Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 193: 1 pile of mess

Gibraltar is located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, on the north shore of the Strait of Gibraltar, at the throat of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, and its strategic position is very important. Gibraltar covers an area of ​​nearly square kilometers and has a population of about 10,000. The Strait of Gibraltar is 1,000 kilometers long and 1,000 kilometers wide, and is the only sea passage between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Gibraltar was incorporated into Spanish territory. In 1999, France and Austria resorted to war for the succession to the Spanish throne. Britain, the Netherlands and Austria formed an alliance. In 1999, Spain signed the Anglo-Spanish Treaty with the United Kingdom, ceding Gibraltar to the United Kingdom and becoming a British colony and main naval base.

Before the opening of the Suez Canal, the Strait of Gibraltar was also the only channel into the Mediterranean Sea. Xiao Jie will never give up on this strategic location no matter what. Although the Smith Fleet was annihilated by his design in Barcelona, ​​the British Mediterranean Fleet suffered heavy losses. But even so, it still posed a great threat to Xiao Jie. The main cities in Spain are basically concentrated near the coast and are directly threatened by the British navy. For this reason, Xiao Jie had to plan to build coastal defense artillery in each city, but this is a very large expenditure, so it can only be used in major cities. Some cities built coastal defense forts, and other small and medium-sized cities had to give up. Of course, if the British army dared to go ashore, there would definitely be no good fruit for them. The most infuriating thing is that the British Navy directly sent warships to block the Strait of Gibraltar, making it impossible for the French army to cross the strait to occupy the colony of Spanish Morocco.

Therefore, Gibraltar made Xiao Jie feel very uncomfortable like a fishbone stuck in his throat, but if he attacked rashly, even if he could get away with it, he would have to pay an unimaginable price, which Xiao Jie absolutely did not want have witnessed. After hundreds of years of British construction, Gibraltar has built countless large-caliber forts and dark forts, as well as the support of naval guns. If you want to capture here, you need at least the artillery support of large-caliber artillery. But now the largest caliber cannon of the 88th Army is the 105mm howitzer, which is obviously not enough, and a larger caliber must be developed, such as a 122mm howitzer, a 155mm howitzer, or a more powerful train gun. At the same time, there must be a powerful navy, enough to suppress the navy of the British Mediterranean Fleet. But now, Xiao Jie doesn't have any of them, so he can only bear with it, and when he has enough strength, he can pull out the nail of Gibraltar, which is nailed to his heart by the United Kingdom.

These are just his later plans, and now Xiao Jie is worrying about a lot of documents on the table! Spain has just been pacified, but all kinds of affairs that need him to deal with are piled up. Originally, he wanted to draw Joseph to deal with these matters, but unfortunately, Joseph fell ill at this time and had to go back to Paris to recuperate, which made Xiao Jie very depressed.

To put it simply, he lacks everything and people, especially various administrative personnel. Many Spanish officials have participated in the previous rebellion. Of course, those people cannot continue to use them. No one cares about these things anymore, and it all rests on Xiao Jie. Lack of money, Spain and even the whole of Iberia have been severely traumatized by the war, and production needs to be resumed to appease the people, but now the Spanish treasury has long been empty, so Xiao Jie has to bear the money himself. Xiao Jie couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that it is not so easy to be an emperor!" It may be easy to be the emperor of a rich and powerful country, but when an emperor like Spain, who has just experienced war and needs to recover, comes Said, this is undoubtedly a kind of torment.

"Your Highness, how long are we going to be busy like this? I can't bear it anymore." Eke poked his head out from a pile of documents with two panda eyes. The chief of staff, but now Xiao Jie has arrested a strong man to do administrative affairs.

"Hurry up, I have asked them to openly recruit government officials. It may only be two days, so bear with it." Xiao Jie, who also had two panda eyes, encouraged.

In order to get rid of this predicament as soon as possible, Xiao Jie openly recruited government officials from all walks of life in Spain for the first time. No matter whether you are a commoner or an aristocrat who did not participate in the rebellion, you can sign up. The number of recruited officials ranges from the prime minister of the new government to the minister of the interior, Foreign ministers, down to town mayors. You must know that most officials were selected from nobles in the past, and it was even more difficult for common people to become officials. But Xiao Jie doesn't care about these, as long as you are capable and loyal, then you will be hired.

Xiao Jie originally wanted Napoleon to send someone over to take over this mess, but he was reluctant because he had laid it down by himself, and he still expected to build this place into his rear area? In addition, he and Napoleon also had an agreement at the beginning, that is, Napoleon would not interfere with what he did in Spain, and it seemed that Napoleon also knew that the mess in Spain was not easy to clean up, so Xiao Jie had to deal with it himself. Figure it out.

It is always difficult in the early stage of starting a business. Xiao Jie always uses this sentence to comfort himself. This is indeed the first time for him to leave the shelter of his family and rely on his own strength to fight alone. Difficulties are inevitable.

On February 10, the official recruitment that lasted for half a month was finally accepted. People from all walks of life in Spain responded strongly to this recruitment. People of any status, as long as they had some ability, actively participated in the recruitment, so that tens of thousands of people signed up . It took several days for Xiao Jie to select candidates for Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior, and Minister of Foreign Affairs from among them. There are more than 20 candidates in total. Next, Xiao Jie selected the final candidate from among them through interviews. . That is Prime Minister Forbeck, 52 years old, is a professor at the University of Spain. He gives people a sense of stability and is more good at administrative management. The Minister of the Interior is Shaft, the former Spanish Deputy Minister of the Interior. He is the only former senior Spanish official who did not participate in the rebellion. In addition, his ability is relatively outstanding, so Xiao Jie reused him. Foreign Minister Grigio, former Spanish ambassador to Austria, a diplomat, and a figure at the same level as Talleyrand, such a talent, Xiao Jie, of course, cannot be let go. After confirming these three big bosses, Xiao Jie directly threw the burden on them. As for the rest of the officials, except for the Minister of Police and the Minister of Finance, they were all decided by the three of them. recruitment. The army is firmly in his hands, and Xiao Jie is not afraid that they will do anything that is not good for him. Anyway, he will conduct temporary inspections on the officials under his subordinates every once in a while. If they are unqualified, then I'm sorry, they will go to prison directly, and the three of them will also be implicated, so Xiao Jie is not afraid of what they are playing. patterns. As for Minister of Police Xiao Jie, he plans to let Eke take up the post temporarily. The current situation in Spain still needs the army to stabilize it, and it will be convenient for him to hold this position to coordinate the two aspects. The important post of Chancellor of the Exchequer should not be held by outsiders. It was prepared by him for his old man, Angel's father, Ottove. The relationship between him and the agreements he signed with the Jews, and he is not afraid that he will harm himself.

After throwing away the heavy burden on his shoulders, Xiao Jie's work did not lighten up. He also had to make various plans for the development of Spain. Stability must be the first priority. In order to achieve this goal, Xiao Jie plans to set up an Iberia garrison area, with Dugor as the commander and Misend as the deputy commander. You can't treat others badly, after all, their achievements are all there. Xiao Jie initially planned to select 60,000 soldiers from among the more than 100,000 captive Spanish rebels to form 4 divisions to be stationed in the four directions of Iberia. The candidates for the division commanders have also been determined. awarded the rank of major general and stationed in northern Iberia; Simta served as the commander of the 2nd division, awarded the rank of major general, and stationed in western Iberia; the commander of the 3rd division was appointed by Saxden, also awarded the rank of major general , stationed in southern Iberia, the commander of the 4th Division was held by Kalil, and he was exceptionally promoted to brigadier general, stationed in eastern Iberia. It sounds like the scope of jurisdiction is very large, but in fact their task is not heavy, mainly to deal with those who intend to rebel. Although the Spanish rebellion was wiped out, there are still a small group of people who slipped through the net, so they are similar to Later generations of the Armed Police Force. This time, Xiao Jie borrowed the method adopted by the Japanese in China during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and supported the local people to rule. His own people are always better than outsiders in dealing with their own people. Method. Of course, it was impossible for Xiao Jie to be completely at ease with them, so the deputy commanders of each division and many middle and lower-level officers were transferred from the 88th Army. The 88th Army, on the other hand, served more as a field force.

The second place is development, especially economic and military development. Needless to say about the economy, it is nothing more than improving the economic level of the people. Spain is very rich in resources. As long as Xiao Jie's own group and the Jewish group invest and set up factories here, I believe this goal will not be difficult. Achieved. The development of the military is the development of the number of troops and weapons. These are what Xiao Jie cares about most, after all, the army is his cornerstone.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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