Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 463: encircled

Chapter 463 Encirclement

"Marshal, the landing was successful. The 3rd Division of the Marine Corps has successfully established a landing field with a length of 5 kilometers and a width of 3 kilometers. At present, all the Swedish troops are huddled in the city of Kapelsijer. We can land with confidence." A staff officer reported back to Lanshi excitedly.

Hearing this news, Lan Shi was a little surprised. Although, before the battle started, he had expected that the landing would be relatively easy, but he did not expect it to be so smooth.

"Order the 3rd Division of the Marine Corps to consolidate its position and wait for reinforcements. In addition, immediately send a power call to Field Marshal Marcos, so that the 1st Division of the French 3rd Army can go immediately." Lan Shi quickly ordered. Even though he tried his best to suppress it, his voice was still full of joy and excitement. After all, in the plan they are implementing, the French 3rd Army plays the role of giving Sweden the final blow. It will be them who knock down the gates of Stockholm and draw a satisfactory plan for this war. This is also an incomparably great contribution to the French 3rd Army.

"By the way, send this news to Marshal Monty immediately." Lance said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, Marshal." The messenger commanded. Likewise, there was a smile on his face. The war is coming to an end, which is what everyone is eagerly looking forward to.

In Mariehamn in the Åland Islands, although Marcos was a little surprised by the news, he immediately carried out Lance's order. The officers and soldiers of the 1st Division of the French 3rd Army immediately boarded the ship and set off. They will arrive at Capelcher three hours later, consolidating the French army's battle results.

Originally, in their expectation, the 1st Division of the French 3rd Army would not set off until the next day, but they did not expect the battle to be so smooth that the 1st Division of the French 3rd Army had to set off early. Fortunately, after a long period of preparation, all the work has been done, and only the officers and soldiers of the 1st Division can set off immediately after boarding the ship.

After receiving Eric's request for help, the Swedish military did not send troops to support. Instead, he chose to stick to Stockholm, and ordered Eric to stick to Kapelsell, obviously wanting him to consume the strength of the French army.

After this order was sent to Capelshell, Eric was immediately shaken. However, in order not to cause a disturbance in the troops, he not only did not give the order to the troops to reach Stockholm, but suppressed the order. Stockholm's order made him very desperate. He was very unwilling to implement this order, and even wanted to simply surrender to France. However, he couldn't do that. If he did, his family in Stockholm might be in danger. In this case, he was caught in a dilemma.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, more than 15,000 people from the 1st Division of the French 3rd Army arrived in Capelcher, and their follow-up unit, the 2nd Division, will arrive in the evening. The arrival of the 1st Division of the French 3rd Army immediately made the French landing field impregnable. Lanz even believed that even if the Swedish military sent more reinforcements, it would not be able to stop the French landing this time.

Due to the abundance of troops, Lanz requested the warships of the Baltic Fleet to launch a bombardment on the city of Capel Sierre to provide fire support for the French army. The 3rd Marine Division will launch a tentative attack on Capelshell.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the Baltic Fleet assembled 12 warships, approached to a place less than 3 kilometers from the coast, and launched a fierce bombardment on Kapelscher. The city wall of Capelcher was very low and not very strong, so under the bombardment of the French army's large-caliber naval guns, it did not take long before it collapsed. The Swedish army hiding in the city was also blown to pieces.

Seeing the morale drop a little bit, Eric immediately asked the Swedish artillery to launch a counterattack. As a result, the Swedish artillery with only more than 10 cannons launched an attack on the French navy. Perhaps it was too underestimating the enemy. The Baltic Fleet did not expect that there were cannons in the city of Kapelseer. An 'Iberia' class battleship immediately fired two shells, and a raging fire ignited on the front deck. Although the fire was brought under control in less than 10 minutes, the battleship was also horribly damaged and had to withdraw from the battle.

Seeing that his battleship was damaged, Admiral Boyce, the commander of the Baltic Fleet, was furious, and immediately ordered the Baltic Fleet to retaliate. Almost all the warships aimed their guns at the artillery positions of the Swedish army. After only two rounds of shelling, the artillery positions of the Swedish army were covered by the shelling of the Baltic Fleet. After the smoke dissipated, all that was left were the stumped limbs and broken arms and piles of broken copper and iron.

Subsequently, the 3rd Division of the French Marine Corps organized two regiments to launch a tentative attack. But to their surprise, the resistance they encountered was very weak. With just one charge, they used the breach of the naval guns to break into the city. There was fierce street fighting with the Swedish army.

Although at this time, perhaps because of the fear of breaking the city, the Swedish army broke out with great courage and launched a fierce resistance to the French army that broke into Capelcher. However, the soldiers of the two regiments of the 3rd Division of the French Marine Corps still stood firm in the northern city of Capelcher. And while resisting the attack of the Swedish army, he contacted the division headquarters and asked for their instructions.

After receiving their request, the 3rd Division of the French Marine Corps did not dare to make a decision lightly, but reported the situation to Marshal Lanz.

Originally, Lance's intention was just that the division wanted to launch an attack to test the resistance of the Swedish army. But I didn't expect the attack to be so smooth. Although the Swedish army launched a fierce counterattack later, this does not mean how strong their will to resist is.

Lance would like to send troops again to support the troops that attacked Capelshell, and even continue to attack in order to expand the results of the battle. Even take down Capel Shear if possible. But, on second thought, it was already too late. There are only two or three hours before dark. In the event that the Swedish army cannot be driven out of Kapelsejer before dark, the army that invaded Kapelsejer may be in crisis. Even if they don't get kicked out of Capelshell, they risk losing a lot.

Now, victory is in sight, and Lanshi can't take this risk. Therefore, he ordered the two regiments that had attacked Capelshell to withdraw temporarily and wait for the attack tomorrow.

Following orders from Lanz, two regiments of French marines, alternately covering, withdrew from Capelcher. After withdrawing to the landing site, after counting the number of people, it was discovered that they had lost nearly 200 people in this attack, of which 79 were killed, 34 were seriously injured, and the rest were minor injuries. However, they at least caused thousands of casualties to the Swedish army. Among those lost and escaped by the artillery fire of the Baltic Fleet, there were less than 15,000 Swedish troops remaining in the entire city of Kapel. But unfortunately, the French army was not clear about this news.

Moreover, the French army did not know that Stockholm did not send reinforcements. Otherwise, Lan Shi would definitely order the 1st Division of the French 3rd Army and part of the 3rd Division of the Marine Corps that had just arrived to launch an attack on Kapelscher. The most violent attack, occupying the city in one fell swoop.

After the French army withdrew, almost all the defenders of Capelcher considered their victory, and their heroic battle defeated the French army, and they all cheered. In the entire Capel Shell, I am afraid that only Eric still maintains a clear mind. He could feel that the French army had withdrawn on purpose. Otherwise, it would be basically impossible for the Swedish army to basically attack the thousands of French troops in Capelcher with this little Swedish army alone. Therefore, he stopped the Swedish army, which was about to move and wanted to take advantage of the victory, and asked them to repair the damaged city walls.

That night, all the officers and soldiers of the 2nd Division of the French 3rd Army also arrived at Capelcher, and the French army on the entire beach reached nearly 50,000 people. Moreover, the army of the 3rd Division of the French 3rd Army is still on the At 8 o'clock in the morning, after all the soldiers had enjoyed the hot bread and milk, Lanshi issued an offensive order Order. It was still the prelude to the bombardment of the Baltic Fleet. After half an hour of bombardment, the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the French 3rd Army divided into two groups and launched a fierce attack on Kapelscher.

After only resisting for half an hour, the morale accumulated by the Swedish army disappeared in the face of huge casualties. Under the fierce attack of the French army, it soon collapsed. In street fighting, although they occupy favorable terrain, the French army is much better armed and twice as numerous. Therefore, the French army advanced very quickly in the city of Capelcher. By noon, the Swedish defenders were compressed to a small area south of Kapelsijer. Moreover, their casualties were also very heavy, with more than 8,000 people killed in fierce battles.

At this time, Eric made a decisive decision. He ordered all the Swedish soldiers to lay down their weapons and surrender to the French army. His move not only saved the lives of the Swedish army, but also greatly reduced the casualties of the French army.

On the afternoon of July 6, all the troops of the French 3rd Army landed in Kapelsejer, and together with the French 89th Army stationed in Norrköping in southern Sweden, they formed an encirclement of Stockholm.

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