Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 276: coronation ceremony

(I'm very sorry, I had an afternoon class this afternoon, so the update is late Chapter 1, there will be Chapter 1 later)

"Louise, what do you think?" Austrian Emperor Francis I looked at his daughter and asked. He conveyed to Louise the plan of the anti-French alliance, hoping that the Bonaparte family would send members to Paris to stop Xiao Jie's coronation ceremony, or disrupt the celebration of the day.

"Father, I want to know what I can get if I do this? Or what can Francois get?" Louise looked at Francis I with a pair of beautiful big eyes. Napoleon died, the French Empire was destroyed, and she and his son had to leave France and seek asylum in Vienna. However, Louise is used to that kind of high life, and she doesn't want her son to lose power. Therefore, she has always dreamed of rebuilding the French Empire and her son can ascend the throne.

"Here, we can provide you and François with money and comprehensive protection that can't be spent in a lifetime." Francis I said with a slightly embarrassed smile. Now they are not like father and daughter, but more like businessmen talking about business.

"No, Father. I can't accept this condition. Napoleon's savings are enough for me and Francois to live for a few lifetimes. As for the safety issue, I am your daughter. Is there anything else that could threaten me in Austria? Me?" Louise had a charming smile on her face.

"Then, Louise, tell me your conditions." Francis I gradually lost his patience. He is very strange, can the environment really change a person's character? It's been a few years since I saw you! The gentle, kind and obedient Louise before became what she is now.

"Father, I hope you can support the restoration of the French Empire, and Francois will inherit the throne." Louise said.

"This is impossible, Louise, as you know, several other countries support the Bourbon royal family. Even if I support you, it will not be of any use." Francis I immediately refused. Although he also knows that if Francois inherits the throne of the French Empire, it will be of great benefit to Austria. But at the same time, he didn't want to fall out with other countries, so he had to suppress these thoughts.

"Father, according to my understanding, the only ones who support the Bourbon royal family are Britain and Prussia, and Russia is vacillating. As long as you support François and win over Russia, then our strength will be greater in comparison. Some, then Francois will have hope." Louise persuaded.

Francis I did not speak, he was quietly thinking about the feasibility of Louise's plan, if successful, Austria's strength would be greatly increased. In that way, his expansion plan can be better completed. After a long time, Francis I finally made up his mind: "Well, I will fully support Francois, and I will try my best to find a way in Russia. I don't know if it will succeed or not."

"Thank you, Father, no matter what, we will definitely work hard." Louise said excitedly.

"Then how are you going to spoil Andresi's coronation ceremony?" Francis I asked.

"There are many people in the Bonaparte family who are at odds with Andresi, such as Louis and Murat. As long as I make a little promise to them, they will definitely be tempted." Louise said with a smile. At this time, Francis I suddenly found that he could not see through his daughter.

In the northwest of Vienna, on the east side of the Vienna Woods, there is a large manor near the Danube River, which used to belong to the royal family. Since the fall of the French Empire, the Austrian emperor gave this manor to his grandson Francois, and the main members of the Bonaparte family also lived here. Including Napoleon's wife, Queen Louise of France, his son, Crown Prince Francois of the French Empire, former King Louis of the Netherlands, former King Jerome of Westphalia, etc. These former core members of the Bonaparte family are now huddled in this manor, and they no longer have the air of the past.

In the evening, Louise called everyone together and said that she had something important to discuss with everyone. Little François was also brought into the hall, not at all understanding what was happening, sitting in his mother's arms looking around.

"Andresi is going to be crowned emperor on the 20th of this month. We came early to discuss who will represent the Bonaparte family in Paris." Louise glanced at everyone and said calmly.

"Shall we go too? That would be great. Andrési is going to be emperor, I'm his uncle, and he'll make me prince or king of some country. Spain? No. Spain The king is Joseph. Portugal? Yes, I want him to make me the king of Portugal, and he will definitely agree." Jerome said excitedly.

Louis glanced at his brother like an idiot, while Louise looked at him a little angrily. Only then did Trom realize that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly shut his mouth.

"Andresi violated His Majesty Napoleon's will, we must send someone to stop him." Louise said in a deep voice.

No one expressed an opinion on his point of view, and everyone acted as if they had nothing to do with themselves. What are you kidding? Go stop Andresi. He now controls the whole of France, and his army's anti-French alliance is retreating steadily. If he wants to prevent him from being crowned now, isn't that courting death? Everyone has this idea.

"Your Majesty King Louis, what do you think?" Seeing that no one spoke, Louise looked at Louis and asked.

"Your Majesty, Andresi violated the will of His Majesty Napoleon, but what can we do? We simply have no strength to stop him. And, no matter what, Andresi belongs to the Bonaparte family Members, why are we going to stop him? What can we gain by stopping him?" Actually, the last sentence is what Louis really wanted to express. If there is not enough interest, who would take this risk and make a joke of his own life? ah.

"Let me tell you the truth. My father, the Emperor of Austria, has already agreed to support Francois to inherit the throne of the French Empire. At that time, the two will still be the Princes of France, and other benefits will be indispensable to everyone." Louise told Everyone promised. In order to get their support, she can write a lot of empty promises, and whether it can be realized depends on the final result.

Louis thought for a while, and finally agreed to Louise's plan. He and Xiao Jie were not on the right track. He knew that Xiao Jie would gain nothing from being the emperor. Instead of doing this, he might as well support François. "Alright then, Your Majesty. I'm going to Paris this time, but in the end we still got in touch with other people, such as Murat, Lucien, and Eugene. In that case, our strength will increase a lot." Louis suggested.

"Okay then, I'll leave it to you to arrange it." Louise said with a smile.

Paris in January looks very deserted. Due to the impact of the war, this big city with a population of over one million is empty. Although a large number of citizens returned to Paris after the Iberian army occupied Paris, the total number only reached half of the original number. It is now January 15th, and there are still 5 days until Xiao Jie's coronation ceremony will be held, and the whole city is dressed up beamingly.

Today, Xiao Jie is busy with all the things. It is rare that he has time. He is going to spend time with his wife and children. Now he is the father of 3 children. Besides Angel who bore him a son, Mary also bore him a son, and Sophie bore him a daughter. Thinking of his happy family, Xiao Jie felt very happy.

Just about to leave the office, interim Prime Minister Cambacérez arrived again.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, how are the preparations for the coronation ceremony going? Do you have anything to do today?" Xiao Jie asked.

"Your Majesty, it is like this. The people we sent to Rome came back and said that Pope Pius VII refused to crown you. Since Italy is the territory of His Royal Highness Eugene, we cannot send troops to 'invite' the Pope to Paris." Kang Barceles said anxiously.

This matter is indeed very troublesome. The emperors or kings of European countries must be crowned by the Pope before they will be And Pius VII is undoubtedly taking revenge on Bonaparte The Ba family's rudeness to him. Xiao Jie is now grieving his teeth, vowing to make the Pope look good after occupying Italy in the future. "It's fine if the pope doesn't come, and the coronation ceremony will still go on without the pope." Xiao Jie said bitterly.

Cambaceres nodded without saying anything.

On the morning of January 20th, colorful flags fluttered throughout Paris, and there was a festive atmosphere everywhere, because today is a different day. The rebuilder of the French Empire, His Majesty Andrési, will hold a coronation ceremony. All the French and Iberian people went crazy, and people from all over the world gathered in Paris, wanting to pay their respects to His Majesty the Emperor.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the ceremony officially began. Xiao Jie left the palace in a luxurious carriage under the **** of the Royal Guards. In front of him was a line of Royal Guard soldiers wearing brand-new uniforms. They were all carefully selected from various regiments. Behind Xiao Jie's carriage is Angel's carriage, she and her son. Behind their carriage was the carriage of Joseph and his wife, and behind it were the carriages of the nobles and ministers. The entire procession paraded through the main streets of Paris under the protection of the Royal Guards. This was the first announcement of the ceremony, allowing the people to admire the demeanor of His Majesty the Emperor. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in to .QDAN., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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