Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 245: secret weapon

(Chapter to!)

"General, the enemy ship has entered the maximum range of our army, can we start shooting?" When the British Mediterranean Fleet advanced to only 10 kilometers away from the Iberian Navy Fleet, the gunner of 'Andresi' asked.

"Order the ships to start salvoing when the enemy ships reach 8 kilometers." Boult ordered. Although the 155mm naval gun can strike a target 10 kilometers away, even with the help of an advanced rangefinder, the possibility of hitting the target is still pitifully small. Shelling at this distance is a waste of shells.

The distance of 2 kilometers is at most 10 minutes for a warship traveling at full speed.

"Get ready, fire!" Under the command of the gunner, the two 155mm naval guns on the "Andresi" and the three 122mm naval guns on one side fired the first salvo. But unfortunately, the shells deviated from the target, and the nearest shell was two hundred meters away from the British battleship. The airship above the battleship quickly sent data: "To the right, 250 meters." Almost at the same time, the 'Emperor Napoleon' and the 'Prince Joseph' also fired salvos one after another, but neither achieved the desired effect. .

At 9:05, the 'Andresi' fired a second salvo, this time still missing the target, but the shells were finally much closer to the enemy ship. The observer on the airship quickly reported the landing point to the gunner, and after another correction, the 'Andresi' fired a third salvo at 9:08. This time the result was finally achieved. An unlucky three-masted clipper was hit by a near miss. The huge pressure caused by the explosion of the shell immediately tore a big hole in the weak starboard side of the small boat. Two minutes later, the ship was successfully completed. Only two of the sailors on board were rescued, and all the others disappeared on the sea.

At 9:12, the fourth salvo of the "Emperor Napoleon" hit a British gunboat. A 155mm shell exploded near the bridge of the gunboat, and the whole ship was blown to pieces immediately. , none of the people on board escaped.

At 9:18, the sixth salvo of the "Andresi" hit a third-tier battleship, and two 122mm artillery shells at the stern ensured that the second half of the entire ship was completely blown up. A large amount of seawater poured into the hull, causing the bow of the battleship to tilt high. Finally, the keel broke because it could not withstand the huge pressure. The whole ship broke into two pieces and sank into the sea, forming a huge vortex , People and other things were declared involved. None of the sailors on board escaped successfully.

At 9:20, the British fleet was only 5 kilometers away from the Iberian fleet, and the 105mm naval guns of the Iberian fleet also joined the attack on the British fleet, which immediately made the situation of the British fleet even more dangerous. The continuous sound of gunfire was heard on the sea, and the entire sea area was shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

The deputy commander of the British Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet watched his warships being sunk one by one, feeling very heavy, especially after the 105mm naval guns of the Iberian Fleet also started firing, the chances of survival of the British warships dropped again a lot of. Almost did not advance a few hundred meters, and all warships were sunk. Is the history of Britain's dominance of the sea really to be accepted? The deputy commander of the Mediterranean Fleet murmured.

Suddenly, his ship, which is also the flagship of the entire fleet, is now the only second-tier battleship in the fleet, and then the deputy commander felt a huge force pushing him hard, and he walked out of embarrassment. When I got up from the ground, I realized that the battleship had been fired again. A shell hit the left side of the battleship and blasted a large hole with a diameter of two meters. Fortunately, it was above the waterline, which allowed the battleship to escape. In fact, they are considered lucky, because it was only a 105mm shell that hit them. If it was replaced with a 122mm or 155mm shell, then things might not be so simple.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, some British warships finally advanced to their range, but these warships fell into a state of siege before they could fire. Not a single British warship survived such an intensive attack. Some three-masted fast ships broke into the defense of the Iberian fleet at a calm and fast speed, but their fate was still quite tragic, and the last defensive circle composed of 75mm rapid-fire guns and heavy machine guns became their nightmare. Although the power of the 75mm rapid-fire gun is not great, it is more than enough to deal with these small boats. Often only a few shells are needed to tear them apart. Heavy machine guns became the **** of death who harvested life, and those sailors who were exposed on the deck became a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, the sound of artillery on the sea finally stopped, which also meant that one of the two warring parties had been completely wiped out. Obviously, it was the British Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet that failed today. As they refused to retreat, they were all sunk, and not a single ship escaped the order. In this naval battle, the Iberian fleet wiped out the British Royal Navy's Mediterranean fleet at the cost of minor injuries to three "Iberian"-class warships. From today, there will be no British warships on the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea officially became the territory of the Iberian Navy.

At 1 p.m., the three injured warships also returned to Valencia for repairs under the **** of one warship. Burt left four 'Iberia' class warships to salvage the sailors who fell into the water. The British sailors who fell into the water have been completed They should do what they should do as a soldier, and now, they should also have the right to survive. Burt led other warships to Gibraltar. Their mission was to destroy Gibraltar's coastal defense facilities, attack the Gibraltar fortress, and assist the army's offensive.

On the morning of January 21, after a night's rest, Dugor launched an attack on the Gibraltar Fortress again. Although he had the assistance of the navy, he still failed to achieve any results because the skin of the Gibraltar Fortress was too thick. Even the Navy's 155mm naval guns struggled to inflict serious damage on him. Moreover, there is another problem that the navy is attacking from the south of the Gibraltar Fortress, while the Iberian Army is attacking from the north. Even if the navy completely destroys the south side of the Gibraltar Fortress, it will not have much effect on the army's offensive. If an army could be sent to attack from both sides at that time, the effect would be different. But it is a pity that Iberia does not have a dedicated marine corps. Presumably after this battle, the establishment of a marine corps should be put on the agenda.

On the evening of January 21, Xiao Jie came to Algeciras secretly. Except for Dougal and other senior officers, no one knew that Xiao Jie had already arrived at the front line.

"What's the matter, isn't the attack going well?" Xiao Jie couldn't help asking seeing Du Geer's sad face.

"His Royal Highness, the battle went very smoothly at the beginning, but it has come to a standstill in the past two days. The reason is very simple. Our cannons cannot reach the Gibraltar Fortress, and the help from the navy is very limited. It is possible to take down the Gibraltar Fortress with only mortars and explosives." Dougal said with some frustration. He didn't expect that something like this would happen when he thought it was a sure thing. The **** mountains, the **** roads, the **** canyons, that's what keeps Dougal from sending the cannon to the front.

"Just something? Don't worry, I have already prepared. Don't forget what I told you last time, I have prepared a secret weapon." Xiao Jie said mysteriously.

Du Geer's eyes lit up, he also remembered that Xiao Jie did say such a thing at that time, but at that time Xiao Jie deliberately kept it secret and didn't tell him what the secret weapon was. "His Royal Highness, is it true? Can the secret weapon you prepared really solve this problem? Did you bring the secret weapon? Where is it?" Dougal asked extremely excitedly.

"Stop, stop. Don't ask any more questions. I guarantee that the secret weapon I prepared will be able to solve the Gibraltar Fortress. It is probably still on the way and should be able to arrive tomorrow morning." Xiao Jie quickly interrupted Du Geer, To prevent him from continuing to ask endlessly.

"His Royal Highness, can you tell me what the secret weapon is?" Du Geer felt itchy.

Xiao Jie gave him a blank look, but decided not to tantalize him anymore: "It's a cannon with a long range and great power."

"Cannon? Is the range and power greater than that of the 155mm howitzer?" Dugor was very surprised. The 155mm howitzer he knew was the longest and most powerful artillery in Iberia. The only explanation is that this new type of artillery has just been developed, and now Dougal is eager to see this powerful artillery as soon as On the morning of the 22nd, the sky was still very cold, but Du Geer got up early, and pulled Xiao Jie out of the bed, and went to watch the powerful artillery together, which made Xiao Jie very depressed. I can't even sleep.

At 7:10, the Algeras train station was under martial law, and a group of soldiers surrounded the place. People thought that some important person came here? They speculated whether because of the army's attack on Gibraltar, some important person came here secretly.

At 7:30, a locomotive came into the station, but it was strange that it actually hung on a carriage, and 5 minutes later, another same locomotive came into the station until 7:50, and there were 6 trains in total. A locomotive with one carriage pulls into the station.

"His Royal Highness, is that the secret weapon you have prepared?" Dougal asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, that's right, that's the train gun newly developed by the Talavera Arsenal." Xiao Jie said with certainty.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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