Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 227: Whose responsibility? (superior)

(Chapter 1 is here! Go to sleep, there will be class tomorrow morning)

On the morning of January 29th, a small village called Aldous near the border in northern Iberia.

The geographical conditions of the village of Aldos are very good, less than 5 kilometers away from the French border, and a road connecting France and Iberia passes by the village. Since the end of the Iberian War, the economic exchanges between France and Iberia have increased day by day, relying on the convenient transportation environment, Aldos has also developed rapidly. In just one year, the population of this small village has increased from the original 1,000 to 5,000, and the people's living standards have also been significantly improved. Every household is doing some small businesses, making this place very prosperous.

But it didn't last long. As the relationship between France and Iberia became more and more tense, fewer and fewer merchants passed through here, which caused great damage to the economy of Aldos. What is even more worrying is that when the After Po Lun announced that Xiao Jie was deposed as crown prince, the two legions of the French army were transferred to the border, and then Iberia also mobilized the same number of troops to station on the border, making Aldos and others living on the border People's hearts are shaking, for fear that they will suddenly start a war someday. As a result, people fled here one after another. In just half a month, there were less than 500 people left in Aldos. Most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled who had nowhere to stay here to wait for death.

Due to the important geographical location of Aldos, the 2nd Division of the 88th Army was assigned an infantry battalion here. They will be responsible for the stability and security of the region. If the French army invades Iberia, they will be the first force to resist the French army.

Today's weather is very good, because today is Xiao Jie's wedding, so the whole army celebrated with great fanfare, and this battalion is no exception. Although they are now shouldering very heavy tasks, the logistics department still provides them with very rich food, but the only regret is that there is no wine.

"The people in the logistics department are really stingy. Today is the wedding day of His Highness the Crown Prince. When they arrive, they are reluctant to give us a bottle of wine." Deputy Battalion Commander Caligor complained softly.

"You are content, didn't the logistics department send us a lot of meat and vegetables yesterday?" Battalion Commander Odebasque said as he put away his binoculars. Every hour, he and Caligor had to take turns to check the movement of the defense line and the opposite French army.

"I really envy those guys who are still staying in the rear. They must have spent the night in the bar last night before returning to the barracks." Caligor said with an extremely envious expression. Although everyone knows that what he said is very exaggerated. In this case, all the troops have canceled their vacations. Maybe they can drink some wine secretly in the barracks, but if they want to go to the bar, it’s still a night. Impossible.

"Forget it, you were the one who insisted on coming here back then, and I was all implicated by you," Odebasque said.

"Hey." Caligor rubbed his head embarrassingly: "Isn't it boring to stay behind? I thought there would be a battle when I came here, but it's been more than half a month, and it's still the same." Both Old Basque and Caligor were veterans who joined the 88th Army when it was just formed. At that time, one of them was the squad leader and the other was the deputy squad leader. Both of them grew up with the 88th Army.

"Old man, do you like war so much? You must know that the people on the opposite side are all French." Odebasque said, looking at Caligor.

Caligor sneered: "Really? But it doesn't matter to me. I only know that they are enemies of His Highness the Crown Prince now, as long as they are enemies of His Highness the Crown Prince, no matter whether they are French or from which country, Just my Caligor enemies, I will send them all to God. And you Odbasque, don't forget who you are now, and your family, they live now too In Iberia, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince distributed a large amount of land to each of our soldiers and exempted agricultural taxes. Now our family members are living very well. But have you ever thought about it, if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is overthrown, then what will happen? Will everything still exist? So remember, what lies ahead is our enemy, nothing more!"

Old Basque was silent, he didn't know how to refute his old partner. "Don't worry, no matter what happens to me, I will remember that I am a soldier. The bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders. Since the superior wants us to guard this place, no Frenchman will pass by here unless I die ’” Odebasque said firmly.

"Haha, you're wrong. It's not that you're dead, but that the entire battalion is dead. Otherwise, no French soldier would have passed through here." Caligor laughed loudly.

"Okay, let's not say so much, there are delicious foods at noon today. I haven't had a good meal for a long time." Odebasque said. The two walked towards the cafeteria with their arms around their shoulders again, there was no grievance between them at all.

Not long after the two walked, they saw an officer running back from the front, and Odebasque recognized him as the deputy platoon leader of the platoon deployed near the border line.

"Aren't your platoon responsible for the security of the border? What are you doing here in such a hurry? It's still a while before lunch." Caligor said with a smile.

"Deputy battalion commander, that's not the case." The deputy platoon leader quickly explained. "Commander, there are about 200 French cavalrymen gathered in front of our position, saying that one of their soldiers got lost yesterday, and they want to come and search. Our platoon leader refused to let us go, and the two sides are now confronting each other. The platoon leader asked me to ask you what to do?"

"People got lost and ran to our side to search. What's the reason for this? Just tell them to look for it on our side." Caligor said a little angrily.

"Our platoon leader said the same thing, but they said they had already searched their side, no, so they wanted to search our side." The deputy platoon leader continued to explain.

"I don't think this matter is simple. They didn't lose their people sooner or later. Why did they lose them on the day of the crown prince's wedding? I think there must be a reason for this. Go back and tell your platoon leader immediately, reply to the French army, and say If the soldiers they lost are really on our side, we will help them find them. A French soldier cannot be allowed to enter Iberia, this is an order from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince himself." Odebasque said after thinking for a while.

The platoon leader hurried back.

"Man, I don't think this is an easy matter. You arrange someone to report to the regiment headquarters, and I will assemble the team immediately." Odebasque said.

"Okay, I'll send someone to report to the regiment headquarters immediately," Caligor said. Their regimental headquarters were in Figueres, about 10 kilometers from Ardoz. This battalion is subordinate to the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Division and is the 2nd Infantry Battalion of the regiment.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of gunfire from the front. Odebasque and Caligor realized at the same time: "Oops." "The team will assemble immediately." Odebasque roared, and the signal soldiers also mounted their horses and galloped to the regiment headquarters. In less than 3 minutes, the current No. 637 of the Second Infantry Battalion assembled. But during this time, the gunfire in front became more and more urgent, and even occasionally there was the sound of mortars.

"The 1st company comes with me, go to meet the 6th platoon, and the others will enter the position immediately." Odebasque ordered.

"Man, you stay and command, I'll go." Caligor said, and before Odebasque could react, he led the 1st company and rushed out.

In less than 10 minutes, Caligor rushed to the position of the 6th row with the 1st company. At this time, the ground was full of corpses of people and horses, and the soldiers of the 6th row were manipulating their weapons. The weapons repelled the enemy's attacks again and again, but they also suffered heavy casualties. And their enemies paid a much higher price than them. With the addition of the 1st company, their pressure suddenly became much less.

The 6th platoon is now fighting more than the two hundred people mentioned before, but a cavalry battalion. Through the telescope, Caligor can even see that there are still a large number of cavalry coming here. At least one regiment and maybe more. He knew that it was impossible to block the enemy's attack with the few people in his hands and the simple position here, so he ordered to retreat and go to Aldos to fight the enemy again.

Under the leadership of Caligor, the soldiers fought and retreated, and finally retreated to Aldos. During this time, they also suffered a lot of casualties, especially the 6th There are less than 30 people left in the whole platoon.

After more than half a month of construction, Aldous's position appeared to be much stronger. With the cooperation of various light and heavy firepower of the 2nd Battalion, the impact of the French cavalry did not have much effect at all. The French cavalry units lacked heavy weapons, so they had no choice but to temporarily stop their attacks and wait for the reinforcements behind, an infantry regiment, they were equipped with five 75mm field guns, produced by the Andresi Arsenal in Paris.

"It looks like they are waiting for reinforcements or heavy weapons," Odebasque said.

"Then the blast hole we dug so hard will be useful." Caligor laughed. When digging the anti-bomb holes, everyone felt that it might not be easy for France and Iberia to fight, and everyone felt that there was no need to dig anti-bomb holes. But since this article was recorded in the infantry drill code, everyone had no choice but to dig honestly, but they didn't expect it to come in handy now.

At the same time, the signal corps of the 2nd Battalion also reported the news of the French invasion to the regiment headquarters. The matter was so important that the head of the 3rd regiment did not dare to make a decision lightly, so he had to immediately send a telegram to the division headquarters in Barcelona, ​​asking for their instructions.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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