Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 397: Debriefing and Countermeasures

"General Calvint, His Excellency the President has summoned you." Carter walked into the White House lounge and said to a middle-aged soldier.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Carter quickly stood up from the sofa and straightened his wrinkled military uniform. On the way to the Oval Office, Kart felt very uneasy. He really couldn't figure out why the president suddenly asked to summon him. Originally, he was commanding the troops on the front line in Panama, but suddenly he received a telegram from the White House saying that the president would summon him immediately and ask him to hand over the work in hand to his deputy. Is it because of the recent inability to break through the French defense? Now the president wants to reprimand me? But in the early days of the war, didn't I behave very well? Although the casualties of the troops were a bit heavy, after all, in a very short period of time, we occupied all the areas south of the United States and north of Panama. This can be regarded as a great contribution. It stands to reason that the president should Reward me is it? Could it be that you came to me this time to give me a medal? But this should wait until after the war is over.

"General, we're here." Carter reminded Calvent, who was thinking wildly. "The president is inside, you can go in by yourself." Carter said.

"Okay, thank you!" Calvert said. For the president's secretary, he has to be respectful. Although Carter's position may not be high, his full strength is undoubtedly considerable.

"You're welcome," Carter said. It's just that he looked at Calvert with a trace of pity. As someone close to the president, he more or less knew why Adams would ask to summon Calvent at this time.

Of course, Calvint also noticed Carter's abnormality, but he didn't say anything, but the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became heavier and heavier. With trepidation, Calvert pushed open the door of the president's office. But when he saw the person sitting inside, he was taken aback. Because there are not only President Adams, but also Secretary of State Brandon, Chief of General Staff Zominsk, and the head of the Ministry of War, General Henry.

"Your Excellency the President, and my lords, it's a pleasure to meet you all." Cavester gave a military salute to everyone and said respectfully.

"It's also a pleasure to meet you, General Cavenster. Please sit down." Adams said with a smile.

After sitting down on a sofa opposite Adams, Cavenster immediately asked, "I don't know why your Excellency is in such a hurry to summon me? The war on the front line is very urgent."

"Listen, Cavester, don't bring up this terrible war like we did. To be honest, the War Department is very dissatisfied with your performance in this war. It is already April 12th, and the war is almost over. It's been 3 months. But your troops are still unable to break through the French defense line, and the casualties of the troops are still very heavy, I think you have to explain this." Henry said with an angry face.

Hearing what Henry said, Cavenster's heart trembled suddenly, and he thought to himself: It's really not a good thing to come this time, not only will there be no medals to get, but if it's not good, I'm afraid even the official will be lost.

When Cavester was thinking about how to answer Henry, General Zominsk, the chief of staff, also said: "General Cavester, you really should explain to us why this situation happened, and Do you have a countermeasure to change the current situation?"

Cavenster is now depressed. When he was in Panama, he never slacked off. He was thinking about how to break the current border situation every day. However, he used countless methods, but he was unable to break through the French army in Panama. The defense line built by the isthmus. Now, the French army has a French 1st Army Corps and an independent division with less combat effectiveness in the area south of Panama. The strength of the isthmus is only more than 110,000 people from the French First Army. Moreover, not all of these troops are on the Isthmus of Panama, but are also distributed along the Caribbean coast south of Panama. Prevent the US Army from landing in these areas to cause backyard fires. As the U.S. Navy swept across the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, the French Navy was slowly squeezed out of this region. Not to mention that the Caribbean Sea has become the inland sea of ​​the United States, it can be regarded as a very dangerous area for the French army. up. In Cavester's previous tactics, he also landed in the Darien Bay area, but they were all repelled by the French army. Later, Cavenster knew that the French army's defense of the Caribbean coast was very tight, and the areas outside the Caribbean Sea were beyond the reach of the US Navy, and there were no conditions for landing operations, so Cavester stopped. Implement a plan for landing operations. In the Isthmus of Panama, the French army only had 3 infantry divisions plus an artillery regiment directly under the legion and a cavalry regiment directly under the legion. The total strength was just 50,000. Among them, an infantry division was also used as a reserve. In other words, in fact, the more than 200,000 American troops led by Cavenster directly faced only 35,000 French troops. But they were unable to break through the French defenses. In fact, the reason for this situation is largely due to the geographical reasons of the Isthmus of Panama. The Isthmus of Panama, which is only tens of kilometers wide, is a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In this area, the dense jungle and swamps, except for a few areas, do not allow large troops to pass through. And those places that can pass are heavily guarded by the French army, so Cavenster was firmly led by the team leader in the north of the Isthmus of Panama.

"Your Excellency, I believe that everyone is very aware of the geographical features of Panama. The entire isthmus is full of swamps and jungles, which is not suitable for large-scale attacks at all. In addition, the isthmus is very narrow, and the troops cannot be moved at all. At most tens of thousands of people can be invested in the attack. The French army is guarding the dangerous area of ​​the isthmus. In addition, compared with the French army, our army does not have any advantages in weapons, and is even at a disadvantage in terms of artillery. Therefore, we It is very difficult for the army to conquer the French defense line." Cavenster explained with his head down.

"So according to you, our army can only stop in the Panama area?" President Adams frowned and said.

"If we have no other way to break through the French defense line, I'm afraid this is the only way to go." Cavenster nodded and said.

Adams and the others glanced at each other with bitter expressions on their faces. The reason why the United States launched a war against France is that it is impossible for France's powerful army to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but the prerequisite is that the US Navy can protect the western Atlantic Ocean from France's threat, so that France cannot easily land in the Americas. One is that the U.S. military can quickly drive France out of the Americas, so that France has no springboard for landing, and quickly use the rich resources of the entire Americas to strengthen the United States. But at present, neither of these two prerequisites for the United States has been fully realized. The U.S. Navy is still in the Caribbean Sea, and the coastal areas of South America in the western Atlantic Ocean are still within the scope of the French Navy's activities. The army was also blocked in the Panama region, and it only occupied the entire North American region. If France makes a move, then millions of French troops will inevitably land in America. With the springboard of South America, at that time, with the current level of the US army, it is basically impossible to resist the attack of the powerful French army. Yes, by then, the end of the United States can be imagined.

"General Cavenster, you know how big a risk we have taken in this war against the United States. If you and your troops cannot break through the French defenses in a short period of time and bring the entire South American region into the United States If you want to destroy the territory of the French army, we will have to bear the fury of France. Therefore, no matter what method you use, we must break through the French defense line. Of course, if you have any requirements, we will do our best to meet them ’” Secretary of State Brandon said.

"As a soldier of the United States of America, I will fight for her to the last You can rest assured on this point." Cavenster said.

"Very well, then do you have any requests? If you have any, you can raise them while everyone is here." Adams said with a smile.

Cavenster thought for a while, he knew that if he couldn't come up with a reasonable combat plan today, it would be difficult to leave here. At the same time, he also wanted to be able to break through the defense line of the French army and successfully occupy the entire South American region. In that case, his contribution will undoubtedly be huge. It is not impossible to go further in the job. At that time, the old guy Henry should give way. Thinking of this, he was ready to give it a go, so he proposed a battle plan that he had considered for a long time.

"There is actually no way to break through the French defense line. In fact, this method is very simple. As we all know, the French First Army, one of the French elite legions, is defending the Panama area. To be honest, the combat effectiveness of the French army is indeed higher than that of the French army." It is much higher than our army. But with this army, it is enough to compare with our army of 200,000 people. In addition, the Isthmus of Panama is not suitable for large-scale operations, so they can withstand our attack with ease. However, they There is also a weakness, that is, the South American region is too vast, and the main defense area of ​​the French 1st Army is mainly Panama and its southern Caribbean coast, as long as our attack avoids this area, it will be successful." Cavens Te said.

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