Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 190: Without bloodshed (Part 2)

For military leaders like Misend and the others, the army is very important to them and is the foundation of their power. With the support of the army, their power can be guaranteed. Therefore, after discussion among the four of them, they unanimously demanded that their army must be retained in the negotiations with the French army. Of course, in order to avoid the suspicion of the French army, they would also pledge their allegiance to Xiao Jie and become Xiao Jie's subordinates.

After the four discussed it, they told Kalil their bottom line, and asked him to find a time to go out of the city and continue negotiating with the French army. The four of Misend began to secretly gather their confidant generals, preparing to start action as soon as the French army agreed to their conditions.

On the night of January 23, Kalil finally found an opportunity to sneak out of Madrid under cover again, came to the French camp, met Xiao Jie, and the two sides immediately started negotiations.

"His Royal Highness, after discussing with Misend and other generals, we have a result. That is, we can open a city gate at a suitable time, let the French army enter Madrid, and assist you in attacking Castagnos No, in addition, we will send people to see if we can capture important generals such as Castagnos and Canel. We can do so much, I wonder if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is satisfied?" Khalil said.

Hearing what Kalil said, Xiao Jie and the others were very moved. The fortress of revolution always breaks through from the inside. If it is true as what Kalil said, Misend and the others will fully assist the French army, then they will have a big The hopes of winning Madrid at a small cost. But there is no free lunch in the world, Xiao Jie knew that since the other party could provide such a great convenience, he would at least pay the same amount or more.

"Very good, I am very satisfied with what you can do. Well, tell me your conditions, what do you want from me after you have paid so much?" Xiao Jie asked directly.

Khalil smiled, not sure if he was laughing at the fact that the task was too easy this time, or because Xiao Jie said it so directly without any negotiating skills. "His Royal Highness, General Misend and the others do this because they want to be loyal to you and become your subordinates."

"Oh, so that's what's going on? If that's the case, then I don't need to say more. I promise, I will reward them well after I win Madrid." Xiao Jie said carelessly.

As soon as Kalil heard what Xiao Jie said, his complexion changed instantly. After winning Madrid, the initiative is still in the opponent's hands, and when the opponent wants to deal with his side, he has no room to fight back. . So Khalil was in a hurry. If he went back like this, Misend would definitely tear him apart. At the same time, he also felt in his heart that Xiao Jie, who he thought was harmless to humans and animals, actually gave him a mark at this time. Heavy punch.

Seeing the drastic change in Khalil's face, Xiao Jie laughed inwardly: "Little boy, fight with me, at least the uncle was reborn once, how can a small character like you be fooled." Sitting next to Xiao Jie, Dougal and Eke also twitched the corners of their mouths, trying to hold back their laughter.

Khalil said with a wry smile: "Your Highness the Crown Prince, even though I said that, General Misend and the others still hope that you can reveal what kind of positions you can give them in the future."

"The fox's tail is finally exposed." Xiao Jie thought, picked up a cup of coffee, and said playfully: "Then what kind of positions do they want me to give them to be satisfied?"

Unexpectedly, the ball was kicked back again. Kalil started sweating on his forehead this time. If he said it was too big, the opponent would definitely be very angry. If he can't pay the job, Misend will not let him go either. Now Kalil no longer had the excitement of accepting such a major task at the beginning, and what he had was just full of bitterness. "Well, Your Royal Highness, the generals hope that you can retain their existing subordinates. Of course, they will all join your battle order." Khalil finally thought of a way at this time.

"This, I can't agree. Because at the end of the day, we will conduct a unified reorganization of all Spanish prisoners of war and select soldiers who are suitable to stay in the army. But I can agree that they will be the commanders-in-chief of these all-Spanish troops Not wanting to waste any more time, Xiao Jie directly stated his plan. It is obviously impossible to guard the whole of Spain with the 88th Army alone. He has to expand his army. But the two new divisions formed in China have not even been recruited yet, so obviously they can't be counted on, so these Spanish troops who have received general training and fought in battle have become a good choice. Gore and the result of Eck's discussion.

Khalil thought for a while, and he knew that this was already a very good result. Although it failed to meet their expectations, it was already very good in comparison. "Your Highness, can you be more specific?"

"Uh. For General Misend, we're going to give him the rank of lieutenant general as deputy chief of staff for the Spanish theater, and for generals Otis, Simta, and Saxdon we're going to give him the rank of major general and serve as the newly formed three The commander of the Spanish division has about 15,000 people in each division." Xiao Jie explained.

For this result, Kalil believes that Misend and the others will be very satisfied. Although the military ranks are one level lower than they are now, the lieutenant generals and major generals of the French army must be better than the generals of the Spanish army that is about to perish now. , The lieutenant general is good. So, Khalil readily agreed and signed the agreement on behalf of Misend. The cooperation between the two parties has also officially started.

Kalil returned to Madrid and told Misend the results to the four of them. The four of them were very happy. Not only did they not have to be buried with Castagnos, but they could continue to occupy a high position, which made the four of them very happy satisfy. So they discussed the action plan overnight, trying to complete it beautifully, so as to show off in front of the new master.

After discussion, they will start the operation two days later, that is, on the night of January 25. At that time, Saxden will be responsible for opening the city gate for the French army and cooperating with the French army to capture various important places in Madrid. Among the few people, he was defending the west gate of Madrid, and it was very easy to complete this task. Otis led his confidantes to secretly attack Castagnos's residence to see if he could catch Castagnos, of course, it would be fine if it could not be violated. Simta attacked Cannell's headquarters. Since the French army surrounded Madrid, Cannell has been directing the defense of Madrid at the headquarters. Similarly, if the difficulty is too great, he can choose to give up. Although Misend has a high position, there are not many people he can actually control, so he is mainly responsible for handling special situations. If things change, he will assist Saxden to open the city gate and complete the most critical step. The four of Misend and the others were able to control a total of more than 30,000 people, accounting for 30% of the remaining Spanish rebels. After several people discussed, of course, Kalil once again assumed the role of liaison officer and reported their action plan to the French army.

After knowing the plan of Misend and others, Xiao Jie and the others also made some deployment adjustments, preparing to actively cooperate with them at the beginning of the operation.

As a result, the situation in Madrid became weird. Although Castagnos was aware of this atmosphere, he didn't know what was going on, so he had to send someone to step up his defense.

On the night of January 25th, it was pitch black and there was no light, which undoubtedly facilitated the mobilization of the 88th Army. At 8 o'clock in the evening, the 88th Army began to mobilize. Without affecting the siege of Madrid, it mobilized 6 regiments and ambushed about one kilometer outside the west gate. After Saxden opened the gate, they He will rush into the city and launch a fierce attack on the Spanish rebels with the assistance of the insiders.

The planned time was set at ten o'clock in the evening. At that time, the French troops in the other three directions would launch a feint attack on Madrid to attract the attention of the Spanish chaos and provide support for this operation.

The night gave the 88th Legion a good Even though the fires on the walls of Madrid were burning brightly, they still couldn't find them hiding there. Time passed slowly, and when the needle reached ten, Saxden appeared at the west gate of Madrid. Since his confidant had been replaced here in advance, his order to open the city gate was quickly executed. At the same time, Otis and Simta also took their own people and secretly advanced towards their goals. The French army outside the city also began to advance towards Madrid at this time. The French army in the other three directions also began to attack, and their attack attracted the attention of most Spanish rebels, leaving them no time to take care of Simon's side.

When the French army was less than 500 meters away from the west gate of Madrid, there was a small accident. A gendarmerie patrol team somehow came to the Saxden defense area, and happened to find the west gate that had been opened, and Saxden I also wondered why the people in front didn't stop the gendarmerie, but they couldn't care about anything else at this time. In order to keep it secret, Saxden ordered his men to open fire, and the two sides started a fierce battle. The gunshots from Simon's side attracted the attention of other areas, which directly led to the failure of Otis and Simta's actions, and they had to retreat. So Madrid's plan to catch Castagnos, Canel and others failed, and the two sides fought fiercely in the dark.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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