Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 59: The daimyo envoy knelt down and sang conquest

Under the apprehensive gazes of Kakashi and the others, the envoy and his party began to taste the food from Yang Ming's shop.

The leader of the special envoy picked up the chopsticks and said tastefully, "Tsk tsk, look, the color of these chopsticks is dull and old, and the first impression it gave me was very bad, I didn't even have the appetite to eat."


The old man Tong Jian was the most irritable. Hearing this, he was immediately upset.

Relying on the fact that he was the longest in the Thousand Hands clan, he walked over and poked the head of the special envoy on the nose with his fingers.

"You little bastard, you don't even know what these chopsticks are made of, you're still the special envoy of the big name!"


The head of the special envoy's face was ashen, "Where are you from, you dare to talk to me like this?"

"Old man?" The old man Tong Jian pointed at himself, his head proudly raised to the sky, "Haha, when I was drinking tea and playing chess with the famous names of the previous generation, you little **** didn't know where to drink the northwest wind!"

The leader of the special envoy didn't believe it: "You are bragging!"

"Humph!" The old uncle Tong Jian looked at him with contempt, "If the old man can't change his surname, he won't change his name when he's sitting, it's a thousand-handed Tongjian!"


The head of the special envoy's face changed greatly, his hands loosened, and the chopsticks clacked and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

But then, the leader of the special envoy was even more surprised.

Uncle Tongjian actually ignored him. He was so old that he bent down and picked up the chopsticks.

Look at his baby's appearance, like a lifeblood.

But the leader of the special envoy did not dare to neglect!

Because this person is a thousand-handed copper room!

Although he is not a ninja, he is a close friend with the daimyo of the previous generation!

The leader of the special envoy dared to offend Uncle Tongjian, so he quickly took out a tissue from his pocket and wanted to wipe the chopsticks.

Unexpectedly, the old man Tong Jian didn't show any respect, "Take off your dirty hands!"

After all, he took out the silk handkerchief and carefully wiped the chopsticks clean, as if not leaving the last speck of dust.

Later, he returned the chopsticks to the leader of the special envoy, and said coldly, "Eat it quickly, and get out of here!"

If someone else said that, the leader of the special envoy would definitely not shake his face.

But for the old man Tongjian, he could only pretend to be his grandson, nodding his head and saying yes.

After this farce, the leader of the special envoy was secretly shocked.

Oh my god, this little shop is too scary, not only Shangnin, but even the immortals like Qianshou Tongjian are here!

But so what?

He is going to kill Yang Ming today!

After all, Uncle Tongjian is a good friend of the previous generation of daimyo, but he has nothing to do with this generation of daimyo!

The leader of the special envoy sneered in his heart, no matter how bad the dishes you Yang Ming cook, I will sentence you to death!

So he took a bite of noodles.

This is……

The elastic noodles are bouncing and dancing!

It's like there are countless table tennis **** bouncing up and down in the tongue!

The leader of the special envoy ate the noodles and felt as if he had unleashed a heaven-shattering dragon, and the whole tongue was ravaged by an explosive taste.

A little taste bud, an inch of territory, every inch was eroded by the dragon, and in the end, there were only two words left in the head of the special envoy...

good to eat!

It's so delicious that you can't forget it, it's as if all the troubles in the world are thrown into the clouds!

At this moment, he seemed to return to those green years, he was still a young man who did not know the dangers of the world.

At that time, he was the same at this moment, there was no burden in his heart, only the longing for the future.

A man who is not in the middle of nowhere is a juvenile.

In those years, the leader of the special envoy saw that the world was in turmoil, and he also wanted to use the sword to bring peace to the world and become a hero that everyone praised like the first Hokage.

It's a pity that time is a slaughtering knife, and it has changed people to look like they didn't even know the original self.

The dream of the leader of the special envoy to become a great hero was shattered by the ruthlessness of the years, and even the fragments were ground to no powder by time.

Society is a big dye vat. Regardless of the reluctance of the leader of the special envoy, in order to survive and live with dignity, he began to change himself.

"When did it start?"

The leader of the special envoy laughed at himself and closed his eyes, in order not to let others see the tears in his eyes.

Even the leader of the special envoy forgot that from a certain time, he learned to wear a mask to live, to flatter the powerful, and to pretend to be the common man.

His life has also changed from a blank sheet of paper to mottled colors, a chaotic mess, and the purity of the past can never be found again.

For the sake of fame and fortune, the leader of the special envoy tried his best, and his heart was already filled with exhaustion.

He misses those days when he lay foolishly on the grass, looking up at the stars, without any burden, just living for himself.

He missed those years when he could just listen to the radio and be able to dull the past day, free and like a fairy.

Time flies, vicissitudes of life.

The young man who was full of hope for the future in those days has now become a special envoy who will do whatever it takes.

He was quite handsome back then, but he has been influenced by his mood over the years, and his eyes are a little bit more ruthless and less innocent.

The leader of the special envoy cried silently and smiled.

A bowl of beef walked into the softest place in his heart.

One mouthful, one tear, the leader of the special envoy devoured all the face, and the tears had already swept across his face.

He looked around, but saw that the other envoys were like him, crying into tears.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.

When the leader of the special envoy ate all the other dishes, he even licked his lips, feeling that the whole person's heart was cleansed and glowed with a different kind of brilliance.

At this time, the leader of the special envoy no longer had any idea of ​​revenge against Yang Ming.

"How could he be able to make such touching food, how could he fall into such a place?"

The leader of the special envoy thought of his troubled past, and at this moment did not want Yang Ming to repeat his own tragedy.

So, he resolutely made a decision!

The leader of the special envoy walked in front of Yang Ming, and with a bang, he knelt down on his knees!

"Boss Yang Ming's cooking skills are unparalleled, rare in the world, and he is clumsy at the bottom of the eye, to actually want to harm such a beautiful jade, it is a crime that deserves death!"

A flash of firmness flashed in the eyes of the leader of the special envoy, "Please allow me to cut myself off to thank the world!"

Having said that, the leader of the special envoy pulled out a dagger and slashed it straight to his left hand!

It's too late to say, it's too soon, everything happened between lightning and flint.

Everyone present did not expect that the development of things would take such a miraculous turn.

The leader of the special envoy who originally wanted to kill Yang Ming, actually cut himself off for the reputation of Yang Ming's shop. Who would believe this before?

But now the fact is happening in front of everyone, so what if you don't believe it?

Seeing that the dagger of the leader of the special envoy was about to come close to the skin, blood would be spattered on the spot.

Suddenly, a hand like an eagle's claw firmly grasped his right hand holding the dagger.

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