“She’s Akiko Uzumaki.”

Jiu Xinnai looked at the little girl who fainted and said with some surprise.

“Well, do you know?”

Xingyu didn’t know each other, but Jiu Xinnai seemed to do.

“I’ve met a few times, but I don’t know each other very well.”

Jiu Xinnai is familiar with Xingyu in the Vortex clan, and everyone else is not familiar, at most they know each other.

After a while, this Uzumaki Akiko woke up, at first panicked, but after seeing the red hair of Hoshiha and Jiu Shinnai, he was relieved.

Red hair is basically the standard of the Uzumaki family, and of course, it is not that people from other families have red hair.

For example, Akimichi Dingji’s father, Akimichi Dingza, his hair is red.

However, when they see red hair, the first thing that most people think of is the whirlpool family.

“Who are you?”

Akiko Uzumaki didn’t know Hoshiha and Jiu Shinnai, and although she guessed that they were survivors of the Uzumaki clan, she still asked for clarification.

It’s normal that Akiko Uzumaki doesn’t actually know Hoshiha and Jiu Shinnai, because the place where Hoshiha and Jiu Shinna live is far from the clan land.

Even when he used to live in the clan land, he hadn’t seen him a few times, and Hoshi Yu hadn’t even seen Uzumaki Akiko.

“Just like you.” Hoshi Yu said towards Akiko Uzumaki.

Akiko Uzumaki was silent, looking at the ruins next to her, her eyes showed a trace of sadness, thinking of her parents, tears involuntarily remained.

“Would you like to comfort her?” Jiu Shinna looked at the crying Uzumaki Akiko and asked Hoshiyu.

“How to comfort? Let her cry, she will have to live on her own in the future, it is better to be strong. ”

Xingyu shook his head, and then sat down on a rock next to him, he was thinking about the way forward.

Now there are two paths in front of Xingyu, the first way is to leave with Jiu Xinnai and live a wandering life.

The second way is to wait, wait for Konoha’s reinforcements to arrive, and then follow to Konoha.

Hoshiha glanced at Kushina and finally made up his mind and headed for Konoha.

This is also for safety, if he and Jiu Xinnai go to wander and wear conspicuous red hair, they are bound to encounter a lot of trouble.

And just their two little children, even if they are wandering, where can they go? It’s inconvenient.

If you go to Konoha, safety is guaranteed first, as long as it is not too conspicuous, it is still very safe in Konoha.

Especially now that Uzumaki Mito is still alive, after going to Konoha, even the sinister Danzo does not dare to make small moves.

In Konoha Village, Hoshiba can also learn the basics about ninjas, which are also very important.

So going to Konoha is definitely a good choice, but since you chose to go to Konoha, you have to change the fate of Jiu Shinai to become the pillar force of the nine-tailed people.

Xingyu does not want Jiu Xinnai to become a pillar force of the Nine-Tails, although the power of the Nine-Tails is powerful, it is a great help when used well, but it is also a time bomb.

And becoming a nine-tailed human pillar means that you don’t want to live a peaceful life in the future, at least the surveillance of the dark part is indispensable.

As for Xing Yu himself, Xing Yu didn’t even think about becoming a nine-tailed human pillar force, it was very simple, Xingyu couldn’t look at the nine-tails at all.

Star Feather has a perfect immortal body, as long as it grows up, it is no problem to hang the Nine Tails with one hand.

He also has the Sharingan, and it is estimated that a look in the future can make the Nine-Tails lie down.

How could a star feather with a systematic body be able to see the Nine Tails.

Of course, the main thing is that Xing Yu does not want to have something else in his body, which will make Xing Yu feel very uncomfortable.

Xing Yu’s gaze shifted and put it on Uzumaki Akiko’s body, and now the Uzumaki clan here is not only him and Jiu Xinnai, but also Uzumaki Akiko.

“Jiu Xinnai, come here, I have something to tell you.” Xing Yu waved his hand towards Jiu Xinnai.

Although Jiu Xinnai was puzzled, he still walked towards Xing Yu.

“Jiu Shinnai, maybe it won’t be long before Konoha’s reinforcements will come here, and they may take us to Konoha at that time, if you go to Konoha, remember, don’t behave too conspicuously.”

Xingyu instructed Jiu Xinnai.

Selecting human pillar power must be a good talent, and the performance is too conspicuous, and it may be targeted by the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun, as well as the dark character Tuan Zang.

If it’s an ape flying sun, it’s okay, but if it’s a tuanzo, it’s dangerous.

Although Jiu Xinnai didn’t understand why Xingyu said this, he still nodded and wrote it down.

In the blink of an eye, the day was about to pass, the sun was setting, the dim sunlight shone on the whirlpool tribe, and the dark and bloody environment looked a little eerie.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

“Is this footsteps?”

Xing Yu immediately became alert, and put it in the ninja bag with his left hand, holding an explosive charm in his hand and a tai saber in his right hand.

Because Xing Yu’s height is too short, it is not harmonious to hold a tai sword, this tai knife was picked up by Xing Yu here, although there are several gaps, but it can still be used.

Jiu Xinnai immediately approached Xing Yu, and Uzumaki Akiko next to him was also afraid to approach Star Feather and Jiu Xinnai.

“Three little kids.”

A woman with golden hair, a very beautiful face, and a somewhat cold look in her eyes walked towards Xingyu and them.

Although he looks very beautiful, his figure is not very good, and his eyes are cold and a little scary.

Behind this woman, there were several ninjas.

“You’re from the Uzumaki clan, right? Don’t be afraid, I’m a ninja from Konoha, and my name is Tsunade. ”

Tsunade’s cold gaze softened, and after seeing the miserable situation of the Uzumaki clan, Tsunade’s heart was very angry, so his eyes were a little scary just now.

Knowing that the other party was Tsunade, Hoshi Yu relaxed, but after secretly looking at the other party, Hoshi Yu really couldn’t believe that the other party was Tsunade.

Is this really Tsunade? It’s too flat, you can dock planes, I can’t believe how Tsunade became the size of the future.

“Vortex clan, are you left?” Tsunade asked towards Hoshiha.

“I don’t know, maybe there are survivors.”

Xing Yu is sure that there must be survivors of the Vortex clan, but they may have fled the Vortex Country or hidden.

“Look for it, see if I can find the survivors, damn it, if I let me know who did it, I must…”

Tsunade’s body exudes killing intent, the Uzumaki clan is her grandmother Uzumaki Mito’s clan, and they have been reconciled with the Senju clan for generations.

During the Warring States period, the Uzumaki clan did not help the Senju clan against the Uchiha clan.

Tsunade was furious, but anger was useless, he came one step late, and after receiving the news, Tsunade was ordered to rush to the country of whirlpools, but it was still too late.

It only took one night for the enemy to destroy the big family of the Vortex family, which shows how well prepared it is.

Xingyu looked at Tsunade and pouted, saying this kind of thing cruelly was definitely the lowest behavior.

However, Xingyu’s pouting behavior happened to be seen by Tsunade, and Tsunade couldn’t help but get angry, and this little ghost in front of him seemed to be looking down on himself.

“Stinky little ghost, what did you mean just now?”

“What do you mean?” Hoshiba looked at Tsunade in confusion.

“Give me back the pretend, I saw it all, did you disdain me just now?”

Hoshiha wanted to nod, but thinking that Tsunade was a violent woman, he might beat himself.

“No, it doesn’t exist, you’re mistaken.” Xing Yu directly denied the three consecutive and resolutely refused to admit it.

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