Space-time 'frozen'!

The air is stagnant, everything is silent!

A petal that was obviously suspended and fell in the air actually solidified in midair!

It's like being embedded in invisible ice!

The source of all this actually came from the energy hedging that erupted from Seven Nights and Toad Pill!

That's right, after hearing each other's words, both sides fell into their own shock, and then the 'tacit understanding' of 'first strike is strong', bursting out their respective energies as 'suppression', or temptation.

Needless to say, what he burst out was the 'All-Attribute' six-level Chakra.

On the other hand, the toad pill burst out not Chakra, but a different kind of energy!

The energy that Seven Nights had just mentioned.


Or 'force of nature'!


The surrounding condensed space suddenly made a soft noise!

The two originally balanced energies were instantly out of balance!

The originally 'frozen' space seemed to have been 'melted', and the air flow rolled up again, and everything returned to its original state.

But the petals that had turned to dust proved that this was nothing more than an illusion!

Seven nights' eyelids jumped!

Slightly inferior!

His current Chakra quality is actually not comparable to the opponent's immortal energy!

Toad Pill was tight in his heart, and he was not complacent because of his slight advantage!

Simply because it understands the respective properties of natural energy and chakra.

Relatively speaking, the former emphasizes 'quality' and emphasizes explosiveness, while the latter pursues 'quantity' and pays attention to sustainability.

What's more....

According to the energy level, the immortal energy is 'higher' than ordinary Chakra, and even higher than the so-called blood succession limit!

But even so, this 'hand-to-hand', it is only slightly better!

This kind of experience, it has only encountered once, that is, when he studied Yin Yang Escape Chakra with the two brothers of the Six Dao Immortals who sealed the Great Tube of Wood Kaguya!

From a certain point of view, Kaguya's Ten Tails' Origin Chakra can be on par with natural energy, and its later 'dilution' of the Chakra scattered across the planet is only 'secondary'!

And that says one thing!

At the level of Chakra's quality, Seven Nights is already close to reaching the level of six immortals!

That's by no means what it can resist!

Toad Pill involuntarily recalled the two versions of the prophecy!

In both prophecies, Seven Nights became the owner of the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye!

And in this regard, it was originally skeptical....

Although prophecy never missed....

But an ordinary human can actually have the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye that only the Datumu clan can have?


Well, even if the other party doesn't know what method to open the bloodline, it doesn't believe that the other party can have the origin Chakra comparable to Kaguya!

This is also the reason why it is in a hurry to meet the seven nights, in order to determine what step the seven nights have reached!

It's about the future of the ninja world!

But realistically... Somewhat brutal....

Looking at Toad Pill, whose eyes were slightly sluggish, Seven Nights was full of question marks.

It is clear that he lost half a move, okay! How to make it seem that the other party is the one who was hit!

But I didn't have time to think about it, Seven Nights now just wanted to get a little more information:

"The fact that I am an ordinary human is also said in the prophecy."

Seven Nights' voice was steady, as if he had seen through everything, but in fact, what kind of prophecy picture Toad Pill saw, the ghost knew!

Toad Pill's somewhat sloppy eyes instantly returned to its cloudy old state, it has lived for thousands of years, but it will not be deceived by this little trick, but I have to say that combined with the strength shown by Seven Nights, it now has some concerns, especially the word that really shocked it....

"Seven Nights, no, I should call you an outsider, right? Although you have the body of an ordinary person, you are not a human on this planet, to be precise, your soul does not belong here, I am not wrong.

Nanaya's eyelids jumped again, but he heard Toad Pill continue:

"You want to know the content of the prophecy, I can tell you, even I can tell you everything I know, but in exchange, outsiders, can you explain the 'will of the planet' to me first."

Toad Pill was calm and relaxed, and put on the posture of an empty glove white wolf, but his heart was very anxious, he had lived for thousands of years, and studied too many things, especially the mysterious existence in this world, they could all pose a threat to this world!

But as it delved deeper, it became more and more confused.

The unknown will eventually be reduced to 'occultism' by ignorant researchers.

The laws of nature, the legends of the ancient immortals, various known gods, and even the existence of Datumu Kaguya, which comes from an alien civilization, have all been studied and have clear answers, but in the end, it always feels that there is an invisible big hand controlling everything!

This unknown existence is above 'God'!

I have to say that the 'will of the planet' in Qiye's mouth instantly attracted it!


The corners of Qiye's mouth curled slightly.

'Planet Will', or 'World Will', is the biggest secret in Seven Nights' hearts!

The secret of why he came to the 'Hokage World'!

This doctrine was originally intended to be used as a card for his life in the face of those 'gods'.

It's a pity that he has been avoiding the existence of 'Death' and 'Hades', so he didn't use it, but now Toad Pill, the 'pseudo-immortal', can't avoid it.

"You should have traced the origin of the birth of the world, right? Not the planet, but how the world came to be. "

Do you know the source?!"

"To be precise, I know only part of it, are you sure you want to listen?" This can have a shock to what you already know. Nanaya

stared over and carefully stared at Toad Pill's expression.

It's not that he pretends to be a ghost, but some topics can only be talked about with people in the 'circle', otherwise they are playing the piano to the cow, and the other party will treat you as a neurotic.

Toad Pill did not disappoint Seven Nights, but his originally slightly lazy expression immediately became serious, and his body leaning back in the 'bathtub' also drove forward.

"Whether it is the information that exists in the holy land or the ancient materials that exist in the people, I have consulted, even those ancient gods, I have also communicated, but about the origin of the world, it is only their own speculation, there is no way to talk about it, and I can't even find a trace

of it..."

It is extremely similar to the Great Snake Pill that studies immortality!

Qi Ye smiled slightly:

"I can tell you clearly that you in this world will never be able to detect the answer, because the existence of 'will' higher than this world dimension is by no means something that we low-dimensional beings can find, just like the cells in your body, they have their own 'world', have their own 'thoughts', and even pursue what belongs to." You who are the source of the world, but they can't really explore your source in their whole lives! Because for you, the carrier, you are not a world at all! That barrier belonging to the dimensional level can never be broken! Toad

Pill's body stiffened instantly, and countless questions suddenly arose in his heart, but before he could blurt out the question, he heard Nani Ye continue:

"The existence of different dimensions cannot communicate, which is also the reason why you can't find the answer, just like you can't communicate with your own body cells, and the ninja world, or the planet we are on now, is just that unknown." The flesh 'is a cell, and the various dimensional worlds you know, such as the Yellow Spring Space and the Pure Land of Bliss, are actually just a certain 'flesh' organization in the 'body'..." The

'hypothesis' of the seven nights undoubtedly stimulated the toad pill!

It couldn't help but interject:

"This statement of yours is really ridiculous! If we are really just an organizational part of an unknown existence, then why are the rules of our world different! The cultivation system, even the energy required, is different! Like those gods! For example, the alien life of the Otsuki family! "

The toad pill who denies it on his mouth has actually begun to shake in his heart under the earth-shaking shock!

Just because in the 'prophecy', it knows that the seven nights are indeed not the existence of this 'world'!

Qiye was stunned, his eyes were slightly confused, a trace of sadness, he seemed to be caught in some memory, and the next moment, the corner of his mouth sneered:

"Is your toad family's life system the same as that of humans? But you and they are still in the same world! Coexistence means that you exist in a vast system of common world rules! And those gods in your mouth, alien species, are actually in this rule! And as for why the way of cultivation, even the rules of life, is fundamentally different... Hehe... Toad Pill, you don't think that the existence of a world is really just 'flesh', right? For you who have lived for thousands of years, do you know how many metabolic cells in your body 'die'? From weak to today's strong, how many reincarnations have your 'cell civilization' been updated, and the weak eat the strong, do you really know? As

Seven Nights spoke, his expression and words became colder!

But his white eyes were bloodshot!

After coming to this world for so many years, he originally thought that he was relieved, and he only wanted to live....

But some things can't pass the hurdle in my heart after all!

"Do you know why you doubt what I say? Because your flesh is not under your control! The criterion of dimensional rules is originally 'supremacy'! That is to say, you are clearly the ruler of your own flesh, or even the giver of life! But in fact, the survival rules of the cells in your body are not given by you, but controlled by those high-dimensional beings who give you life! "


Toad Pill instantly collapsed in the 'bathtub'!

Seven Nights didn't say anything more, in fact, he didn't finish speaking....

Above them, there are more mysterious beings! The one that brought him into this world and gave the existence of the so-called 'system'!

"That... What exactly is the prophecy, why do you say that it is the 'will of the planet', and what is the meaning of our existence..."

"Evolution, everything is just for evolution, let this damn world evolve!" Or rather... Let Him evolve! "

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