Hashirama’s approach

On the battlefield at this time, the Senju ninjas had no objection to Senju Hashirama’s orders.

The captured Uchiha ninjas looked at the serious-looking Senju Hashirama with surprise on their faces.

What does this Senju clan leader want to do?

I saw Senju Hashirama stepping forward, and the serious expression on his face began to become sincere.

“Every Uchiha ninja, I believe you all know me.” The

Uchiha ninja who was surrounded by Senju ninja did not say anything.

Senju Hashirama continued: “I know that you hate me and the Senju clan. Many of your brothers and sisters died because of our Senju clan.”

Before the Uchiha ninjas could react, Senju Hashirama’s eyes fell on his clansmen again.

“Similarly, I also know that you hate the Uchiha clan. Many members of the Senju clan have died at the hands of the Uchiha clan.” Uchiha

originally wanted to insult Senju Hashirama out loud. The ninjas became silent again after hearing Senju Hashirama’s words.

Because Senju Hashirama was right, the Uchiha clan members died at the hands of the Senju clan, and most of the ninjas of the Senju clan died because of their Uchiha clan.

Seeing that everyone was silent, a smile appeared on Senju Hashirama’s face: “You all probably don’t know that although I have been fighting Madara for many years, in fact, I also regard him as my best Friends.”


Upon hearing this, all the ninjas of the Senju clan exclaimed, wondering what the clan leader meant by this.

The Uchiha ninjas who were surrounded were more shocked than the Senju clan.

Senju Hashirama said that he and the clan leader are friends. What does this mean? Could it be that the clan leader…

No! Will not! Absolutely impossible, this is Senju Hashirama’s conspiracy, he wants to alienate the Uchiha clan…

But the elders of the Senju clan are not that surprised. After all, they are the senior leaders of the Senju clan. What happened back then, although they I don’t know much about it, but I heard about it later.

Faced with this situation, they could only say that their clan leader was too naive.

Looking at the chattering ninjas, Senju Hashirama said loudly: “When I was young, the leader of the Uchiha clan, Madara, and I met by the river. At that time…”

Following Senju Hashirama’s speech, The chatter at the scene also gradually became quiet.

Slowly, everyone began to be attracted by Senju Hashirama’s narration, and they also understood the grievances and resentments between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara over the years.

It doesn’t seem right to say it’s about love and hatred, but that’s what it means anyway.

I don’t know how long it took, but when everyone was still immersed in Senju Hashirama’s mouth escape, Senju Hashirama’s eyes were filled with tears.

He bowed deeply to the Uchiha ninjas: “Everyone, I want to build a village where all ninjas can coexist peacefully. In this village, there are no disputes or wars, and any problems can be solved through discussion. .In

this village, children do not have to go to war, the elderly can enjoy their old age in peace, women can do housework comfortably, and ninjas can do tasks suitable for them to feed their families.

This is the world in my dreams, and it is also the world I want to live in. The world we strive for.

Madara is a person who has the same dream as me, and I believe you are also people who long for peace.

So, please help me, whether it is a ninja from the Senju clan or a ninja from the Uchiha clan, Let us put aside our disputes, unite, and build a peaceful world together.


At the end of the sentence, Senju Hashirama bent even lower, and his passionate tears filled the air. The drops fell to the ground.

At this moment, the Senju clan was silent, and the Uchiha clan was also silent.


Senju Tobirama didn’t know what he was thinking, and whispered silently.

The other Senju elders also had complicated expressions and remained silent.

Senju Hashirama bent down for a long time, and there was silence on the battlefield. Then, Senju Hashirama slowly straightened up.

He raised his sleeves, wiped the tears from his eyes, and then looked at the Uchiha captives with a somewhat excited tone and said: “I know that even though I have said so much, you still can’t trust me for the time being, so I decided to let go You leave, you go back to the Uchiha clan.”


The Uchiha prisoner who was originally silent suddenly widened his eyes.

Let us go. Is the leader of the Thousand Hands Clan okay with his brain?

The Senju ninjas on the periphery also became a little restless. This was a victory they had achieved with great difficulty, and they had sacrificed a lot of their clansmen to capture the prisoners. How could they just let them go.

The three elders of Senju, Senju Kazuma, who stood behind Senju Hashirama, even said directly: “Clan leader! We can’t let them go!” The

Uchiha prisoners instinctively secretly said in their hearts, this is what normal people do. Well.

After Senju Kazumi finished speaking, the Senju ninjas who were still discussing in low voices became even more agitated.

Seeing this situation, Senju Hashirama’s expression instantly became serious, and the huge chakra in his body, which was as deep as the sea, suddenly burst out of his body: “Listen to my order!” Following

Senju Hashirama’s order, this terrifying The momentum caused even the small stones around to fly up.

Under this momentum, the Senju ninjas who were restless just now calmed down in an instant. Even the third elder Senju Kazuma, who spoke out, was so shocked that he took a step back.

The Uchiha prisoners on the opposite side were so frightened by Senju Hashirama’s extremely oppressive aura that they broke out in cold sweat. Some of the genin were so frightened that their legs became weak and their bodies trembled. .

One can imagine how frightening the usually gentle Senju Hashirama can be once he gets angry.

When the scene was as quiet as death, Senju Hashirama looked at the Senju clan members behind the Uchiha prisoners: “Make a way for the Uchiha ninjas.”

Although Senju Hashirama said this At that time, the tone was very calm, but the Thousand Hands people who had been frightened just now did not dare to slack off at all. They made a noise and made way for them in the crowd.

“Everyone, please go back.” Senju Hashirama stretched out his hand towards the way out.

The Uchiha ninjas surrounded in the middle looked at each other, and then, an Uchiha ninja who seemed to be a higher-ranking Uchiha ninja looked at Senju Hashirama in disbelief: “Are you really going to let us go?” ?”

Hearing this, the surrounding Senju ninjas immediately became unhappy, and they started shouting insults.

“It is true that the inherently evil Uchiha has such great malice towards our clan leader’s words!”, ”

Yes, these guys should be taken back, tortured for information, and then executed!”

“Evil Uchiha” You shouldn’t live in this world.”

Faced with the verbal insults of the Senju Ninja, the Uchiha captives gritted their teeth, but they were just resentful in their hearts and did not refute out loud.

At this time, Senju Hashirama stretched out his hand to stop the fierce words of the tribesmen.

“You Uchiha ninjas, I sincerely pursue peace, and I believe that your clan leader, Uchiha Madara, also sincerely pursues peace. I will

let you go back, and I only ask you one thing, that is to pass on my thoughts to Other Uchiha people.

I hope you can make other Uchiha people understand that in this world, there are people who are unremittingly pursuing peace, and peace is not out of reach.

As long as we Senju and Uchiha If we can put aside disputes and let all problems be solved through conversation, and then let Senju and Uchiha unite, then peace will definitely be born in our hands!”

Senju Hashirama looked at him sincerely. The Uchiha prisoners were giving their last words of advice.

The Uchiha ninjas looked at each other, they looked at Senju Hashirama’s eyes, and then looked at the way the Senju ninjas made way.

At this time, the Uchiha ninja who had just spoken hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and looked at Senju Hashirama seriously.

“Chief of the Senju clan, you are different from other Senju ninjas. You are even different from anyone in this world.

I see the purest light from your eyes, which is the true pursuit of peace. .

If peace can really come one day in the future, I will definitely hold on to it!”

After hearing this, some smiles finally appeared on Senju Hashirama’s face, and others could even learn from this. From his smile, he felt that this was definitely Senju Hashirama’s smile from the bottom of his heart.

Because from this moment on, in addition to Madara, there were finally hostile Uchiha ninjas who could agree with his ideas.

According to the later memories of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, there were three things in his life that impressed him the most and made him the happiest.

The first thing was his acquaintance with the Uchiha clan leader Uchiha Madara when he was a child, and his acquaintance with the Hagoromo clan leader Hagoromo Chihan.

From that moment on, the First Hokage knew that there were companions in this world who were just like him, striving to pursue peace.

Although he later learned that the peace pursued by the Hagoromo clan leader was not the same path as the peace he pursued, he was still very happy.

Because on the path of pursuing peace, the first Hokage was not alone.

The second thing is the establishment of Konoha Ninja Village. This is the most important thing in Senju Hashirama’s life and the thing he is happiest about.

Because on this day, it seemed that the peace he had been longing for was finally coming true.

The third thing that the first Hokage was most happy about was the penultimate clan war between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan.

After this battle, some of the hostile Uchiha tribe finally began to recognize the ideas of the first Hokage.

It was also from this day on that more and more Uchiha people gradually joined in the pursuit of peace.

After the words fell, the leading Uchiha ninja looked around at the Senju ninjas around him, then turned around and said, “Let’s go!”

After saying that, he immediately turned away from the crowd and rushed out of the way, leaving the remaining Uchiha ninjas. Without the slightest hesitation, he rushed out immediately.

Seeing the Uchiha ninjas gradually moving away, the Senju ninjas instinctively wanted to pursue them, but when they thought of the terrifying aura of their clan leader, they immediately controlled their desire to pursue them.

“Tobirama, is it really okay?” The great elder Senju Bojian looked at Senju Tobirama next to him with some worry.

Senju Tobirama, the current patriarch of the Senju clan and the younger brother of Senju Hashirama, has proven his ability through a series of actions against Uchiha.

Therefore, the current Senju clan will basically consult Senju Tobirama for any action that requires brainpower.

Qianju Feijian crossed his arms, and the fingers of his right hand habitually rested on his left arm, lighting them again and again.

Then, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said, “It doesn’t matter, just let it go. Although the eldest brother is usually a little unreliable, I have to say that this time, the eldest brother’s methods are still very clever.

” At these words, a look of surprise appeared on Senju Tobirama’s face: “Oh? What do you say?”

Senju Tobirama explained calmly: “Anyone can see the current situation. Uchiha has already He was at a disadvantage in the war.

If the battle lasted for a long time, Uchiha Madara would definitely not be his elder brother’s opponent.

As for Uchiha Izuna, although I don’t know why his kaleidoscope suddenly went wrong, there is no doubt that. He has been seriously injured by me, and there is a great possibility that it will leave sequelae, which will lead to a decline in strength.

Therefore, the current situation is that Uchiha will decline in a very short period of time, and those who were released by the elder brother will Uchiha ninjas will put pressure on other Uchiha ninjas from their hearts, thus shaking their beliefs. Judging

from the reactions of those Uchiha ninjas, even if there are Uchiha ninjas who surrender to our Senju in the future, It’s not impossible.”

After hearing Senju Tojian’s analysis, the surrounding elders such as Senju Tojian and Senju Luojian suddenly brightened up.

According to Tobirama, it doesn’t seem like a bad thing for the clan leader to let those Uchiha ninjas go.

Unexpectedly, although the patriarch usually seems a bit nervous and unreliable in his work, at critical moments, he is still quite wise.

Could it be that this is the legendary great wisdom and foolishness?

North of the Fire Nation.

The largest city in the world today, the City of Dawn, has almost been built.

If it weren’t for the relatively small population living there, the City of Dawn at this time would already have the flavor of the metropolis that Qianhan Hagoromo lived in before he traveled through.

However, the population issue is not a big deal.

At this time, the territory ruled by Dawn has initially stabilized. As the center of Dawn’s rule, the City of Dawn naturally has a large number of people pouring into it every day, adding a fireworks atmosphere to the city.

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