Naruto God-level System

Chapter 173: Rebels!

Ye Liang looked at the distance.

It was all white, except for a clean and terrifying tall white bone standing opposite!

"Grass! Your uncle has caught up with Lao Tzu's spiritual world!" Ye Liang took a step back in horror, and quickly flew up.

This is obviously his spiritual world!

Although it is not clear how the bones came in, he still has some understanding of this.

The Bones left it alone and glanced around.

"Is your spiritual world quite big?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Liang asked coldly.

"It means it literally." Bai Gu suddenly stretched his hand forward, and Ye Liang's neck was sent to his palm for some reason.

"Damn it!" Before he finished cursing, he was pinched tightly by the bones.

"Such a powerful world, it's a waste to you, why not let me absorb it." The bones pinched Ye Liang and took a breath! The surrounding air immediately moved towards his body, and even Ye Liang's body began to deform and slowly merged into the white bones body.

"Damn! My consciousness is going to dissipate!"

Ye Liang suddenly thought of Seizing House!

This absorption method is very similar to the legendary seizure. The spiritual consciousness is seized, and only one body is controlled by the opponent.

It will be like the walking dead.

He wants to resist!

Ye Liangmeng bit the shoulder of the white bone with one bite. Since it is a mental space, the opponent will not be an entity. Regardless of whether the food is useful or not, he can't sit still!


He bit off a large piece of bone!

Ye Liang felt a cold in his throat, and the painful feeling of being torn instantly cooled down a lot.

"Is this mental power cured?" He guessed that this was a bone bitten by him, and his power was reversed!

"Damn! You dare to resist!" The bones yelled and slapped Ye Liang's cheek, but it didn't work!

This is in the spiritual space where the bodies of both parties are transformed by spiritual power. Just like Ye Liang's neck was pinched by the opposite side, he could still tear the opposite bone.

Ye Liang was still biting.

Bones feels wrong!

He originally intended to swallow Ye Liang's spirit.

But he never thought that Ye Liang would have adapted to the spiritual space long ago! Therefore, he was not at a loss because of his sudden appearance here.

Ye Liang counterattacked frantically.


The bones' hands are absorbed faster!

Ye Liang only felt that his body was being pulled by him at a speed of tens of kilograms per second. This feeling was weird. It was obvious that there was no real thing, but there was a feeling!

Can’t think too much!

Ye Liang continued to bite!

He felt that he was definitely not as fast as the bones.

So, he simply gave up his lower body and flew over and bit the throat of the white bone with a bare head!

This is his space, he can change form at will!

But the other party can't!

The neck of the bones was bitten, and the pressure instantly became great!

Ye Liang can rely on the mental energy around him to regain consciousness, but the bones cannot! Every trace of his consciousness was consumed, causing an unimaginable burden on himself!


The bones are consciousness almost dissipated!

Although Ye Liang felt that most of his mental power was absorbed by the other party, the latter's consciousness slowly disappeared, and finally gave up on sucking Ye Liang completely!

"He succeeded!"

Ye Liang directly ate the bones of the body!

At this time, a trace of memory suddenly appeared in his skull.

It's boneless!

He saw the truth of some things in a trance, including Midouzi's.

outside world!

The little squirrel'Mei Douzi' was looking helplessly at Ye Liang in front of him, his gaze was a little sympathetic, but he also expressed a bit of sorrow.

a long time.

The bones that grabbed Ye Liang's forehead fell into a daze, and Ye Liang opened his eyes solemnly.

"Cancel the throne trap." Ye Liang said.

Seeing Ye Liang opened his eyes, the little squirrel jumped to a distant corner of the wall where there was a black floor tile. With a slight touch, the gravity of the throne disappeared.

Ye Liang stood up complicatedly.

He already knew the story of the fate of the little squirrel and Izan.

"No wonder the previous excuse failed. It turns out that the little squirrel is a man..." According to the last memory of the bones, Ye Liang saw the situation at that time.

Izanah was originally found to rescue his wife, but the wife at that time and later Huangquan goddess Izanami was already the woman of Emperor Huangquan.

How could a mighty man with his hands and eyes wide open to let his woman run with a man who had nowhere to come!

Therefore, he refused to come to ask for his good life.

Yixana had no choice but to pretend to take refuge in Emperor Huangquan, hoping to find a chance to rescue his woman.

Later, he and his wife wanted to escape from Huangquan Underground Palace through Emperor Huangquan’s practice in retreat. But his wife didn't show up for a long time, so he broke into the Huangquan Underground Palace.

I don't know the rest of the matter.

I only understand that Emperor Huangquan died suddenly!

Huangquan Palace was inexplicably sucked into this bottomless canyon! They were trapped here because they ran out of food and starved to death!

Meidouzi and Baigu are both under Emperor Huangquan, and when he pretended to surrender at Izanagi, Meidouzi became friends with him.

Izanagi promised Meidouzi that he would take him to the outside of Huangquan Realm one day!

He believed...

Ye Liang definitely, this may be friendship.

Can make a man trust another man unconditionally...

Meidouzi seized a squirrel who happened to break into this place. He regularly introduced people who broke into the canyon unconsciously, hoping that these people could serve as the carrier of Emperor Huangquan.

But all failed!

The extremely powerful Emperor Huangquan couldn't be able to withstand the body of ordinary people!

Ye Liang stood up.

Now he pretends to be taken away by the bones, naturally he can't be seen by Meidouzi!

A Meidouzi, he is not afraid of anything, but there is also an old monster hidden in this palace that has lived for more than tens of thousands of years!

Emperor Huangquan!

This old guy must be the same as the undead is also a ten-thousand-year-old monk!

"Meidouzi, well done, let me come to this kind of attraction to passersby in the future! Anyway, the general already has a body!" Ye Liang imitated the tone in front of the white bone.

This person is Emperor Huangquan's guard, always calling himself a general.

"Well, I just happen to be tired. You can work for me." After Meidouzi finished speaking, she lay on the throne and began to think.

Izan's name is too heavy for him!

Meidouzi grew up in the world of Huangquan all his life. Since childhood, she has longed for the beauty of the world to be the wish of any creature in Huangquan.

Even the white bones once thought about it!

Ye Liang controlled the body of the General White Bone and walked out. Now that he understood the truth, he didn't want to stay here anymore!

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