Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 198: 3 women

(Wow, it’s snowing in Chengdu, it’s so cold! I haven’t seen snow for many years, and there will be a chapter later)

Since the end of March, due to the availability of funds, Iberia's large-scale construction plan has begun to be implemented. With the strong support of 1 billion francs, the first phase and the second phase of the project will be launched at the same time. It is expected that the first phase of the project will be completed in two to two It will be completed in three years, while the second phase will be completed in four years. The first phase of the project mainly includes the construction of railways from Madrid to several other major cities, while the second phase of the project is the construction of roads from Madrid to those major cities and the formation of a road network between several major cities. It is the construction of some supporting infrastructure. The third phase of the project is to connect all large and medium-sized cities in the peninsula with railways and form a railway network around the peninsula. The fourth phase of the project is to improve the road network in the peninsula on the basis of the original, so that there are road connections between large, medium and small cities. Due to the use of high-quality cement, these roads will all be built using the cement roads of later generations as a model. Although the cost and construction time have been greatly increased, their performance is much better than those of the old roads in the past.

During the same period, the construction of the Talavera Arms Factory began. After investing a lot of labor and materials, it is expected to be completed in three months. As soon as the equipment arrives, it can be put into production immediately. According to preliminary estimates, the completed Talavera Arms Factory will be larger than the Andresi Arsenal in France, and will become the largest arsenal in Europe and even in the world. After completion, it can produce 20,000 1808-type rifles and 5 million bullets per month; 200 heavy machine guns, 200 mortars, and other types of artillery. Work began at the Valencia shipyard at the same time and is expected to be completed four months later. A large number of experts such as Fulton have already arrived in Valencia ahead of schedule and set up a laboratory there to continue their research. As soon as the shipyard was completed, construction could begin on the first warship they designed.

Beginning in early April, a legal preparatory committee led by the Minister of Justice was established. They will take on the role of going to the parliament and formulate a series of laws under the guidance of Xiao Jie. The first is the "Constitution", the most important of which stipulates Xiao Jie's ruling status in Iberia and his supreme power. Then came the Commercial Law, the Civil Law, the Criminal Law, the Education Law, the Marriage Law, and so on. Of course, this cannot be completed in a day or two, and it will take a long time to complete. However, no matter which law it is, it reveals a principle oriented by Xiao Jie's will.

This series of construction in Iberia requires a lot of manpower and materials, and also creates a lot of jobs, which improves the living standards of the people and indirectly guarantees the stability of the society.

At this time, Napoleon also learned that Xiao Jie had made a large fortune in Iberia (because Xiao Jie ordered that he deliberately not report it, so the French side got the news very late), and he was worrying about military expenses He was so happy that he immediately sent someone to order Xiao Jie to hand over 60% of the seized wealth, but Xiao Jie finally told him that all the money had been spent, and that the ongoing construction in various parts of Iberia was the last Good evidence, this made Napoleon very angry, but he didn't expect Xiao Jie to conceal it on purpose, and he only blamed himself for not getting the news earlier. Through this incident, Xiao Jie knew that the original close relationship between him and Napoleon had begun to crack, but he was not afraid at all. Now that he has his own territory, it's okay to turn against Napoleon. With his current military strength, he may not be able to attack, but his defense is not a big problem. As long as he guards the sides of the Iberian Mountains, Napoleon will have another chance Even a large number of troops cannot attack. Of course, it would be best not to turn his face. After all, his foundation is still very shallow now. The main assets of the Andresi Group and the Jewish consortium are still in France. It would be very bad for him to turn against Napoleon now. Fortunately, although Napoleon was angry, he didn't blame him. Maybe Napoleon didn't know what he was thinking.

The construction of Iberia is proceeding in an orderly manner. At this time, Xiao Jie's role is not so important, and he is also free. Suddenly there was nothing to do, which made him feel a little empty. Counting the days, it has been 5 months since I left Paris. I don’t know if my parents are okay? Of course, the thoughts of Angel, Mary and Sophie are also indispensable.

At the end of April, he got the news that Kofit and his team from the Andresi Group had already started on the road, and they will arrive in Madrid around May 10. They will make various investments in Iberia, and the total investment will reach 200 million francs, this is all the funds that Andresi Group can come up with. Along with his father-in-law and Jewish entrepreneurs headed by him, they will invest a total of 600 million francs in Iberia. After receiving this news, Xiao Jie was very happy, because economic development cannot be separated from the promotion of these successful businessmen. It is difficult for these businessmen in Iberia to meet Xiao Jie's requirements for rapid economic development in Iberia. , and their arrival undoubtedly installed a booster for Iberia's economic development. For their arrival, Xiao Jie expressed great importance and prepared a high-standard welcome.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it will be May 11th. On this morning, Xiao Jie asked Forbeck to take a group of government officials and military leaders to meet the upcoming investment group outside Madrid, while he himself The palace awaits their arrival. Although many officials thought it would be disrespectful to ask them to greet those merchants, especially if they were Jews, since Xiao Jie had ordered them to do so, they had no room to refute. ". Of course, some people realized why Xiao Jie paid so much attention to it, that is, these businessmen will bring a lot of benefits to the development of Iberia and make the economy here develop rapidly.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, a large group of horse-drawn carriages arrived in Madrid. Forbeck and others knew that this was the person they were waiting for, and went up to meet them. Kofit and Otov didn't expect Xiao Jie to make such a big commotion, and they were "flattered" and felt very honored at the same time. You must know that because of their status, they are often not respected in other countries. Even if they are very rich, in Iberia now, there are so many big figures coming to welcome them, which makes their vanity greatly Satisfied, the favorability of Iberia also rose sharply, and many people decided to move the company's headquarters here at that time.

Officials such as Forbeck accompanied the members of the investment group to the hotel specially prepared for them. Kofit and Otov were not included. They were directly led by an officer to the Royal Palace of Madrid. At this time, the people who got the news Xiao Jie was already waiting for them at the gate of the palace.

Several carriages arrived at the Royal Palace of Madrid under the **** of the guards. The first person got out of the carriage. Xiao Jie saw that it was Kofite, who looked older than he had been in a few months. There were also more gray hairs. Xiao Jie knew that this was the reason why he worked hard for him, so he couldn't help being moved. The second one to come down was the old man Otov. This old man is actually fatter than before. It seems that he is living very comfortably recently.

Koffett, who got out of the car, also found Xiao Jie at this time, and quickly walked over to salute him: "See His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Xiao Jie kindly helped him up and said, "You have worked hard."

Xiao Jie's words moved Cofit to tears. Xiao Jie went to the door to meet them in person, which gave Kofit the idea of ​​dying for his confidant. When Xiao Jie first met him, he handed over all the affairs of the group to him, and he has always trusted him. Over the years, Xiao Jie has never intervened in the affairs of the group, which made Cofit deeply moved. Feel Xiao Jie's trust in him. Xiao Jie's words "Thanks for your hard work" made him feel that all his hard work was worthwhile. Autov gave Xiao Jie a slight salute, and then smiled mysteriously, making Xiao Jie somewhat puzzled.

At this time, the third person also got off from another carriage, that person was actually Abel, one of the two biggest gangsters in France now, Xiao Jie rubbed his eyes, convinced that he was not mistaken, he couldn't figure it out What is he doing here. Before they had time to say anything, three beauties descended from the last carriage, in order: Angel, Mary and Sophie. Xiao Jie suddenly felt a headache, and couldn't figure out how the three of them got mixed up. He stammered and asked, "You, why are you all here?"

Seeing Xiao Jie like this, everyone laughed. Autov said, "Let's go in and talk about anything."

Xiao Jie nodded, and hastily led everyone As soon as he arrived at the living room, Ottofu said: "After sitting in the carriage for so long, my old man can't take it anymore, please arrange a room for me." , I’m going to take a rest first.” Afterwards, Cofit and Abel also left with the same reason, and there were only Xiao Jie and four people left in the hall, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Jie asked, "Why did you come together?"

Angel replied, "It was arranged by General Sikes."

Xiao Jie was startled: Isn't this looking for trouble for me? Just about to explain something, Angel said: "Andresi, you don't need to explain anything, we all understand, besides, after so many days of traveling, we are already very good friends."

"Huh?" Xiao Jie was stunned. He didn't expect this to happen. In his memory, aren't Western women very self-reliant? How could she allow her to share her husband with other women.

As if seeing Xiao Jie's regret, the little girl Sophie ran to his side and said, "Brother Andresi, don't worry, we have really become good friends and we won't quarrel."

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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