Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 539: duel between battleships

After driving away the French reconnaissance fleet, the U.S. 7th Fleet continued northward, but the level of vigilance was greatly increased. McCain dispatched a "South Carolina-class" warship to lead two "Washington"-class warships and four "Franklin"-class warships, leading the main force of the 7th Fleet to search forward.

Although McCain's reason told him that the main force of the French South Atlantic Fleet must still be in Fortaleza. Before the French supply fleet leaves, it is impossible for the French fleet to leave these fleets alone. But subconsciously, he still stepped up his guard. to avoid being attacked.

"It seems that the opponent is aware of the danger!" Bennett said softly after receiving the latest telegram. [bsp; "Command the fleet, advance at full speed!" Bennett ordered.

The two fleets were heading towards each other, and the distance quickly narrowed.

"Captain! The lookout found a huge fleet with a large cloud of smoke ahead!" A junior officer reported to the captain of the "South Carolina-class" battleship sent by McCain.

"Damn it! How could there be a huge fleet here! The French should stay in Fortaleza!" In the consciousness of the US 7th Fleet, the French South Atlantic Fleet should protect supplies in Fortaleza The fleet will not end until at least the 28th.

As the distance drew closer, the watchman gave the warning.

"Captain, it's really the French South Atlantic Fleet, and the missing part is the flagship of the South Atlantic Fleet, the 'Vienne'. What should we do!" Da Dao said nervously.

"What else can I do? Report to the commander immediately, and then, return!" He couldn't let his warships compete recklessly with the huge French South Atlantic Fleet. Then he has to be swallowed so that there is not even a scum left!

"General! Search the fleet report and find the main force of the French South Atlantic Fleet. It is still 30 nautical miles away from us!" A staff officer reported to McCain in a hurry. Obviously, the appearance of the main force of the South Atlantic Fleet was beyond everyone's expectations.

"What? They really dare to appear here. Don't they want their supply fleet? Pass the order. The brother ship is ready to fight!" McCain was surprised at first, but then calmed down. The presence of the South Atlantic Fleet here means. His 7th Fleet has already become the opponent's target.

McCain now has two choices. One is to pass the news of the southward order of the main force of the French South Atlantic Fleet, and then go south to avoid a reckless fight with the French South Atlantic Fleet. It is undoubtedly the safest way to attack the French South Atlantic Fleet after the 6th Fleet arrives. Another option is to use the strength of the US 7th Fleet to compete with the French South Atlantic Fleet.

"Send the French South Atlantic Fleet's South Atlantic Fleet to the Admiralty, and at the same time send it to the 6th Fleet, requesting General Harold to speed up. Order, 'Washington' class warships and 'Franklin' class warships form a formation, disperse, and prepare to meet French destroyers. "North Carolina-class" battleships and "South Carolina"-class battleships, prepare for a decisive battle with the enemy!" McCain hesitated a little, but still gave the order to prepare for battle. If his fleet encounters the French South Atlantic Fleet and flees without a fight, I am afraid he will not be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life. In addition, he has always firmly believed that the strength of his fleet is not much different from that of the French South Atlantic Fleet. The French regarded him as someone who could be defeated first, which was obviously a miscalculation. It may be more difficult to defeat the French South Atlantic Fleet, but it is still possible to fight for both sides.

McCain is not afraid of battles between battleships. The 7th Fleet has 4 "North Carolina-class" warships, distributed among the flagships "Apostle", "Faith", "Piety" and "Saint". There are also 6 "South Carolina" class battleships, which are enough to deal with the heavy cruisers of the French South Atlantic Fleet.

As for the most terrifying lightning strike of the French fleet, as long as the light cruiser and destroyer can entangle each other, then there is no need to worry. The duel between battleships will determine the outcome of the entire battle. Although the South Atlantic Fleet has one more capital ship than the 7th Fleet, McCain is not afraid.

"General! Seventh Fleet Commander McCain called, claiming to have encountered the main force of the French South Atlantic Fleet." A staff officer of the US Navy Department reported to Davis.

"Damn it! How did the French fleet appear in Cape Bran? That idiot McCain ordered him to turn around immediately and avoid the French South Atlantic Fleet first!" Davis ordered. The actions of the French fleet greatly exceeded the expectations of the US Navy Department, and they felt a little caught off guard.

"General, General McCain said the 7th Fleet is ready for battle."

"Hunk! Does he want to defeat the French South Atlantic Fleet alone with the 7th Fleet?" Davis roared angrily.

The staff officer did not answer, but it was clear what McCain meant.

"After the war, I will definitely send him to a court-martial!" Davis said through gritted teeth.

"Order the 6th Fleet, the 5th, 9th, and 11th Fleets to go south at full speed, and besiege the French South Atlantic Fleet before the 7th Fleet is defeated." The battle is not looking good. Had to prepare for the worst.

When Harold, the commander of the US 6th Fleet, won the prize and received the telegram from McCain and Davis, an excited smile appeared on his face. Let's fight, let that fool McCain fight the French recklessly, and we will pick up the bargain when the time comes.

"Command the fleet to head south at full speed!" Harold said vigorously.

The French South Atlantic Fleet and the US 7th Fleet, like knights holding spears, began to approach at high speed. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the two sides officially met. The tranquility of the sea area of ​​Cape Bran is about to be broken, and soon, a fierce naval battle will be staged here.

"Twenty-five kilometers!" The navigator loudly reported the distance between the two sides.

The 305mm naval guns and other secondary guns on the three 'Giant Whale'-class warships and two 'Tiger Shark'-class warships of the French Atlantic Fleet were all stripped of their gun coats, with their ferocious barrels pointing obliquely at the sky.

"Twenty thousand meters!"

The 305mm armor-piercing projectile weighing 400 kilograms was loaded into the barrel with the help of the loading machine. Under the order of the gunnery officer, all the main guns and secondary guns began to adjust their positions.

"Fifteen kilometers"

"Order, turn left 30 degrees!" Bennett gave the order to turn when the distance between the two sides was only 15,000 kilometers. The two fleets headed towards each other, not standing on the display of the huge artillery on the capital ship.

Similarly, almost at the same time, the US 7th Fleet also began to turn. They are also ready for battle. The artillerymen on both sides are waiting quietly, waiting for the decisive battle to come.

According to the speed and heading of the two sides, the two fleets will form two parallel eastward queues after half an hour, and the distance between them will also be shortened to about 12,000 meters.

As time passed, the atmosphere became more tense. Although it was the first time for Bennett to personally command a naval battle, he was not panicked. It seemed that defeating the US 7th Fleet was not a difficult problem.

At 3:25 in the afternoon, the two fleets turned to meet each other. The artillerymen of the two fleets were waiting for the order to fire.

"13 kilometers!" The navigator reported the distance between the two sides again. At this time, the capital ships of the French South Atlantic Fleet and the US 7th Fleet have already lined up in battle. Among them, the three French "Giant Whale" class battleships "Garonne", "Dordogne" and "Lott" were facing the US 7th Fleet's "Faith", "Piety" and "Piety". Saints' No. The two "Tiger Shark" class battleships "Vienna" and "Adour" faced the flagship "Apostle" of the US 7th Fleet.

"Proceed to school administration!" The gunnery commander issued an order.

"Boom!" The 1mén 305mm naval gun on the "Vienne" first started the test. At this time, the naval guns of France, the United States, and Canada were all 1mén cannons, except for the 'Glorious' class warships which used twin mounts.

Orange flames flashed at the muzzle, and a huge projectile slammed into the USS 7th Fleet flagship "Apostle" in the distance. However, the shell fell 500 meters away to the left of the 'Apostle', splashing a huge column of water.

The 305mm naval gun of the French Navy has a maximum range of 15,000 kilometers at this time, but at this distance, the hit rate is frighteningly low, and it depends entirely on God's blessing to hit.

"Left to the left! Five hundred meters!" The watchman quickly reported the point of impact to the gunner. The main guns of the French fleet were quickly adjusted and corrected according to the coordinates.

McCain and others were taken aback by the sudden firing of the French, but he was relieved that the shell fell so far in the end.

"Is the romantic French coming to Cape Bran to fry fish?" McCain laughed.

Many US Navy officers on the bridge of the 'Apostle' laughed together.

But then, they couldn't laugh.

"Boom!" The 'Vienna' started its second This time, the distance between the bombardment point and the 'Apostle' was only 200 meters.

"Damn it, the French are shooting at the school! When did their shelling level become so high!" McCain was shocked.

The bombardment level of the French fleet is generally one level higher than that of the American fleet. Every year, live ammunition training alone is a considerable expense.

"Two hundred meters to the left!" The lookout reported the data again.

According to the data obtained, the French fleet adjusted the bombardment orientation for the last time. At this moment, the fleets of the two sides have drawn closer to 12,000 meters.

"Fire!" Bennett gave the order to shell. At this distance, if the performance is better, the French fleet may hit the opponent.

"Boom! Boom!" The 10mén 305mm naval guns on the five capital ships of the French South Atlantic Fleet fired one after another.

The shells fell near the US 7th Fleet, splashing jets of water.

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