Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 441: Generous (on)

Chapter 441 Generous (Part 1)

"Can the intelligence department know the detailed plan of the other party?" Xiao Jie asked. Now, they are in the light, while the United States and Canada are in the dark, and the situation is very unfavorable to them. Without definite intelligence, they simply don't know that the United States and Canada will attack there, so there is no such thing as active defense.

"The other party is very secretive about this operation. The intelligence department has made great efforts, but they are unable to obtain accurate information. They only know that the United States and Canada will launch a large-scale offensive against us in the near future." Eck replied road. The current situation really made him feel very difficult.

"Your Majesty. Although I have no way of knowing the detailed plan of the other party. But based on the current situation, I can also judge roughly. They can currently intervene in three places. One is the Azores. The other is in the British Isles. Still One is Northern Europe. First of all, under our attack, the Azores are almost completely recovered by us. The importance of the Azores is self-evident for both of us. Therefore, it is entirely possible that the United States and Canada will take advantage of the fact that we are in a war in Europe to seize the Azores. As for the British Isles. Due to our increasing pressure, the attitude of the British government has changed from the previous The firm anti-French and pro-American turned neutral. This is definitely a very big blow to the United States. They are also likely to use this time to expand their garrison in Ireland and increase their influence in the British Isles It is even possible to attack the Isle of Wight again, threatening our mainland, in order to relieve our pressure on the Kalmar Alliance. The last possibility is that they directly sent troops to participate in the Nordic War. Since the Kalmar Alliance was almost defeated by us recently They have no power to fight back, and the other party is eager to continue the war in Europe, so it is very possible for them to send troops to Northern Europe." Dougal analyzed.

Xiao Jie nodded, he would definitely agree with Dougal's analysis.

"One more thing, their target may not be us, but South America." Eck said suddenly.

"You mean they want to completely wipe out Marshal Davout and his French 1st Army, and pull out our last nail in South America?" Xiao Jie asked excitedly. Since the French Navy lost control of the Atlantic Ocean, the troops deployed by France in the Americas and the French 1st Army that landed in the Americas later did not leave South America, but chose to continue to cooperate with the United States and the United States without support. Canada fights. Even now they control the Paldaos and Guyana plateaus and the northern Amazon. It makes it impossible for the United States and Canada to completely occupy the entire South America. Because of this, the United States and Canada, after wantonly plundering various materials in South America, can only rely on sea routes to transport them back to the country. But these French troops also paid a considerable price. Many people died in the war due to lack of clothing and medicine, and all the troops were only left with about 60,000 to 70,000 people. And it is still broken up into parts, controlling the northern part of South America in the form of guerrillas. But because of their existence, the French army will undoubtedly be able to land in South America better and faster in the future, so they also cannot afford to lose.

"This is also a conjecture. After all, the existence of Marshal Davout and others has seriously threatened the rule of the United States and Canada in South America. Of course, this is just a conjecture. If the goal of the United States and Canada this time is not Europe, then Most of them are counted," Eck said. At this time, he even hopes that the United States and Canada will target Europe in this attack. After all, the entire French 1st Army has been in South America for so long for the future deployment of France, and they have paid too much.

"Can we give Marshal Davout some support now?" Xiao Jie said with a sullen face.

Eck shook his head: "Now, the entire western part of the South Atlantic Ocean is completely under the blockade of the US Navy. For the time being, we simply cannot give Marshal Davout their support."

"How about this, send Marshal Davout a power call, tell them the current situation, and let them try not to attack the US and Canadian troops during this period of time. Once the US and Canada are really targeting them this time, it will be considered No matter how many control areas are given up, the main force of the French 1st Army must be preserved." Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit oppressive, Dugor thought for a while, and immediately put forward a compromise opinion after all.

"It seems like this is the only way to go." Xiao Jie said helplessly.

"As for the Azores region, I think the navy should increase its defenses in this region to avoid losing this important strategic location again," Xiao Jie said.

"I will ask the navy to send the entire Mediterranean fleet to the Azores. I believe that with their participation, even if the United States and Canada want to play tricks there, it will not be so easy." Eck said confidently. After all, the Mediterranean Fleet has more than 90 advanced warships. Unless the US Navy mobilizes more than half of its strength, it is almost impossible to get close to the Azores, let alone land in the Azores.

"As for the UK, on ​​the one hand, we can strengthen the defense of the Straits and the Isle of Wight, and on the other hand, we can increase the pressure on the British government so that it has to fall to our country, or remain firmly neutral." Xiao Jie thought for a while. Say it all at once. "In addition, transfer the 3rd Division of the 88th Army to the Normandy area, and the 4th Division to the Calais area to defend the western coast of the empire."

"Obey, Your Majesty." Eke and the others had no objection to Xiao Jie's order. Of course, even if there is, it must be obeyed unconditionally.

"If the United States and Canada's goal this time is really Northern Europe, then we have no other choice but to fight with them. Once the war in Eastern Europe is over and hundreds of thousands of French troops enter Northern Europe, I don't believe that by that time , the United States and Canada can still prevent me from unifying Europe." Xiao Jie said angrily.

"Your Majesty, it seems that we have to speed up the landing of the Western Allied Forces in Sweden. If we can defeat the Kalmar Alliance before the American and Canadian troops land in Northern Europe, then even if the United States and Canada send more troops, they will only die. That's all. If the US and Canadian troops land in Northern Europe before we defeat the Kalmar Alliance, then we will be in a favorable position at that time, and it will be very beneficial to future wars." Dougal suggested again.

"This is a solution. Order the navy to step up the collection of transport ships from now on, and the logistics department will immediately start preparing supplies. The Western Allied Forces must land in Sweden within this week." Xiao Jie ordered.

"Obey, Your Majesty!" People from all departments bowed to accept the order.

Next, under Xiao Jie's order, France's powerful war machine began to operate with overload. All kinds of merchant ships and transport ships were forcibly recruited by the navy, and under the **** of the navy fleet, they sailed to the Jutland peninsula. Now, the two sides are fighting for time.

It's just that the French side knew next that their previous guesses were all wrong. While the US and Canada did expand their presence in Ireland, they did not land in northern Europe, or attack elsewhere as the French speculate.

On May 4th, a day with very good weather. The sea is very calm, with only some very small waves undulating by the breeze. In several important port cities throughout the northern part of the Jutland Peninsula, a large number of troops from France and Central Europe have gathered. Today, even if they set off from here and land in Sweden.

To this end, France has recruited nearly 300 merchant ships and transport ships, and the Navy has also deployed more than 20 warships from the French Atlantic Fleet defending the English Channel to **** and provide fire support for the landing force. The **** fleet is led by France The Atlantic Fleet is now one of the only two "Giant Whale" class battleships's Battleship. Its 305mm naval gun and 240mm naval gun are absolutely natural enemies of all fortifications.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the first batch of landing troops left Friedrichshafen under the **** of the naval fleet, and headed for their target, the important port city of Gothian in southwest Sweden. The first batch of landing troops was not many, including only the 2nd Division of the Marine Corps specially transferred from the Isle of Wight, the 4th and 5th Infantry Divisions of the 89th Corps, and a corps from the Netherlands. million people. According to the original plan, the 2nd Division of the Marine Corps will serve as the main force for the landing. When they successfully landed, the two infantry divisions of the 89th Corps will start to land and expand the landing field, while the Dutch Legion will land last. Their role is only to protect the landing field and unload all the materials loaded on the transport ship. This is the first stage of this landing. In the second stage, all the more than 400,000 troops from other Central European regions of the Western Route Alliance completed the landing and began to launch a fierce attack on the Kalmar Alliance. The best stage is when the remaining troops and all supplies of the 89th Army land in Gothenburg. The whole plan is expected to be completed within 1 week.

Gothiaport is not far from Friedrichshafen, only about 80 kilometers, which is less than two hours and less than three hours. The Kalmar Alliance also knew that this would be the focus of the French army's landing, so they deployed a full 150,000 troops here, including 100,000 Swedish elite troops and 50,000 Norwegian troops. But could their defense hold off the French attack? The answer is definitely no.

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