Chapter 1,265: Conan is the source of all evil.

Looking at Xiaolan who was staring at him warily, Yuanzi felt cold in his heart. There is no need to be so wary of me.

In fact, I was just talking about it, and I didn’t really mean to ask you to eat it.

And I won't cheat you. It's over. The friendship between best friends in the future is completely gone. We can break off our friendship now.

Yuanzi snorted, then turned away angrily.

"It’s better not to come up with these things randomly in the future, Hongzi."Yuanzi, who has already suffered the crime, said to Hongzi.

This time he has been deceived and suffered a loss. Yuanzi doesn't want to have a second time. If there is a second time, I'm afraid he will really cry.

"You can't blame me for this. It's all because you were too curious, and I even reminded you at the time."Hongzi shrugged and said to Yuanzi.

She knew that Yuanzi still had some resentment in her heart, but Hongzi said she didn't blame herself at all.

"Anyway, I’m the one who’s getting the short end of the stick now. Yuanzi said resentfully.

Although everything has something to do with him, Yuanzi is a little angry in his heart, but Yuanzi also knows that there is no use in talking about it now.

Even if he complains, it is of no use, anyway. I've been fooled.

But Sonoko vows to be cautious when seeing what Hongzi takes out again.

"Hongzi, you're wasting your time studying this thing. What's the use of it?"Kazuye couldn't help but asked Hongzi.

Although the chocolate he researched is indeed useful, it is magic chocolate, but what use can it be?

"As I said before, it's just a prank, but it's actually of no use."

Hongzi spread his hands, there is really no other use for them.

"I just do this for fun."

There is also Hongzi's interest. Even though she has learned ninjutsu now, Hongzi is still very interested in magic in her heart.

"Well, because of my own interests, I thought it was fun, but I was the first one to be tricked. Now I suddenly want to laugh."Chen looked at Hongzi and said

"Now that you are laughing, I haven't settled this matter with you yet."Hongzi looked at Chen angrily.

"You wanted to test me, so I fought back. Is it wrong?"Chen spread his hands and asked Hongzi.

"Huh, don't try to reason with women. Haven't you heard of this?"Hongzi looked unreasonable.

"Then you win, I have never been able to fight against unreasonable people."

Chen Tan spread his hands, then sat next to Fei Yingli, and watched TV together. Speaking of Neon TV programs, they are still very interesting.

"Probably because there is no Death, there are far fewer news reports about dead people. Chen said while watching the news, and then looked at Miwako. Miwako told Chen before that there have been a lot less cases recently. In the past, there were constant cases, but now there is nothing at all, and they are all busy on the police. In the hall.

Sure enough, Conan is the source of all evil. As long as Conan does not come out, there will be countless deaths in this world.

"Chen, can you help me?"Mingmei shouted to Chen

"Mingmei, what do you want me to help you with?"Hearing Mingmei calling him for help, Chen immediately asked Mingmei

"Since I have to mop the floor now, can you help me wash the dishes?"Mingmei looked at Chen with a gentle smile.

"What? Mingmei, I didn’t hear what you said."Chen put his hands on his ears and asked doubtfully.

Mingmei's expression froze slightly. Didn't you hear? I suspect you don't want to move, right?

"Oh, it turns out Mingmei asked me to go to bed. Thank you Mingmei, I'm going to bed."After Chen finished speaking, he turned around and left.

"Since Chen is not willing to help, I wonder if I can ask you for help?"Mingmei looked helplessly at Yukiko and the others.

"Ah ah ah, I suddenly remembered something important. Chen, wait a moment, I have something to tell you. Yukiko immediately stood up and chased after Chen.

In order to avoid washing dishes, she even gave up her favorite TV series.

"These two people are running really fast, but don't run away, otherwise, I may forget to cook your food."

Although Mingmei is smiling, her smile looks a little dark.

"Sister Mingmei, let me go and help you."Xiaolan stood up and said, in fact, Xiaolan used to do housework a lot, but now she is a little lazy.

After all, it is not the time to be at home. In the past, when Xiaolan was at home, Maori Kogoro did not do housework, so everything Xiaolan can only do it by herself.

At that time, no one helped Xiaolan, but it is different now.

"Thank you so much Xiaolan, but could you please help me and Ye as well?"Mingmei asked Kazuo and the others with a smile.

"An invisible threat, so deadly."

He Ye couldn't help but say, after all, it's really scary not to cook for her. Although Mingmei had a smile on her face, He Ye felt that Mingmei had black energy coming out of her body.

"After all, it is really tiring for me to handle the housework by myself, so I can only let you share it."Mingmei smiled softly, and then said.

In Chen's room, looking at Yukiko running towards him, Chen asked Yukiko:"Did you also run here to avoid helping Mingmei?"

"Haha, I'm different from you. I'm as capable as Kiko. If it's a matter of helping, how could I escape?"

"Haha, I think you are bragging, and you must first have the capital to brag before you brag."

Chen knocked Yukiko on the head, and then said angrily.

Do you really think he doesn't understand Yukiko? If you are looking for lazy people, if Chen ranks second, then Yukiko must definitely be ranked first.

"snort. Yukiko snorted lightly and did not refute, because if she did, even Yukiko herself would feel embarrassed.

"By the way, Chen, I feel so bored at home recently. I want to go……"

"Do you want to go shopping? Sorry, I don't have the time, so don't think about it. Chen directly interrupted Yukiko and said

"I said, can you please let me finish my words first? I have no intention of letting you take me shopping. Yukiko said to Chen angrily.

"It turns out that you didn’t mean it, so you should have told me earlier. I was really worried before."Chen relaxed and said to Yukiko

"Actually, I just felt too bored at home, so I wanted to find something to do. Yukiko said to Chen slightly depressed, because she had been staying at home for a long time and felt bored, so she wanted to find something interesting to do.

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