Naruto Caged Bird

Vol 2 Chapter 286: : Shadows and roots under old trees!

Where the people who miss you is where you belong!

Who am I missing?

Rizai walked quietly on Konoha's central street, at night, alone.

In the dead of night, he would occasionally recall some past events. Whenever I think of the teacher and disciples who lead the team, I always shake my head with a wry smile...

Kai and Asma had already separated at the previous intersection, and Yuhihong was sent to the door of the house by two little guys who suddenly got up in a gentleman.

Rizai sighed: Are the children nowadays so precocious that they are vying to perform in front of girls?

Although that was probably just a show of pique or pushy, just like when I was at that time. Just as some people like to ride a toad and yell the opening line, some people like to wear a windy robe, and some people like to wear a low-key white dress...

He twisted his mouth, and walked quietly on Konoha Central Street in the dark, wearing a Hinata clan robe. Until the next corner Shanshan stopped.

With the full moon, the night light dragged the shadow and reflected towards the day difference.

He slightly raised his head to look at the shadow under the silvery white, and after admiring the cold moonlight for a while, he said lightly to the lonely shadow:

"I've been waiting for so long, it's time to come out!"

The wind passed through, and no one answered in the cold street at night. But after a few breaths, a cold human voice came out from the shadow that was called:

"It's different from day to day. You can spot us without rolling your eyes?"

The shadows under the porch gradually became blurred and fragmented. Then the shadow suddenly twisted a few times, until a clear white mandrill masked woman and a Shankui masked man appeared.

The two carried ninja swords and Fuma shuriken on their backs, and stood side by side under the shadow of the eaves!

Riza looked at the figure under the eaves and said coldly:

"Open your eyes just to see further! You guys are too close."

"Ugh!" came a soft male voice from Shankui's mask. After answering, he looked at the white mandrill on the left, and after visually measuring the distance between the two, he immediately moved two steps to the right. Not forgetting to add while staying away from his companions standing side by side:

"We're really getting too close."

Bai Chi froze for a moment, then the face on the mask mechanically turned twenty-five degrees to the right, and gave Shan Kui a hard look.

Shan Kui leaned back obediently, and got a little closer...

Rizai stared at the two boring people in a daze, but this time it seemed to be an interesting new couple. He had already forgotten how many pairs of this masked combination had been changed around him, and he said directly without asking:

"Say it straight, what can you do with me?"

Shan Kui buttoned his ears on the mask again, apparently caught off guard by Hinata's directness. Just when he was thinking about how to say it, a cold and thin voice came out from the white mandrill mask that had been indifferent for a long time:

"Your Excellency wishes to select some people from the hospital to join us."

"You guys?" The day messenger looked at Bai Chi and said coldly, "No need, doctors don't get involved in your dark affairs."

"Really? You think we don't know about your advanced light experiments?"

Bai Zhi's tone became fierce, and the blood flow also began to intensify.

The experiments she mentioned were obviously more shady things than what she had done, and some were even anti-human!

"Saving people is a way to find out from killing people. Hmph, if it wasn't for cleaning up the mess you caused, do you think I need to prepare and study those?"

The day difference is a little angry. If Konoha is peaceful, why does he need to think about life every day?

He stared at the opponent's back through the white mandrill's chest. Although the two people wore masks and did not roll their eyes, as a doctor, he could still judge a patient who had been to Konoha Hospital from his muscles, body, and voice:

"I'm afraid the injury on your back hasn't healed yet!"

Bai Chi's back twitched violently, but he only choked out a single word when he suddenly retorted: "You—!"

The shadow can only live in the dark forever, and the white mandrill who has been seen through his identity is a little angry. But her out-of-control behavior is stopped by the soft-spoken Shan Kui, who stops the meaningless argument after making an apologetic gesture.

The day difference didn't pursue anything, and Baiji also restrained himself and said coldly:

"Your words—I will truthfully report to that adult."

Rizai smiled indifferently and said, "Really? Then please tell him something for me—don't keep thinking about sending a group of unarmed doctors to die on the battlefield."

(Unarmed? Doctors like you who can disembowel with bare hands need iron...)

White Mandrill gritted her teeth and thought in the bottom of her heart, throwing off her sleeves in a fit of mood, and disappeared into the night sky together with Shan Kui in a flash. On the street at night, once again only Nissai was left standing quietly with his hands behind his back.

In the human world, there is a bright side and a dark side.

He will not choose to melt into the darkness, nor will he stand in the sun and be roasted thoroughly like his teacher.

This group of people working in the dark is not enough to make him hate it so much. What is really annoying is those things that are more disgusting than darkness...

Politics, interests, exchanges, conspiracy, public opinion!

A ripple twisted from under the verandah where Shankui and Baiji were standing. After a few rounds of disgusting bubbles, it swelled into a human shape like stewed black noodles.

A little bit of peripheral light leaked from the eaves of the corridor, dyed the bulging black human figure with sporadic human colors.

He had sickly pale skin, and no mask covered it. Because they who walk in the dark don't need a mask...

"You found me too?" he asked.

Rizai stared at the rippled family emblems on the opponent's body, lowered his head a lot, as if he was staring at the darkness under his feet. After observing the distorted shadow curiously for a while, he said slowly:

"I just smell something rotten. This is a disease and needs to be cured!"

Following the words of the day's errand, the ink man bent his sick body, and said vainly and submissively: "Ahem! Terminally ill, it can't be cured."

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to look up at the day's difference with empty eye sockets:

"If you can join us, you can try."

"I still like to stand under the shadowless lamp. I can also bask in the moon occasionally."

The day difference thought: the sun will be avoided, the sun is always so stinging.

He walked forward slowly, and he no longer wanted to talk to these people who appeared endlessly. The light from the street lamp cast a dim light on him, and the ink man followed his shadow. The voice also stayed in the ears of the day difference:

"That's not easy. My lord is very optimistic about what you are doing in the hospital, and I hope you can join us."

The sound of locking locks echoed in his ears, and Rizai's footsteps didn't seem to stop. He replied in an orderly manner: "Really? But don't you already have a better candidate—isn't that snake very happy to cooperate with you?"

The shadow continued to follow, but flickered and twisted. It seems that it is not sticky.

The voice in Riji's ear seems to have become far away: "We never thought it would be bad to have one more friend. And you and we are actually the same kind of people, aren't you?"

call! A certain silent night wind blew past, blowing away the long shadow behind Rizai. He slowly stopped at the same Then he looked at the old tree in the green belt beside him and said:

"I am different from you. Just like this big tree, it needs sunshine, rain and dew, and nutrients."

Risashi's hands gently brushed the rough tree trunks and bark. Although the outside of the trunk still looks solid, the yellow leaves on the branch show signs of being eaten by various insects inside. He slowly followed the worms climbing out of the holes and said:

"The sun and rain given to it by the world are obviously not enough. It will still experience wind and rain, be eaten by insects, and decayed by time..."

After finishing speaking, his palm was nailed to the tree trunk suddenly. In the rotten tree trunk, there was a muffled sound with a bang!

A figure in the distance followed for a while!

At that moment, he seemed to be able to hear the miserable screams inside, as well as the trembling in his heart...

Perhaps, only at that moment, thousands of lives in the old tree disappeared.

Rizai took away his palm, patted the old tree and walked away slowly with his hands behind his back.

The withered and yellow leaves fell as he left, and the street lamp flickered under him, until the distance between the two light sources became the darkest...

He walked into Konoha Ninja Hospital!

The shadow stuck in place moved his stiff hands and feet. He looked at the old tree in front of him, thinking about how to report when he went back—should it be said that he refused, or should he say that he did not join?

He looked at the old tree and suddenly knew something.

After today - it can thrive again!


Recently, when I read a book written by Mao Ni, the style of writing became like this. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing! (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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