Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 529: To the decisive battle

In any case, after two years of preparation, though difficult, France was finally ready for war. Although this consumes all the national strength of France in it. But in general, France is ready.

Next, the French Army, begins the season finale. The major fleets of the navy are also frequently dispatched. The Navy's reconnaissance ships shuttle frequently in the Atlantic Ocean, haunting the offshore waters of the United States and Canada, making the two extremely tense. Through the information obtained, the French Navy Ministry is closely revising their proposed combat plan. When the whole plan is drawn up and Xiao Jie agrees, it will be put into action, and the decisive battle at sea will begin. The final battle between the two sides will officially kick off.

Similarly, the United States and Canada were informed of the French army's changes, and they had to raise their vigilance for fear of being attacked suddenly. The spies of the two countries lurking in France are constantly sending back the news of the French government and government to the United States. Although the French Ministry of the Interior cooperated with the Ministry of Security and the military's intelligence department to arrest spies from the United States and Canada several times. But there are still quite a few fish that slip through the net, which are difficult to remove and hard to guard against. [bsp;The French government and military have no choice but to increase the level of secrecy, to minimize or delay the possibility of leaking as much as possible. Just like the glorious fleet of France, for example. Until now, it has not been detected by the United States and Canada. This will surprise the two countries, and in future naval battles, the U.S. and Canadian navies.

In response to the changes in France, the United States and Canada also responded quickly. The navies and armies of the two countries have all canceled their vacations, and the alert level has also been raised to the highest. The direct exchanges between the two countries have also become closer. Even the two countries are preparing to establish a joint headquarters to unify the command of the two ** teams.

For the two countries, France is a powerful enemy, an enemy so powerful that even if they unite, they may not necessarily be able to win. Therefore, they have to be careful. Any slight negligence may have a huge impact on the battle situation.

At the same time that France held a military and political conference, the United States could also hold a similar conference. However, far fewer people participated, only President Adams, Secretary of State Bryan, Chief of General Staff Zominsk, Chief of the Army Department Henry, and Navy Department Chief Davis. Now, the entire United States has entered a wartime state, and all power is in the hands of these few people.

"Judging from the information sent back during this period, our enemy is ready. There is no doubt that the enemy will launch a full-scale attack on us in the near future, maybe tomorrow. Gentlemen, we must remain vigilant , the war has already begun. At least in the beginning, we have already lost miserably. We have lost several fleets and hundreds of thousands of troops. But this is only a temporary loss. Losing the start is not necessarily a This is a bad thing. It makes us more vigilant against our enemies. I believe that the future victory must be ours. Over the past two years, the people have paid a lot. A large number of mothers sent their sons to the military camps, and wives sent their husbands to the military camps. People are starving and working hard, all for the army. Therefore, we must not disappoint the hope of the people." Adams said emotionally. Tears welled up in his eyes. France has tried its best for this war, almost to the point of collapse. And why not in the United States?

"Now all the financial and material resources of the entire country are spent on the army. Therefore, we must win this battle. If we fail, I am afraid that the entire country will collapse without the French landing." Bryan also said. During this time, his head was getting big. Especially the demonstrations that erupted some time ago made him very anxious. The government's fiscal deficit, the sharp rise in unemployment, the shortage of living materials, inflation and other issues have made the government exhausted. Similarly, if victory is achieved, these social conflicts will be alleviated and finally resolved slowly. If it fails, it will really be a disaster.

"Your Excellency, the army is ready. It can meet the enemy's challenge at any time!" Zominsk said firmly. For the United States, this will be a battle of all national strength, and there will be no room for sloppy. So Zominsk has been extremely busy during this time. His whole body has aged a lot because of this.

"Can you ensure victory?" Adams seemed dissatisfied with Zominsk's answer. You know, the U.S. Navy now has more than a dozen fleets. Although it suffered some losses in the English Channel last time, it did not hurt fundamentally. Coupled with the Canadian Navy, it should have a great advantage over the French Navy. After all, judging from the overall number of warships of the French Navy, it is only 60% of that of the US and Canadian Navy. On capital ships of more than 10,000 tons, the French navy lags far behind the US and Canadian navies. The same is true for the most cutting-edge warships. In terms of the army, the United States and Canada have even more advantages. They now have a regular army of 0 divisions. Within three months, they can mobilize so many troops. In terms of the number of troops, they are already far ahead of France. In terms of combat effectiveness, both the United States and Canada have continuously sent troops to South America to take turns fighting against the French army. Although the losses were huge, the combat effectiveness of the troops has also improved rapidly. Although it is still not as good as the French team, it is not far behind. Combining these advantages, can't it guarantee that the United States can win the final victory?

"Your Excellency, war has many uncertain factors, so I cannot give you an accurate answer. I am not worried about the army. With our current army strength, it is not too big to fight against the French army. problem. They need to attack across the entire ocean, and it is bound to be difficult to supply. At the same time, after the expansion of the French Army, its combat effectiveness has also dropped sharply. In addition, there are a large number of countries in Europe that require French troops to station. Combining these reasons, with our The army, not to mention defeating France, but defending our country and even the entire North America, can still be done." Zominsk said.

"So, what about the navy?" Adams asked, tapping his finger on the tabletop. The navy is undoubtedly the most important. As long as the navy can win, it will be able to isolate the flames of war from the country, and even spread the flames of war to France. At that time, France will surely collapse. And the United States can also take the opportunity to replace France and become the most powerful country.

Zominsk looked at Davis. He had also talked to Davis before, but both agreed that with their navy, even with Canada's navy, it would be difficult to beat France.

"Your Excellency, the Navy will do its best. But I can't guarantee victory!" Davis looked at Adams and said loudly. Nothing is hidden.

"What's going on here? Doesn't the navy have the confidence to defeat the enemy?" Brian asked in surprise.

Henry had a sarcasm at the corner of his mouth. The navy has taken up so many resources, and it can't guarantee to defeat the French. It's really embarrassing. If all the resources occupied by the navy were used on the army, the U.S. army would become stronger than ever, and it would even be possible to defeat the French and become the number one army in the world.

"Your Excellency Davis, I hope you can give me an explanation. If the navy has taken up so many resources, but in the end it doesn't even have the confidence to defeat the French, how can this be accepted by the people?" Adams' face was also a little uncomfortable nice.

"Your Excellency, the Department of the Navy is no different than the Army. There are too many factors that affect the outcome of a naval battle, such as weather, hydrology, and even luck. Besides, what we have to face is such a powerful opponent. Therefore, I dare not give Your certainty of winning can only be said to be trying your best to win." Davis said calmly.

Adams took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead, looking a little tired. He didn't expect that Davis would give him such a result. But at the same time, he also knew that, as Davis said, no one could tell about naval battles. When the two sides are roughly equal in strength, luck is sometimes very important.

"So, does that mean we're going to be prepared to be landed by the French after a naval defeat?" Adams asked.

"If possible, this is the best. The landing of the French will be after the death of all the navy." Davis also expressed his determination. He will try his best to face the French Unless all the navy is killed in battle, the French navy will never be allowed to land in the United States.

"Well, Your Excellency Davis. I believe you can do it. I also believe that God will definitely stand by our side and bless us." Adams was not overly oppressed.

in the next meeting. They talked about what to do if the navy fails and France lands in America? Surrender to the enemy, or keep fighting? If you choose to continue the war, how should you fight it?

The United States has a weakness, that is, basically all industrial areas are located on the Atlantic coast. If the navy fails, these areas will definitely be hit. Therefore, the government must find a way to move some important factories to the district, especially the arsenal and its upstream and downstream industries. Otherwise, even if the United States intends to continue the war, it must have enough material support.

After the meeting, the U.S. Navy immediately stepped up its preparations for the attack of the French Navy, while the Army began to prepare. If the Navy fails, how will the Army fight in order to persevere. Reach to wear down France and win the best.

On both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, both sides are constantly dispatching troops. The war is imminent, and the cloud of war hangs over the entire Atlantic Ocean.

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