for France to deal with Prussia.

Louisa blamed herself, without her encouragement, Friedrich William III would not have gone to war with France. So he felt that he should help Friedrich William III at this critical moment, "Will your negotiations continue tomorrow?"

"Will do."

"Can you take me there?" Luisa asked.

"What are you going to do? Besides, there are only three places for each country to participate in the negotiations." Friedrich William III frowned slightly.

"I want to go. At worst, just me and you and then add Claude?"

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't hold back Louisa in the end. Although he didn't know why Louisa was interested in their negotiations, Friedrich William III still agreed.

What he didn't know was that Luisa had already made up her mind to go out in person. From her point of view, with her beauty, wouldn't it be easy to captivate Xiao Jie's hairless child? At that time, it will not be easy to give him a little sweetness and let him reduce the compensation to Prussia.

Louisa is very confident, because she has the capital of self-confidence. Although she is in her early 30s, the years have not left any marks on her face. Her face was still charming, her skin was still as smooth as that of a young girl, as white as milk, and full of elasticity. She believed that no man could withstand her desire. Although she is not a slutty woman, but this time in order to make up for her " she decided to go all out.

Xiao Jie still patiently participated in the negotiation on May 25. Although he knew there would be no gain. At most, they can bargain with Russia and then sign a peace treaty according to the "bottom line" they predetermined yesterday. And there may not be any progress in Prussia for the time being.

Now the Russian delegation has arrived. Although the Prussians have not come yet. But they were already bargaining with Talleyrand. Apparently they have kicked their allies aside at this point.

After 10 minutes, the Prussian delegation arrived, and Friedrich William III was still at the front, but to Xiao Jie's surprise, there was a woman behind him, an unusually beautiful woman. And behind her was Claude, the Prussian foreign minister.

Xiao Jie immediately understood who this woman was. Besides Luisa from Prussia, who would have such treatment? Although he was very surprised, this did not prevent him from admiring this woman who was called the most beautiful woman in the European royal family.

(To be continued, if ** knows what will happen next, please log in to .F., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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